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Ya u right... Probably jus have a poster with the words "z-man"

This was @GoT 's sig for months.

Im noticing that as well. The older (hopefully wiser I get) the less and less I like people in general. I hope I dont become Alex and run off the neighborhood kids when they walk by.

Yelling at kids and pissing off neighbors are some of life's true pleasures.
I can't say I blame cops really. Many are trigger happy and overly aggressive but there is a different class of people with a completely different mentality and idea of right and wrong that they are dealing with.

I think many of the social justice morons that are laying in the streets have little to no idea what your police force deals with in cities like Montgomery, Atlanta, New York, Memphis, St. Louis and Birmingham on a daily basis.

They go to work and patrol neighborhoods that are like to entering a warzone. The police are the enemy, they are targeted and they understand that they might never make it home.

Every car they pull over, every door they knock on and every call they respond to could be their last.

If I was a cop, this is one reason I backed out of it, I'd never take the chance that I'm not making it home to my wife and kids.

I know if I felt threatened, the gun would come out.

Am I going to let some punk or crazy ******* take my wife's husband or son's father away from them? Hell no. They'll die before I will.

First, I'm glad you didn't become a cop with that trigger happy mindset.

Second, it's disingenuous to equate the projects with an actual war zone.

Third, that first paragraph is racist or would be considered racist by many for sure. I agree with it mostly though.
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