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Gunny said:
FYI the Gas Station incident had nothing to do with Pacman. If it were Bulluck or KVB it would have been long forgotten.

Why you going to come here and ruin a perfectly good story with facts like that. :ha:
Gunny said:
FYI the Gas Station incident had nothing to do with Pacman.

Jones said the whole thing started when he ran into another artist who had put his name in a rap video without his permission.

"I told him he couldn't do that, and we got in an argument. Then there were two shots, and I ran to the door of (the gas station),'' Jones said. "Now if I knew who fired the shots, I wouldn't have run for the door. If somebody I knew was shooting, why would I be running?''
TitanJeff said:
Jones said the whole thing started when he ran into another artist who had put his name in a rap video without his permission.

"I told him he couldn't do that, and we got in an argument. Then there were two shots, and I ran to the door of (the gas station),'' Jones said. "Now if I knew who fired the shots, I wouldn't have run for the door. If somebody I knew was shooting, why would I be running?''

And where exactly do you see something that anyone else wouldn't have done or that Pacman incited the shooting?

"Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me"

Why is everbody always pickin' on me?

The morn' that I was born my old man beat up the doctor
He clocked the doctor cause the doctor said I looked like Chewbacca
The doctor said sir you're misled sir which infers you mistook me
I did not mean your lovely wife was shackin' up with a wookie
What I mean is Wolverine is less hairy than your son
He's looks like Chewie Baba Booey Baba Booey and Hong Kong Phooey all in one
To put it mild your new-born child's completely nutty fu-fu lookin'
I'd shove him back into the oven until he is done cookin'
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause my fifteen year-old cousin has less acne
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Ain't brushed them teeth since 1983
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause you got the grooming habits of a chimpanzee
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause you're white but you got a nose like Bill Cosby
Why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Always pickin' and rippin' apart poor ol' Jimmy Pop Ali
I got a schnoz like the 'Cos' but there's a lot more wrong with you
So back me up Bill yea and you're ugly too
So what if I brush my teeth with a piece of cheddar cheese
Or where a fish net shirt by Chams with my Sergio Valenti jeans
And my mirror never lies but it always verifies
I got more cheese and pepperoni than a homemade pizza pie
You compare me to a Monchichi but I don't understand
Why I'm scorned like I'm deformed like the Elephant Man
And yea I took my mom to the prom but hey she asked me first
But at least this time I didn't find my date in the back of a hearse
About as popular with the girls with Englebert Humperdink
And that might be 'cause everybody calls me Shrinky Dink
I know I'm known as Polaroid I'm not a total retard
It's cause I'm done in sixty seconds and you'll still want it enlarged
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause ya wore velour flares until the late Eighties
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause you run like a girl and sit down to pee
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause your only school chum was the lunch lady
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
You took your mom to the prom but still got lucky
Like that episode where Gilligan gets sick of being teased
And he breaks into the Professor's lab and makes some LSD
Peaks freaks and eats the Skipper's brains then beats Ginger with coconuts
As Mr. Howell and Lovey burn alive inside their grass hut
Oh he'll kill again that Gilligan they he should of let him be
And like a postal clerk I'll go beserk if you don't stop teasing me
See the trick is only pick on those that can't do you no harm
Like the drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause my fifteen year-old cousin has less acne
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Ain't brushed them teeth since 1983
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause you got the grooming habits of a chimpanzee
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause you're white but you got a nose like Bill Cosby
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause ya wore velour flares until the late Eighties
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause you run like a girl and sit down to pee
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause your only school chum was the lunch lady
But why's everbody always pickin' on me?
Cause no one likes you monkey boy.

Tennessean picked it up.

I just wish we'd pay less attention to him and make him less of a role model. All of those articles about where he comes from making him into a hero just spotlight that he isn't.

I think he'll be a good corner, and it's really a minor issue as far as in relation to the team, I'd just rather keep him out of the spotlight.

Also, Pacman is an idiot for not having some guy to always go around with him and get him out of trouble when this stuff happens. Can't he pay a friend to get him into a car during these things, rather than in jail?
This isn't what I was hoping to find when I logged on today.

However, considering how much good stuff has been said recently about Jones I can forgive him. The guy has issues but he isn't another Lawrence Phillips.

If he's really trying to be the man the team want him to be I'm sure he deeply regrets this incident today. I still like him & I hope he plays against the Falcons cos we need him to get the playing time.

He's bought 60 or so tickets for friends & family cos we're playing the Falcons. If something was bad was going happen to him or around him ,now was going to be the time. It could have been a lot worse but it wasn't that bad screw up.

Fine him or whatever but let him play.
He's a hothead, always will, always will be....

Well, THAT'S the problem with that way of thinking. That there's nothing he can do to change how he handles his emotions before things get out of control, so why bother trying?

Not saying it's easy for a 22-year-old to always stop short of going over the line before his temper gets him in trouble. But you'd think he's been burned enough from all the negative consequences by now to know that if you don't put your hand on the stove, you're not nearly as likely to get burned.

They have people who can help you with this stuff. Seriously.
Sledge said:
He was drunk, and it's his right to get drunk if he wants to

It is your right to get drunk, but in your own home or in your friends home if they permit it. You can even be drunk if you can control yourself. The law drunk in public makes it illegal if the cops find it fit. They guy has some problems. This is not his first time being caught DUP. Yeah it happens but this is what the 3rd time in 2 years? Come on, this guy not only needs to go to anger management but needs to seriously start thinking about AA or something to control his drinking. Can you imagine how many times he has gotten wasted and not been charged or let off because of who he is? It is just like the guy who decides to drink and drive. You do not get caught every time, a cop just needs to be in the right place at the right time. The guy needs to get this under control.

It gets harder and harder to defend this guy to other teams fans, we are getting a rep as a prison team. Sad.
Childress79 said:
Fine him or whatever but let him play.

If Fisher lets him play he has no balls. Fisher pampered Jones last yr and it caused problems in the clubhouse. Fisher sat White for spitting and if he lets Jones play for this he will loose any and all respect from the players (assuming he has any)
I thought of the "Ron White" thing too.

People don't make their best decisions while drunk, or even the next morning.

I can imagine being toasted, and discovering I was a victim of theft, and saying some inappropriate things too.

Assuming that his wallet got stolen, then the cops sent a victim to jail.
He didn't hit anyone, but went to jail for being angry and yelling about it.

That said, just what is the appeal of attending a rap show in the 'boro?
I hate this for this dude. I think he is a due to have a big year. You have to suspend him for maybe the rest of the preseason if you want to have any control over this team. If Fisher don't come strong here then the season is over before it started and Fisher's job is doomed.
Ewker said:
If Fisher lets him play he has no balls. Fisher pampered Jones last yr and it caused problems in the clubhouse. Fisher sat White for spitting and if he lets Jones play for this he will loose any and all respect from the players (assuming he has any)

And nothing happened to Finnegan for his DUI.

Some people here said that his DUI was to be dealt with by the Law while White would be dealt with by the coach.
I haven't had time to read all the posts here as I'm due at work. My thoughts are;
When bailing ones self out of jail, knowing that cameras are everywhere, release your Johnson and put your hands in your pockets. Had your hands been there from the beginning, you might still have your wallet!
If Fisher does a sweep-job on this, with all the 'no tolerance' talk, he might want to look for a Pittsburgh realestate broker.
TitanJeff said:
“No tolerance for any off the field legal issues. That relates to the entire team. There’s a no tolerance policy as far as we’re concerned. I will not tolerate any off the field issued. There will be definite disciplinary action taken by the organization.”

-- Tennessee Titans Coach Jeff Fisher, January 2, 2006.

Anyone ever hear what went down with Finnigan? If nothing was done to him, think anything will happen to Starks or Pacman?

That quote is completely meaningless. You can SAY that all you want, but the CBA prevents you from actually doing anything about it. Players arent subject to discipline until they are convicted.
Being sat for a game is overboard IMO, the guy was not at a team even (like White). It was an after hours thing the law and PacMan should be the ones dealing with this. I would think that the team might want to suggest counseling or something to get his issues under control though but the team should not be managing his life.
This has to play out in the legal system. For Fisher to suspend Jones for this incident without it having gone to court, would be an admission of guilt on Jones' behalf. The "no tolerance" policy will and should apply to off the field issues that have been decided by the law. That is why he suspended White for the spitting incident, it was a team issue, not a legal issue.

Now, my theory gets a little fuzzy when you look at the way they handled Stark's off the field incident. But, I will defend that by saying, he turned himself over to police, thereby admitting his guilt, 90 minutes before kick -off. I can't blame Fisher for sitting him for that game.

Having said all of that, I would be surprised if Jones gets suspended for the game on Saturday.
mcmojo said:
This has to play out in the legal system. For Fisher to suspend Jones for this incident without it having gone to court, would be an admission of guilt on Jones' behalf. The "no tolerance" policy will and should apply to off the field issues that have been decided by the law. That is why he suspended White for the spitting incident, it was a team issue, not a legal issue.

Now, my theory gets a little fuzzy when you look at the way they handled Stark's off the field incident. But, I will defend that by saying, he turned himself over to police, thereby admitting his guilt, 90 minutes before kick -off. I can't blame Fisher for sitting him for that game.

Having said all of that, I would be surprised if Jones gets suspended for the game on Saturday.

Turning yourself over to police doesnt admit guilt. And if Fisher is going to have a no tolerance policy then Pacman shouldnt play Sat.
Ewker said:
If Fisher lets him play he has no balls. Fisher pampered Jones last yr and it caused problems in the clubhouse. Fisher sat White for spitting and if he lets Jones play for this he will loose any and all respect from the players (assuming he has any)

He's no saint but one thing he has done is won his team mates over in the off season. His issues are not the same as they were last year in the clubhouse. He screwed up but overall he's made a huge personal improvement.

Sometimes a helping hand can do more good than a crack upside the head.
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