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as a huge mass effect fan, I must admit my disappointment in Andromeda.

And not just about the absurd facial animations that every chump continually harps on.. but the character models themselves are bad-- washed out, flat, practically 2D.. overall bad character models.

Voice actors are WEAK. Previous ME games had really compelling characters because their voice actors were really good.. Andromeda is full of meh characters because the actors are so weak.. yeah there's a girl from Game of Thrones, but she's a barely used side character.

Gameplay mechanics.. they got rid of the power wheel?! Wtf. Now you can only have 3 powers to use at any time, and can't direct your squadmates to use a specific power at a specific time.. they just do whatever they want. This is a shame because they introduced something nice - the ability to combine classes.. no longer necessary to focus on one specific power tree.. but that's rendered pointless because you can only use 3 now.. out of like 30.

I do like the new mobility enhancements like the jump pack / evade, but the character is pretty clunky when entering or exiting combat, and then starting to sprint needs a "wind up" period.

The inventory system is dumb, once again.. probably worse than ME1.. how are you going to have 75% of your inventory space be taken up by materials you need to upgrade weapons/items? Why are you lugging around 500 pieces of titanium? Why can't materials be kept on the ship.. TOO MUCH SENSE.

Nexus upgrades, Strike team missions, and R&D are cool additions.. nothing groundbreaking but enough to give a small distraction and help out leveling/upgrading.

I've only completed 3 worlds so far, not terribly deep into the story.. it was a slow start but could get interesting.. overall - going to finish it, trying to like it, disappointed though. Bioware dev team that made this is BAD.
This was all I needed to see to know the new ME would suck ass.
Loved Baldur's Gate.

Replaced the voice files of my character with Zapp Brannigan files... FANTASTIC TIME.
I am a huge fan of BG, BG2 and other forgotten realms games. If you are unaware, there has been a release of all the BG games with added content with enhanced graphics and game play.
I am a huge fan of BG, BG2 and other forgotten realms games. If you are unaware, there has been a release of all the BG games with added content with enhanced graphics and game play.
Beamdogs enhanced editions are pretty meh. I hope they do justice with Planescape Torment. Comes out in a week or 2.
Supposedly the new Dark Age of Camelot "Unchained" beta is almost finished. Man I've been waiting a long time for this. I still have a classic Level 50 shard on one of the FTP servers.
No. The horse riding mechanics are ****ing awful. I'm sure I'll enjoy GTA set in the west, but you'd think they would have come up with something better than these controls when they're your primary mode of transportation.
What exactly is the issue you're having?
Supposedly the new Dark Age of Camelot "Unchained" beta is almost finished. Man I've been waiting a long time for this. I still have a classic Level 50 shard on one of the FTP servers.
Zerk-Zerk-Savage-Pac Healer-Aug healer-RM-Shaman-Skald (or ignore SOS and run on RM speed with warrior instead of skald)

So much fun. Loved daoc
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What exactly is the issue you're having?
Getting up to speed seems random. Press X and there is no change. Press X a few times and there seems to be no change. Press X a lot and you go from 0-60 in 2 seconds.

Is there a way to slow down other than just not holding X?
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