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I know this is late in this thread and may be off subject at this point but the Exxon where this happened is at 8th Avenue and Wedgewood, not on Broadway as was earlier stated.
You can blame this on reese.............rolle was on the table.....he got injured least not a thug......i hope im wong........
I think the decision was based mostly on his athletic ability and special teams skills. He may still turn out to be a great player if he can get his head on straight.
One thing to consider in all this is that the majority who come to this forum as among the most informed fans out there. And even though we all know Pacman hasn't been accused of a crime, and may not be directly involved, some here still label him a thug and a criminal.

It makes you wonder what the less informed fan thinks of him. You can bet it's much worse.

The perception out there of Pacman to those who don't bother to look at the facts is what we've seen on TV this week showing clips of him in handcuffs at night court, a truckload of pot, cussing a reporter in front of his house, of cops in front of his house wanting to talk to him about the shooting, etc.

Perception is important if you want people to buy into your product. That is what Pacman needs to understand. Whether fair or not, he is directly related to these events.

At what point does it tarnish the image of the Titans (if it hasn't already). The team spends millions trying to be a positive part of the community. Just this week, players have gone to Fort Campbell and are going to Gallatin to visit tornado victims. The caravan is about to hit the road again this year. All to build image.

And this image gets tarnished everytime Pacman's name is associated with something like we've seen this week. Some of this stuff makes a DUI and domestic violence look like a ticket for jaywalking.

Jones needs to be working to become one of the faces of the Titans. He should have companies on his doorstep wanting him to endorse their product. He's leaving possibly millions on the table the more his name is associated with the kind of stuff it has this week.
He should be a great player, we definitely saw a few truly great things from him last year. He's got great vision on returns and can find the holes. I hope his CB game steps up this year and we see some picks.
TitanJeff said:
Perception is important if you want people to buy into your product. That is what Pacman needs to understand. Whether fair or not, he is directly related to these events.

At what point does it tarnish the image of the Titans (if it hasn't already). The team spends millions trying to be a positive part of the community. Just this week, players have gone to Fort Campbell and are going to Gallatin to visit tornado victims. All to build image.

And this image gets tarnished everytime Pacman's name is associated with something like we've seen this week. Some of this stuff makes a DUI and domestic violence look like a traffic ticket.

Jones needs to be working to become one of the faces of the Titans. He should have companies on his doorstep wanting him to endorse their product. He's leaving possibly millions on the table the more his name is associated with the kind of stuff it has this week.

Amen, Jeff. That's something that he clearly just hasn't thought about, or no one's told him about it. In Pac Man's situation, you'd think his agent would try to get some of this through to him. Then again, who knows if he'd listen.
At what point does it tarnish the image of the Titans (if it hasn't already).

something like this?



Kami is gonna kill me now.
Good image mate.

I think we should just leave Pacman to rot in a cell all offseason and then come back in training camp and then win the superbowl in 07
(apologies for sarcasm)
TitanJeff said:
He should have companies on his doorstep wanting him to endorse their product. He's leaving possibly millions on the table the more his name is associated with the kind of stuff it has this week.

I am sure the bail bonds companies might like him :brow:
It's been about 6-8 months since I've jumped in on a Pac-Man thread. I've been big on him-he's got talent-came from a bad neighborhood- let him grow- blah blah blah.

But the truth is, he polarized the locker room last year (mostly with his on the field antics) and the team suffered. He has to walk a straighter line than any other member of the team, ESPECIALLY on the field. If he keeps his "team-play" rock solid and shows some maturity, I still have no problem with him. Fish has put his neck out on the media chopping block for Pac. Fish will have to do something if Pac acts up on the field.
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