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[ame=""]DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

There is nothing wrong with a bill like this! I disagree with some of the particulars and think that the completion of an apprenticeship or a one year vocational program should be enough but the basic idea of the bill is that children who are brought here by their parents and grew up here should have the opportunity to EARN the right to stay here.

The requirements in the 6 year "conditional period" helps to guarantee that these people are self reliant and not government dependent.

So what is the problem?
So when adults break the law we arrest the children?

That's why i started this thread to see what kind of stupid i might get in return.
So when adults break the law we arrest the children?

That's why i started this thread to see what kind of stupid i might get in return.

Parents are arrested for what their children do so sure. Illegal = illegal, otherwise, why is there a law if no one wants to enforce it? Apparently only Arizona wants to uphold the law, and they aren't even allowed to. You support illegals and idiots, impressive.
The Dream Act was necessary. What was the alternative? The round up and deportation of millions? Most of which have lives here and contribute to our society. Realistic...

The thing is the Dream Act only works if you finally secure the damn border.
Illegals are awesome.

Know what's not? White people.

The republicans are the stupid ones. When Newt basically said that he supports such a program with no particulars mentioned he was brow beat by every other candidate except Ron Paul. Then Newt showing great courage said he supports some type of amnesty for those who have been in the country at least 20 years.

Frightening the Hitler like commitment to the law. So change the f*cking law! Have no laws regarding immigration does that make you feel better?

Large fences and the idea of breaking down doors and rounding 10 million people up is such an American thing to do.

You can kill 10 people and some conservative preacher will try and get you to know Jesus but Illegal aliens and homos are the real criminals right?

What if the dream law gets passed. Then that would be the law right?
The Dream Act was necessary. What was the alternative? The round up and deportation of millions? Most of which have lives here and contribute to our society. Realistic...

The thing is the Dream Act only works if you finally secure the damn border.

Half the posters here want to do exactly that. And they have no damn clue what might be wrong with it.
Ever smoke a little weed? Drive 35 in a 30 mph zone? Drink beer before you were 21?

You are an illegal should all be killed! It's the law!
I don't even have that big of a problem with illegals, period. Let's be honest, most of them are here working hard and are not the stereotypical drugs smugglers who will chop your head off with a machete. Unless you want fresh fruit at the supermarket to cost $5 a pound or house construction to be even more expensive you should have a least a little bit of appreciation for illegals.

Of course there are problems with them not paying taxes and using emergency rooms like a free clinic, but Americans do those things too...

USA-USA-USA has a history of knocking down doors and rounding up children and returning them too their third world roots.

Seemed too be pretty real lawful when the ELPLs were doing it under Clinton
Thank you Gunny for not understanding any of this.

Bringing up the Elian Gonzales case accomplishes what? What Clinton did was atrocious!

How does that contradict any point i have made and how does it demonstrate that the dream act is bad law?

Pathetic that it got 2 high fives.

The small government brigade wants to spend billions bashing down doors and arresting people. Pathetic!
not 'arresting people' rounding up illegal aliens and repatrioting them.

FWIW all funds would be spent in the USA. Think of it as a stimulas plan that actually creates jobs by removing people who should not have them from the country
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