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I'm not arguing with your stupidity. People like you are the reason why Southerners are called rednecks and why moderate thinking people don't vote republican.

Your position is extreme you don't understand that?
You have a hard time understanding that we are talking about human beings not some powdered substance.

And knock it off with this self righteous legalistic bullcrap! There are people doing illegal things you don't give a crap about.

Hold on RT, nearly every country does exactly what GoT is saying, mexico puts its army on its southern border. Try and immigrate to one of the caribbean islands, in most you have to demonstrate a skill, or enough wealth to qualify. Why should America protect itself in the same manner? It should.
I'm not arguing with your stupidity. People like you are the reason why Southerners are called rednecks and why moderate thinking people don't vote republican.

Your position is extreme you don't understand that?

Extreme to protect our borders???? Don't be dunce, or I mean dense.
Are you talking about having a law or are you talking about how to enforce it? I never said we should have no immigration laws!

Try to refine your arguments to the legislation that has been proposed. The dream act in no way is a free ticket for any criminal or idiot to come in and stay!.

And yes the idea of spending $200B bashing down doors, rounding people up and arresting them is EXTREME. Name a country that is worth a crap that has done that.

Name a country that has giant fences on the border.

What Mexico does to protect it's Guatemalan border is not the standard a freedom loving American would use. Is that your standard?

Protect those borders!

White men might come slaughter all of us.

Oh wait.
Are you talking about having a law or are you talking about how to enforce it? I never said we should have no immigration laws!

Try to refine your arguments to the legislation that has been proposed. The dream act in no way is a free ticket for any criminal or idiot to come in and stay!.

And yes the idea of spending $200B bashing down doors, rounding people up and arresting them is EXTREME. Name a country that is worth a crap that has done that.

Name a country that has giant fences on the border.

What Mexico does to protect it's Guatemalan border is not the standard a freedom loving American would use. Is that your standard?

I am simply saying that what you call extreme almost every country on earth does. Why should America not protect itself in the same manner?
I am simply saying that what you call extreme almost every country on earth does. Why should America not protect itself in the same manner?

I wanted to discuss the dream act and asked what is wrong with it and all i get is the typical platitudes and cliches about protecting our borders. Are these people less moral than we are? Are they somehow dirtying our country?

They come here for economic reasons and a living wage and people equate them to an armed invasion.
Don't you conservatives believe that freedom works?

Don't you believe that prosperity is there for anyone and everyone in a free capitalist country? So what are you afraid of?

Even if we merged with Mexico and all the Central American countries into a new United States wouldn't the system remain the same and as a result would be a prosperous nation? Or do you think success is a race or ethnic based thing and hold the belief that these people are just inferior?

The line that separates the USA from Mexico or Canada is imaginary. It's a man made imaginary line but you worship it as if God put it there.
I'd just like people in this country to be citizens and pay taxes.

I'm not so bothered about the immigrants coming from Mexico, just want them to be legal.
Saw a good cartoon but cant post it cause i dont knwo how to post pictures

Guy walks up to black guy "GO BACK TO AFRICA"

Guy walks up to mexican "GO BACK TO MEXICO"

Guy walks up to indian.... and just stands there.

My wifes grandfather immigrated to the US, legally. The first words spoken to him? "Welcome to America, try not to screw it up"

I really do understand where GoT is coming from, they are illegal, period. At the same time, thats what this bill is about, allowing some of those illegals to become legal.

I also understand where RT is coming from, these are human beings.

You either agree with the bill or you dont.

Protect those borders!

White men might come slaughter all of us.

Oh wait.

Yeah, I might have worked out better for the indians if their society had, well, let's say invented gunpowder and firearms such as the are carrying in your little photo huh? Also, hard for any society to compete that had not yet thought of the friggin wheel. LOL
Still the basic argument is too simple. Illegal=illegal so f*ck them.

Can't dig a little deeper than that?

When a family of people cross the Rio Bravo river are the children supposed to balk and say no mommy and daddy that's disrespectful to the laws of the United States of America?

Then the child grows up, is basically a bilingual speaking American with a high school diploma and no legal problems at all. They agree to go to college or serve in the military for 2 years if they have not already and they become legal residents. What is wrong with that?

The Kennedy-McCain bill involves an admission of guilt that laws were broken and a $2000 fine with back taxes. Not good enough?
but they do have legal problems seeing as every one of them are here ILLEGALLY

and no not good enough. They need to go back too their mudhuts and immigrate legally, then they can pay their fines/debts too society
Seems to me that makes it easier for Illegals to get here than to try to do it right in the first place. Shouldn't reward bad behavior with a better deal than law abiding folks get.
So in your opinions, its okay to punish a child for their parents actions, right?

Wanted to say it a different way to see if the answer is still the same.
in this case there is no 'punishment' it is only enforcing the law. I guess it is a punishment if you view it that way. I just see it as putting everything in its proper place, and by everything I mean the illegals being put in their proper country
So in your opinions, its okay to punish a child for their parents actions, right?

Wanted to say it a different way to see if the answer is still the same.

What do you call it when a kid gets taken to foster care due to a parents' actions [not abuse related]? One would say that's punishment to the kid as well.

If the kids are here illegally, they're here illegally.. the kids should blame the parents, not the law.
So in your opinions, its okay to punish a child for their parents actions, right?

Wanted to say it a different way to see if the answer is still the same.

Again, this is not different than most nations, in fact other than the US I can't name one that looks the other way as much in regards to ILLEGAL immigration.
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