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Impossible to legitimately compare this to the same as small pox or polio era.

The fact that fauci has become the face of all of this makes him the easiest target to blame especially when he does t actually represent everyone in the same medical field. Clearly differing scientific research is being conducting so going strictly by what he says was a huge problem.
Next, he may not be nefarious or anything like that but he very well may be selfish which means all he had to do was accept some money to specifically become the face with what he has so far. It’s our governments fault for following that specific guy who for so e reason the CDC backed up at one time, maybe more because the WHO did while he was working with overseas folks.

All that aside, I’m super disappointed that someone would use the loss or serious illness effects of a loved one as an excuse to just buy into what is being pushed despite clear scientific contradictions.

Fauci leads a significant team at the CDC and as leader he is the face of what the CDC message is, not Fauci alone personally. That is the problem here. People think Fauci alone makes doesn't work that way. I have followed him since grad school where he led the CDC research effort on what then was known as HTLV-1, ultimately to be known as HIV-1. Talk about conspiracy over viral research. People scrutinize the messages by the CDC, delivered by Fauci, over the course of the virus failing to understand this has been a dynamic event with new research and info being developed non-stop. Everyone has made adjustments to recommendations along the way. Politicians vilified Fauci under Trump and did no benefit to the situation.

And the WHO has had its own share of issues and is by far not the high bar people have placed on it.

And for you to say its impossible to compare this to small pox or polio is naive. As a child I stood in line while we received, in school, the smallpox vaccines. There were no parents protesting and threatening teachers, schools or others over their children being vaccinated. Why don't kids get the vaccine now? Because it worked then and ultimately was eradicated. I can absolutely draw parallels to what our issues now are with this pandemic.
Fauci leads a significant team at the CDC and as leader he is the face of what the CDC message is, not Fauci alone personally. That is the problem here. People think Fauci alone makes doesn't work that way. I have followed him since grad school where he led the CDC research effort on what then was known as HTLV-1, ultimately to be known as HIV-1. Talk about conspiracy over viral research. People scrutinize the messages by the CDC, delivered by Fauci, over the course of the virus failing to understand this has been a dynamic event with new research and info being developed non-stop. Everyone has made adjustments to recommendations along the way. Politicians vilified Fauci under Trump and did no benefit to the situation.

And the WHO has had its own share of issues and is by far not the high bar people have placed on it.

And for you to say its impossible to compare this to small pox or polio is naive. As a child I stood in line while we received, in school, the smallpox vaccines. There were no parents protesting and threatening teachers, schools or others over their children being vaccinated. Why don't kids get the vaccine now? Because it worked then and ultimately was eradicated. I can absolutely draw parallels to what our issues now are with this pandemic.

You and me both had to be vaccinated to go to school!? bUt oUr RiGHts!!1!
So a Brit here.

Why do the American Maxine's believe only the unvaccinated are filling up hospitals? Is this really the case in America?

Across Europe The majority in hospitals have been vaccinated - although it is some what commical that the vaccine (gene therapy) is already starting to wear off on our most vulnerable, right as we head towards their most vulnerable time of year.

As for herd immunity, well it's interesting that Sweden (as the only European country not to lock down) has to scrape and search to find a single Covid death every day, something they've failed to do quite a lot recently.

Perhaps instead of rewarding people with donuts for getting a vaccine which wears off pretty damn quickly, people should instead be encouraging others to get out side, move around, eat something which isn't fried etc etc.

It's the interesting that even as our governments leave our fellow citizens to die in Afghanistan a majority still feel they have our best interests at heart.
So a Brit here.

Why do the American Maxine's believe only the unvaccinated are filling up hospitals? Is this really the case in America?

Across Europe The majority in hospitals have been vaccinated - although it is some what commical that the vaccine (gene therapy) is already starting to wear off on our most vulnerable, right as we head towards their most vulnerable time of year.

As for herd immunity, well it's interesting that Sweden (as the only European country not to lock down) has to scrape and search to find a single Covid death every day, something they've failed to do quite a lot recently.

Perhaps instead of rewarding people with donuts for getting a vaccine which wears off pretty damn quickly, people should instead be encouraging others to get out side, move around, eat something which isn't fried etc etc.

It's the interesting that even as our governments leave our fellow citizens to die in Afghanistan a majority still feel they have our best interests at heart.

Here in TN, it’s 98 to 99% unvaccinated in hospitals. Roughly 42% of TN has been vaccinated. Vaccination rates are much higher in Europe.

If you had a population 100% vaccinated with a 95% efficacy, what percentage of the hospital cases would be unvaccinated?
That's what I don't understand we have 70-80% vaccination rates and yet we're seeing over half the hospitalisation are vaccinated.

What sort of magic genes do Tennesseans have which makes their vaccinated immortal?
You sure do love those strawman arguments.

What’s the definition for gain of function research for viruses that already have gain of function? :huh:

So you know more than the scientist who wrote the report about the studies they did to make this virus transmissible to humans?

But Joe Rogan can’t read someone else’s research because he’s uneducated lolololol
Fauci leads a significant team at the CDC and as leader he is the face of what the CDC message is, not Fauci alone personally. That is the problem here. People think Fauci alone makes doesn't work that way. I have followed him since grad school where he led the CDC research effort on what then was known as HTLV-1, ultimately to be known as HIV-1. Talk about conspiracy over viral research. People scrutinize the messages by the CDC, delivered by Fauci, over the course of the virus failing to understand this has been a dynamic event with new research and info being developed non-stop. Everyone has made adjustments to recommendations along the way. Politicians vilified Fauci under Trump and did no benefit to the situation.

And the WHO has had its own share of issues and is by far not the high bar people have placed on it.

And for you to say its impossible to compare this to small pox or polio is naive. As a child I stood in line while we received, in school, the smallpox vaccines. There were no parents protesting and threatening teachers, schools or others over their children being vaccinated. Why don't kids get the vaccine now? Because it worked then and ultimately was eradicated. I can absolutely draw parallels to what our issues now are with this pandemic.
Couple points you may have unintentionally added.
“Fauci alone doesn’t make policy”
-correction, fauci doesn’t make policy. None. He’s a scientist.
“Everyone has made adjustments to recommendations along the way”
-since recommendations have changed along the way, including going in the exact opposite direction. Maybe slow down on forcing the latest recommendations. Based on the track record of everything since the get-go, jumping at the latest and greatest is NOT the direction to immediately go. Just slow down, finish whatever stage is being tested and then make thought out, planned decisions, to include what alternate effects each decision may hold. To me, that has not happened once. It’s 100% reactionary direction regarding no specifically CDC with zero consideration to anything else that may be effected by each new direction.

-WHO and Fauci’s CDC team are fine to continue testing whatever they’re testing (aside from the potential gain of function BS which is a different argument than just correcting the COVID outbreak) but they’re not the only teams out there nor are they representing ALL science teams. There have been alternate science sources that contradict the Fauci findings but are generally dismissed entirely by the MSM and whoever follows them. Point is, no one has been scientifically proven to be accurate all the way.

As for small pox, it took 19 years for the vaccine to be “finished”. We are appx 1 year into covid vaccines. It also isn’t the same type of disease based on how the vaccine is presented.
For example, small pox, 1 time shot as a kid, done, for life.
Covid vaccine, more like flu. Will need to be taken annually (maybe, still not known) to treat each new variant.
polio vaccine starts in 1952 then is suspended in 1955 due to a major side effect (already significant history difference to covid)
Licensed in 1960. Again, 8 years of testing before approval. This is also for a 1 time vaccine for life (even though it takes multiple shots, once the series is complete, that’s it.)
They are not the same scenario.
Also differences in transmission. smallpox is droplets, polio is “fecal-orally” I.e potentially gets into a water supply and spreads.
Covid is airborne droplets that can survive on a surface and undetermined amount of time although short.
Fauci leads a significant team at the CDC and as leader he is the face of what the CDC message is, not Fauci alone personally. That is the problem here. People think Fauci alone makes doesn't work that way. I have followed him since grad school where he led the CDC research effort on what then was known as HTLV-1, ultimately to be known as HIV-1. Talk about conspiracy over viral research. People scrutinize the messages by the CDC, delivered by Fauci, over the course of the virus failing to understand this has been a dynamic event with new research and info being developed non-stop. Everyone has made adjustments to recommendations along the way. Politicians vilified Fauci under Trump and did no benefit to the situation.

And the WHO has had its own share of issues and is by far not the high bar people have placed on it.

And for you to say its impossible to compare this to small pox or polio is naive. As a child I stood in line while we received, in school, the smallpox vaccines. There were no parents protesting and threatening teachers, schools or others over their children being vaccinated. Why don't kids get the vaccine now? Because it worked then and ultimately was eradicated. I can absolutely draw parallels to what our issues now are with this pandemic.

A couple of things:
People (myself included) are well aware that Fauci is the leader of the CDC. The issue is the guidelines they have in place do not help prevent the spread of COVID. I mean look at what the Titans are going through. What rules did they break?

Masks don’t work. There’s zero evidence that masks help prevent the spread of COVID. Fauci himself even said this. But now all of a sudden everyone should be wearing one and even in your own house amongst family members? Based on what scientific evidence?

The problem isn’t that people don’t understand science can’t change. It’s that the people changing the guidelines aren’t doing so based off of the science changing.

Lastly, was the death rate of small pox .002% of the population? Because that’s what COVID is.
That's what I don't understand we have 70-80% vaccination rates and yet we're seeing over half the hospitalisation are vaccinated.

What sort of magic genes do Tennesseans have which makes their vaccinated immortal?

You my friend have hit the nail on the head.

Unfortunately, any rebuttal you get to your question will just be word vomit regurgitated from what they heard on CNN last night. Because we as Americans have been so conditioned to believe whatever the news tells us.
Generally speaking I believe I’ll be fine but being forced to take is additional insurance for me, that if I have a negative reaction, I’m getting paid by those that forced me to take it. The can go after the government specifically regarding the use, approval, push of the vaccine as a whole. Since I work for the government, my particular case would also be on the government dime.
Literally no one should be forced to take this vaccine yet. It needs more testing and specifically dealing with long term possible issues.

As it’s been discussed, this is looking more like a annual flu vaccine vice a one time measles or chicken pox vaccine. No one is forced to get a flu shot although highly recommended. But the flu scientists also recognize it changes every year, it’s about time the COVID scientists start regarding it in the same fashion and stop pushing get the falsehood that if you’re vaccinated, you’re good.

And, because this is an every year thing, time to drop all the restrictions (mask, social distancing, etc) because the reality is it’s never going away an no one wants to remain in these conditions indefinitely which goes to another falsehood about everyone getting vaccinated, that things will go back to normal. As we see n the current vaccinated population, that’s not happening.

its totally an 'additional' flu... sucks but F*CK china and all their allies RITP!
Anyone believing Dr. Fauci is some nefarious scientist hiding funding sources or whatever are just falling into the pool of the uninformed conspiracy nuts. Global funding or research into the SARS family of viruses has been ongoing for over 10 years, with a large dataset of genomic info derived from that work which allowed for the rapid development of the vaccines we now have today.

All the talk of the vaccine doesn't work and herd immunity is the answer clearly have not had a loved one, friend or acquaintance hooked to a ventilator or die from this virus. I am thankful we did not have this ridiculous mindset during the smallpox or polio era.

As stated above, the reason we are in the next surge is due to people who have been misinformed or politically are motivated not to take it even though their current and former political leaders have received it themselves. Political leaders and right wing media are willing to sacrifice the very people they service by convincing them to resist vaccination or give veterinary drugs a higher place on the shelf not realizing just how stupid that is.

As a scientist who works on new drug development projects, including new COVID vaccines, I am frustrated beyond belief. As a southerner I am done with all of them. No excuses anymore...could care less about any of the stories of them on their deathbed taking their last breath saying "I should have taken the vaccine". I hate that I have come to that but it's where I am at. Darwinism in full force action.

Play medical roulette if you want...take the vaccine if you want to guarantee you will not suffer from the worst this virus can deliver.
you failed to blame cHiNa
It was also not mandated to the general public and only forced on military getting deployed.
When I enlisted in 2001, wasn’t forced to get it, didn’t get it. When I deployed for my first time, everyone had to get it before deploying.
There are a lot of differences.
I honestly have zero clue how many vaccines I received while in the USAF... most delivered with airgun like needleless ... just going down the line injecting everyone with WTF ever was in the vial

zero options about anything

anyone who willingly takes a 'vaccine' that does not provide immunity is taking nothing but a placebo
Fauci leads a significant team at the CDC and as leader he is the face of what the CDC message is, not Fauci alone personally. That is the problem here. People think Fauci alone makes doesn't work that way. I have followed him since grad school where he led the CDC research effort on what then was known as HTLV-1, ultimately to be known as HIV-1. Talk about conspiracy over viral research. People scrutinize the messages by the CDC, delivered by Fauci, over the course of the virus failing to understand this has been a dynamic event with new research and info being developed non-stop. Everyone has made adjustments to recommendations along the way. Politicians vilified Fauci under Trump and did no benefit to the situation.

And the WHO has had its own share of issues and is by far not the high bar people have placed on it.

And for you to say its impossible to compare this to small pox or polio is naive. As a child I stood in line while we received, in school, the smallpox vaccines. There were no parents protesting and threatening teachers, schools or others over their children being vaccinated. Why don't kids get the vaccine now? Because it worked then and ultimately was eradicated. I can absolutely draw parallels to what our issues now are with this pandemic.
its not a vaccine ... vaccines provide immunity.
So a Brit here.

Why do the American Maxine's believe only the unvaccinated are filling up hospitals? Is this really the case in America?

Across Europe The majority in hospitals have been vaccinated - although it is some what commical that the vaccine (gene therapy) is already starting to wear off on our most vulnerable, right as we head towards their most vulnerable time of year.

As for herd immunity, well it's interesting that Sweden (as the only European country not to lock down) has to scrape and search to find a single Covid death every day, something they've failed to do quite a lot recently.

Perhaps instead of rewarding people with donuts for getting a vaccine which wears off pretty damn quickly, people should instead be encouraging others to get out side, move around, eat something which isn't fried etc etc.

It's the interesting that even as our governments leave our fellow citizens to die in Afghanistan a majority still feel they have our best interests at heart.
nailed it!

more hospitilizations of kiddos with RSV than china virus... although news just says increase kiddos in hospital and blames china virus alone.

why multiples of kiddos being hospitalized with RVS????

because their immune systems were isolated for over a year and were ill prepared for the real world. Rest assured vast majority will survive and thrive with their now vastly improved immune systems
Also this idea it’s only the unvaccinated being hospitalized is completely not accurate! My hospital has a few Covid patients at the moment, and it’s an equal footing between the two. Rona vaccine ain’t worth chit!
A couple of things:
People (myself included) are well aware that Fauci is the leader of the CDC. The issue is the guidelines they have in place do not help prevent the spread of COVID. I mean look at what the Titans are going through. What rules did they break?

Masks don’t work. There’s zero evidence that masks help prevent the spread of COVID. Fauci himself even said this. But now all of a sudden everyone should be wearing one and even in your own house amongst family members? Based on what scientific evidence?

The problem isn’t that people don’t understand science can’t change. It’s that the people changing the guidelines aren’t doing so based off of the science changing.

Lastly, was the death rate of small pox .002% of the population? Because that’s what COVID is.
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