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But wait, was it cancelled because of protests or because it was poorly organized? Like 10AC said, I am reading that it was due to being poorly organized.
so someone else used their free speech to call them white supremacists? and?

Surely you know the difference between free speech and slander

They also used violence to stop free speech

As has been happening regularly in the bay area
Yeah, I get what he was doing. And I don't care of his opinion of it. My concern, is that twice now, he and his administration have pushed to have people fired for expressing an opinion. Now, I get it, he actually hasn't gotten anyone fired and all that, but it is still troubling that the current President feels he should get involved in private business matters and even suggest termination over people expressing opinions. Disagreeing with them is one thing, but he has no place suggesting people should be fired over their political beliefs.

Viewership of Sunday’s games on NBC, CBS, and Fox were down a total average 4%

Sunday Night Football on NBC (Washington Redskins vs Oakland Raiders) took the biggest hit: viewership fell 11% from last year and it was the lowest-rated Sunday Night Football since 2006.
PK just hit the nail on the head. Trump's comments were not intended to keep people from kneeling. They were intended to cause an uproar. You guys ***** about how divisive Obama was. What the hell do you call this?
Uncle Donny was just educating the world about snowflake millionaire idiot progressives and how stupid they all are

Viewership of Sunday’s games on NBC, CBS, and Fox were down a total average 4%

Sunday Night Football on NBC (Washington Redskins vs Oakland Raiders) took the biggest hit: viewership fell 11% from last year and it was the lowest-rated Sunday Night Football since 2006.
This sucks. That means it is getting proven that fans want a GD reality show. They tuned in to hear the responses to f'n trump then used his opinion or the kneeling as reason to not watch the actual games.

What tv stations are going to do is start using info like this to add more dumb BS to the pregame shows and probably continue ruining the actual sports stations.

F'n people need to stop fighting over absolutely every f'n thing that goes on. Who gives a s**t the Crap kneeled last year. Now look at the f'n circus that ensued which is at least partially ruining the best sport on TV!!!
Surely you know the difference between free speech and slander

They also used violence to stop free speech

As has been happening regularly in the bay area
If it is slander there are legal avenues. If there was violence, there are legal avenues. As a matter of fact, the article I read cited a number of arrests of protestors.
Is it possible that we have reached a point in America where both sides of the political spectrum are comprised of mostly mindless idiots? I'll hang up and listen to the intelligent responses.
Of course he does, but you are getting into a fine line when government officials are trying to get people fired for their opinions. Of course you can argue technicalities and all of that, but the reality is that it is the government trying to intimidate private citizens into not being critical of them, and I don't think that is a good thing for the country.
progressives are butthurt about Uncle Donny but have zero issues with affirmative action which is racist to the core
The police is a government position, even if not federal. It is not a private citizen. Obama also never called for anyone to be fired best I can remember. And also behaving stupidly isn't remotely the same thing as expressing an opinion.
police ARE private citizens you progtarded retard
If it is slander there are legal avenues. If there was violence, there are legal avenues. As a matter of fact, the article I read cited a number of arrests of protestors.

And if the NFL players feel the president has violated their rights they have legal avenues.

it is clear though you feel the NFL players rights are important, and those with different opinions are not
Meek says "want some facts"... and his very FIRST "fact" is false. Go figure.

It is FACTUALLY TRUE (that's.. actual fact... by definition. Not the new sh** where you morons think you can make something up and it count) that black men are 3x's more likely to be killed by force by a cop. 3x's.

Now... what you're trying to do is use a population based argument. Where you'll say "more whites are killed per year by cops"... because america is 73% white... of course they are.



"Wanna fix black people from dying? How about find a way to get them to stop killing each other"

Oh yes. The ol' "I only speak on black on black crime, but never white on white crime" take. I want white people to stop dying too... should I figure out how to get them to stop killing each other?

Then, your irrelevant and FACTUALLY incorrect numbers:

Blacks killing blacks death toll: 6,000

Cops killing blacks: 125

Where the hell did you get these totals? Cops in 2016 killed over 300 black people.

"facts", huh, Meek?

Even with your integrity being absolute dog-sh*t... your numbers mean nothing because again... account for population.

1.1 million cops in America

43 million black people in America. So yeah... no F***ng sh** their numbers would be higher.

Good job. You'd lose middle school debates doing this stuff.



"A cop is 18x more likely to get killed by a black man than a black man is likely to get killed by a cop."

Where'd you get this number? I can't trust you considering your entire post is full of bullsh**... so cite this one, please. :)

Also... you miss the point of the entire message.

If a black man kills a cop: He goes to prison. For life.

If a cop kills a black man: He gets a paid vacation. Then never gets charged.

THAT is the issue.

And THAT's what's being protested. Not that you care to actually know.



You continue to mention black communities/black-on-black crime as if it helps your argument...

Poor communities are always more violent. White people have most the wealth. Natuarally, a group of people with a late start and inheriting zero wealth are going to be more likely to be poor. With that comes crime.

White poor communities: Crime.
Black poor communities: Crime.
Hispanic poor communities: Crime.

You get the point. Or... probably not. But it's there.

In order to fix crime amongst the black demographic- systematic oppression needs to be addressed. Acting like black people are more violent by nature is your racism at work. It's insulting to anyone with a functioning brain.

-BUT that's not the argument. Shouldn't cops be held to a higher standard? And when they murder someone- shouldn't their punishment be the same as anyone else's? Why when a black man kills another black man, he's locked away for life. But when a cop kills someone (whether justified or not), he gets a paid vacation?.... And do you expect black people to see these things every day and just keep quiet... not stand/sit/kneel/etc?... Of course you do. And you're who we're fighting.

Also- take f'cking "Meek" out of your name, hillbilly. But keep all the L's.
@Deuce Wayne you are a liar... I refuse to read your wall of :bs:
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