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5 eps into The Defenders so far. Really enjoying it, despite the insufferable Danny Rand. Really, I'm no Iron Fist guy, but I feel sorry for those who are. Surely he wasn't written to be the guy Finn Jones is playing?...

Another thing I'm digging is the color cues in the first couple of episodes. As the scenes changes, so do the color themes of the setting to correspond with the central character of each theme. Murdock obviously red; Cage autumn gold (clever); Jessica Jones lavender-blue; Danny Rand yellow-green; Alexandra white and light grey.
I'm 2 episodes in. So far it is... okay. I'm sure it will start coming together but it's not giving me that urge to binge like DD and JJ did.

I didn't finish Cage (snooze fest imo) and never started Iron Fist. I agree with your assessment of IF though. That actor/character is just vanilla as hell and his scenes are easily the worst of the two episodes I've watched. I never really got into that character in the comics. Is his whole thing he just does martial arts and occasionally hits someone with a glowing punch? Figured there was more to his powers than that.

Also, should we know who Weaver's character is or is this the first show she was introduced in? I don't remember her but like I said didn't watch IF and never finished Cage.
I'm 2 episodes in. So far it is... okay. I'm sure it will start coming together but it's not giving me that urge to binge like DD and JJ did.

I didn't finish Cage (snooze fest imo) and never started Iron Fist. I agree with your assessment of IF though. That actor/character is just vanilla as hell and his scenes are easily the worst of the two episodes I've watched. I never really got into that character in the comics. Is his whole thing he just does martial arts and occasionally hits someone with a glowing punch? Figured there was more to his powers than that.

Also, should we know who Weaver's character is or is this the first show she was introduced in? I don't remember her but like I said didn't watch IF and never finished Cage.
First show.
Yeah, first show for Weaver.
Rand has other powers, primarily using his chi to heal.
The thing is that he's a naive broken record who keeps failing over and over while saying "It's The Hand! It's my destiny to stop them! I must do this alone!" over and over. It's really tiresome and his fighting skills aren't half as good as Cox/DD's.
Still enjoying the rest of it though, and liking all the characters except Cage's female detective friend, who seems to think that simply having a badge gives her license to be a smarmy bch and immune from repercussions. She was a protagonist in Cage; maybe she will be eventually here but right now I want to punch her.
Just finished it. IMO the buildup is better than the climax, which seemed like a CW supes show. Still trying to figure out why JJ needs a scarf so badly; doesn't seem like a cold week.
GOT episode 6

god damnit

I thought there was gonna be a snowman riding an ice dragon.... but no random arsed forgotten character rides in with flaming coconuts saving the day. If only they knew about flaming coconuts.... oh well. Its not like they mined a mountain of dragon glass or anything...

getting off soapbox:

great episode. Sucked but still amazing
Preacher has been better this season. Yeah, it's not the comics but it's entertaining at least.

Been watching The 90's miniseries on CNN as well. Been enjoying it. The entertainment and technology episodes are way better than the political based one though.
Finished episode 1 of Defenders. The vibe and style of each character maintains beautifully, so far.

Visually, my favorite aspect is utilizing a color style with each character: Reds, Daredevil... Yellows, Luke Cage... Blues, Jessica Jones... Greens for Iron Fist.

Nicely done.
Finished episode 1 of Defenders. The vibe and style of each character maintains beautifully, so far.

Visually, my favorite aspect is utilizing a color style with each character: Reds, Daredevil... Yellows, Luke Cage... Blues, Jessica Jones... Greens for Iron Fist.

Nicely done.
I'm 3 episodes in and it's finally starting to get interesting. Sucks to hear it doesn't finish strong though, at least in avvie's opinion.
Enjoying the new version of The Tick. About 6 eps in, I think. I'm not terribly familiar with the two original shows; only saw a couple episodes of each, but I seems that this one is not those. This is one episodic story line, obviously comedy but propelled by tragedy. Arthur is the central character; a victim of PTSD and possibly mentally ill according to friends and family, he struggles to maintain normalcy when The Tick appears and starts propelling him forward against his will towards his "destiny" of becoming a superhero. Mayhem ensues, as expected. The banter between the characters is pretty fun, but I usually LOL at the sight gags and references, such as the Spam knockoff "Fo-Ham" and a scene in the evil villain's lair when he asks his home AI "Alexa, play ominous music!"
Fun stuff.
Finished up Defenders. I have to agree with avvie about the ending kinda falling flat. I felt the two episodes before the finale were probably the strongest of the series. The finale wasn't bad. It was just kinda "That's it?"

Overall though, I liked it quite a bit more than I thought I would after the first episode or two. The portrayal of Iron Fist is just so weak and uninspired he sticks out like a sore thumb in the group. Seems that character should've been way more interesting than he turned out to be.
My issue wasn't so much the storyline but that the climactic battle looked-and sounded- like it came right out of an episode of Arrow. Daredevil started this Netflix MCU by putting gritty realism to the fight choreography; Iron Fist comes along and settles for 1970's Wonder Woman choreography and cheapens everything. This lands in the middle: the CW supes universe.
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