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You're referring to Smash asking about Lucifer? Maybe it's simply that no one watches Lucifer or cares enough about it to discuss? Other people have asked "does anyone watch (non-superhero show here)?" and have gotten replies.

Maybe three years ago.

I seriously doubt any random here is going to read back 14 pages to find smashs question unless they are also interested in the superhero sub genre discussion
Just putting this out there..
I proposed leaving this a general show thread with Supes getting their own thread.
The supes folks hold the majority and decided it would be more fun not cooperating with that.
And it was indeed nothing more than a 'f*ck you, can't be bothered' deal.
Not much to do other than move on at that point.
But don't act like Alex is the only one being an, ahem, spiteful pryck here.
That sh*t has been a back and forth the whole time.

I'm interested to see the sponsored thread option Jeff and Alex were talking about..
Maybe three years ago.

I seriously doubt any random here is going to read back 14 pages to find smashs question unless they are also interested in the superhero sub genre discussion
Again, you are just fueling the fire. A "random" wouldn't have to go back 14 pages if we weren't dealing with all this nonsense...... AGAIN.
Just putting this out there..
I proposed leaving this a general show thread with Supes getting their own thread.
The supes folks hold the majority and decided it would be more fun not cooperating with that.
And it was indeed nothing more than a 'f*ck you, can't be bothered' deal.
Not much to do other than move on at that point.
But don't act like Alex is the only one being an, ahem, spiteful pryck here.
That sh*t has been a back and forth the whole time.

I'm interested to see the sponsored thread option Jeff and Alex were talking about..
Point is, it was over and done with. Then Alex decided to not only start complaining about it again but to go way out of his way to troll each and every person who ever posts about a show he doesn't like. And again, his complaints might carry more weight if he actually attempted to post anything within this thread aside from complaints. Alex only exacerbates this "f*** you, can't be bothered" attitude with the childish way he's going about all this.

I'm on record as having been willing to try the separate threads thing. It really makes no difference to me. But most did not want to do that. Regardless of the reasoning for that, the people have spoken. Also, it's worth noting that if very popular shows like WD and Better Call Saul did not have their own dedicated threads, then perhaps the "supes talk" would not be quite so dominant here.

If it bothers folks so bad (and apparently Alex is the only one it bothers enough to carry on this vendetta into other threads throughout the forum) then how about you guys leave this thread as the de facto "superhero show thread" and start another one? I actually would look forward to seeing how dead it would become after the initial "let's show them" phase.
You are right.

They'd have to back 11 pages.

Also people complaining about me outrank my complaints by almost a 3 to 1 margin
You keep missing the point that those "complaining about your complaints" posts would not exist without your complaints. And negging every single post about a show you don't like is basically BEGGING for a response. This is on you bud.
I still don't get why it's so hard to skim through a few pages of posts every few days if you truly care about a thread. Yes there have been pages per day lately but that is basically due to all this bickering. When this crap isn't going on it's not as if there are constant posts in this thread or anything. The entire month of February (before all this crap got started again) was like 10 pages of content. If you can't keep up with 10 pages over the course of a month IDK what to tell you.
Furthermore, there are like 20 people who visit this thread. You're going to be hard pressed to find people watching the same show when the sample size is so small.

Time to put on your big boy pants people and get over it.
Do not feed the trolls.

(Still, you gotta love the logic that's implied with "everybody hates my whining!...if I just whine more and louder everyone will agree with me!.." It's like a one-man play putting US foreign policy in a metaphore.)
If it bothers folks so bad (and apparently Alex is the only one it bothers enough to carry on this vendetta into other threads throughout the forum) then how about you guys leave this thread as the de facto "superhero show thread" and start another one? I actually would look forward to seeing how dead it would become after the initial "let's show them" phase.

I actually did try that with the thread 520 started for that purpose last year. But of course it was overrun with nonsense from your cape crusaders club.

And you know that's what would happen again currently.

I'd also point out that if twd and bcs threads can survive with intermittent activity, I'm sure a thread encompassing the current superheroes shows could as well. Just saying
I actually did try that with the thread 520 started for that purpose last year. But of course it was overrun with nonsense from your cape crusaders club.

And you know that's what would happen again currently.

I'd also point out that if twd and bcs threads can survive with intermittent activity, I'm sure a thread encompassing the current superheroes shows could as well. Just saying
So your solution is what then? Just keep incessantly complaining and negging everybody because you didn't get your way?
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