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Why is everything trumps fault? Why can't we focus on the reaction by the NFL and players? They made the choice to respond the way they did. Why is personal responsibility such a difficult concept for liberals like you?

They did make that choice, I am not sure who is suggesting otherwise. And I am not faulting anyone for the protests, they are grown men, it was peaceful, I don't see why it is a "fault". But that doesn't change the fact that Trump is the one who brought it up and disparaged the players for no reason.
Tasteless, sure. Trump still an a-hole, ya.

But let's not make this something it's not. For starters, its not "government pushing for people to be fired due to their opinion" it's one guy (although there were already in agreeance) voicing his opinion. Zero legislation or even backing from "government".

i think he can have an opinion and probably carry himself better (which is said about almost everything he says) but he doesn't speak for anyone that wasn't already in agreement.

Should also point out that what Trump was suggesting (still do not agree with his statement) is essentially what the NBA already does. The NBA has, and has had for a long time, a rule that players must stand respectfully for the national anthem.
They did make that choice, I am not sure who is suggesting otherwise. And I am not faulting anyone for the protests, they are grown men, it was peaceful, I don't see why it is a "fault". But that doesn't change the fact that Trump is the one who brought it up and disparaged the players for no reason.

He disparaged the players because kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the country, period.

Nobody's saying you can't do it. But it is disrespectful. It doesn't matter if you say it's for XYZ. You are kneeling during the anthem, it's disrespectful to the country. The country where you are getting paid top 1% as an athlete.

This is how trump feels. It's also how the majority of the NFL fanbase feels.
Lucian Wintrich, of the rightwing site Gateway Pundit and a scheduled speaker, told the Guardian organizers knew as long as a week ago the event could not proceed.

“The entire thing is a complete disaster and unfortunately makes us all look very unprofessional,” he said.

“It was completely mismanaged and they should have told people earlier this week it wasn’t happening rather than waiting until the last minute. Obviously, if the organisers of an event don’t actually organise an event, then the event won’t happen.”
They did make that choice, I am not sure who is suggesting otherwise. And I am not faulting anyone for the protests, they are grown men, it was peaceful, I don't see why it is a "fault". But that doesn't change the fact that Trump is the one who brought it up and disparaged the players for no reason.

Trump is a egomaniac. He was pandering to his constituency. But he tapped a very real opinion held by many that the time dedicated to honoring our country and indirectly those who have served and sacrificed for it, should not be disrespected by those promoting their own social agenda in the form of a protest. It simply isn't the right time to do it. So Trump didn't instigate this issue, Kaepernick and others really did. Trump just exacerbated it. And it's ridiculously hypocritical to suggest it is in someway LESS appropriate to use his celebrity and this platform to express his opinion than the players use their celebrity and the anthem platform to express theirs. Like others have said- the whole thing is stupid. And it cheapens an otherwise important message that some folks want to express regarding social equality.

Freedom of expression is for EVERYBODY. Including those who disagree with what you express.
He is part of it

Good to know, you only care about free speech when people agree with you

At least you are being honest

But wait, was it cancelled because of protests or because it was poorly organized? Like 10AC said, I am reading that it was due to being poorly organized.
Trump is a egomaniac. He was pandering to his constituency. But he tapped a very real opinion held by many that the time dedicated to honoring our country and indirectly those who have served and sacrificed for it, should not be disrespected by those promoting their own social agenda in the form of a protest. It simply isn't the right time to do it. So Trump didn't instigate this issue, Kaepernick and others really did. Trump just exacerbated it. And it's ridiculously hypocritical to suggest it is in someway LESS appropriate to use his celebrity and this platform to express his opinion than the players use their celebrity and the anthem platform to express theirs. Like others have said- the whole thing is stupid. And it cheapens an otherwise important message that some folks want to express regarding social equality.

Freedom of expression is for EVERYBODY. Including those who disagree with what you express.

Yeah, I get what he was doing. And I don't care of his opinion of it. My concern, is that twice now, he and his administration have pushed to have people fired for expressing an opinion. Now, I get it, he actually hasn't gotten anyone fired and all that, but it is still troubling that the current President feels he should get involved in private business matters and even suggest termination over people expressing opinions. Disagreeing with them is one thing, but he has no place suggesting people should be fired over their political beliefs.
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