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Like when barry/jimmy/NIXON said the "police behaved stupidly"? Like that?

The police is a government position, even if not federal. It is not a private citizen. Obama also never called for anyone to be fired best I can remember. And also behaving stupidly isn't remotely the same thing as expressing an opinion.
Meanwhile, over the weekend, left wing activists using threats of violence were able to successfully shut down Free Speech Week at UC Berkeley. Actually depriving people of their first amendment rights. Simply because these speakers have a different political opinion.

Where is the outrage? The NFL players were not deprived of their rights, these speakers were.

Where is they crying about their first amendment rights?
Meanwhile, over the weekend, left wing activists using threats of violence were able to successfully shut down Free Speech Week at UC Berkeley. Actually depriving people of their first amendment rights. Simply because these speakers have a different political opinion.

Where is the outrage? The NFL players were not deprived of their rights, these speakers were.

Where is they crying about their first amendment rights?

Plenty of people on the left have spoken out on the situations at Berkley.
Plenty of people on the left have spoken out on the situations at Berkley.

Yet it is still happening, and these people are heroes to many on the left.

To date, Nancy Pelosi is the only major Democrat I know of who has spoken out against them.

The mayor of Berkeley has opening engaged in trying to suppress free speech, asking for the event to be canceled.

When the activists held a victory protest they forbid the media from taking pictures of them, another violation of the first amendment.

Yet, here they are, being haled as heroes

(also, these are not "White Supremacist" groups either)

Mayor asked the speakers to give into demands of extremists leftist;
Want some facts?

Cops kill unarmed black people at lesser rate than whites and hispanics. Harvard did a study on more than 1k shootings and found zero evidence of racial bias in police shootings.

Wanna fix black people from dying? How about find a way to get them to stop killing eachother

Blacks killing blacks death toll: 6,000
Cops killing blacks: 125

A cop is 18x more likely to get killed by a black man than a black man is likely to get killed by a cop.

13% of the population and 50% of the crime, that's a problem that kneeling won't fix sorry...

Claim racism all you want, fact is the crime rate in black communities is absurd and if you don't want to get shot don't commit crime and arm yourself it's pretty effing simple.

Meek says "want some facts"... and his very FIRST "fact" is false. Go figure.

It is FACTUALLY TRUE (that's.. actual fact... by definition. Not the new sh** where you morons think you can make something up and it count) that black men are 3x's more likely to be killed by force by a cop. 3x's.

Now... what you're trying to do is use a population based argument. Where you'll say "more whites are killed per year by cops"... because america is 73% white... of course they are.



"Wanna fix black people from dying? How about find a way to get them to stop killing each other"

Oh yes. The ol' "I only speak on black on black crime, but never white on white crime" take. I want white people to stop dying too... should I figure out how to get them to stop killing each other?

Then, your irrelevant and FACTUALLY incorrect numbers:

Blacks killing blacks death toll: 6,000

Cops killing blacks: 125

Where the hell did you get these totals? Cops in 2016 killed over 300 black people.

"facts", huh, Meek?

Even with your integrity being absolute dog-sh*t... your numbers mean nothing because again... account for population.

1.1 million cops in America

43 million black people in America. So yeah... no F***ng sh** their numbers would be higher.

Good job. You'd lose middle school debates doing this stuff.



"A cop is 18x more likely to get killed by a black man than a black man is likely to get killed by a cop."

Where'd you get this number? I can't trust you considering your entire post is full of bullsh**... so cite this one, please. :)

Also... you miss the point of the entire message.

If a black man kills a cop: He goes to prison. For life.

If a cop kills a black man: He gets a paid vacation. Then never gets charged.

THAT is the issue.

And THAT's what's being protested. Not that you care to actually know.



You continue to mention black communities/black-on-black crime as if it helps your argument...

Poor communities are always more violent. White people have most the wealth. Natuarally, a group of people with a late start and inheriting zero wealth are going to be more likely to be poor. With that comes crime.

White poor communities: Crime.
Black poor communities: Crime.
Hispanic poor communities: Crime.

You get the point. Or... probably not. But it's there.

In order to fix crime amongst the black demographic- systematic oppression needs to be addressed. Acting like black people are more violent by nature is your racism at work. It's insulting to anyone with a functioning brain.

-BUT that's not the argument. Shouldn't cops be held to a higher standard? And when they murder someone- shouldn't their punishment be the same as anyone else's? Why when a black man kills another black man, he's locked away for life. But when a cop kills someone (whether justified or not), he gets a paid vacation?.... And do you expect black people to see these things every day and just keep quiet... not stand/sit/kneel/etc?... Of course you do. And you're who we're fighting.

Also- take f'cking "Meek" out of your name, hillbilly. But keep all the L's.
Yet it is still happening, and these people are heroes to many on the left.

To date, Nancy Pelosi is the only major Democrat I know of who has spoken out against them.

The mayor of Berkeley has opening engaged in trying to suppress free speech, asking for the event to be canceled.

When the activists held a victory protest they forbid the media from taking pictures of them, another violation of the first amendment.

Yet, here they are, being haled as heroes

(also, these are not "White Supremacist" groups either)

Mayor asked the speakers to give into demands of extremists leftist;

They are not heroes to many on the left, certainly not to the mainstream. I mean, they did just protest Pelosi after she called them out. ALso, the mayor wanted the event cancelled over security concerns, not really because he supports antifa. That isn't really the same thing.
They are not heroes to many on the left, certainly not to the mainstream. I mean, they did just protest Pelosi after she called them out. ALso, the mayor wanted the event cancelled over security concerns, not really because he supports antifa. That isn't really the same thing.

He wanted them to cave to the violent extremists.

He is also a member of the Facebook group for the Antifa group in Berkeley. At least he was, maybe he is trying to hide that now.
He wanted them to cave to the violent extremists.

He is also a member of the Facebook group for the Antifa group in Berkeley. At least he was, maybe he is trying to hide that now.

I understand what you are saying, but he wasn't wanting the event cancelled for the purpose of siding with antifa. He wanted it cancelled due to security concerns. And events are cancelled over security concerns here and there. U2 was cancelled a couple of weeks ago due to the riots in St Louis.
I understand what you are saying, but he wasn't wanting the event cancelled for the purpose of siding with antifa. He wanted it cancelled due to security concerns. And events are cancelled over security concerns here and there. U2 was cancelled a couple of weeks ago due to the riots in St Louis.

It is a weak response
Hammer is far more concerned with the incitement by the mayor of Berkeley than incitement by the President.

Berkeley is a totally meaningless microcosm to 99.9% of Americans.
Hammer is far more concerned with the incitement by the mayor of Berkeley than incitement by the President.

Berkeley is a totally meaningless microcosm to 99.9% of Americans.

you picked a tiny part of what I was talking about

Where is the outrage at actual free speech suppression by leftist extremists?

Far more people are concerned with perceived free speech suppression by the president than by actual free speech suppression in Berkeley.

It just isn't professional for a professional to make public statements on issues outside of his profession.

The left are excited because they see they see NFL players "Sticking it to Trump"

Trump haters are all excited and loving the players

Trump lovers are angry at the players

Everyone else is upset with both

And most of these people do not give a rats ass about "Free speech" until it is politically convenient for them. Just another excuse to hate on Trump and celebrate Trump looking like a fool.
you picked a tiny part of what I was talking about

Where is the outrage at actual free speech suppression by leftist extremists?

Far more people are concerned with perceived free speech suppression by the president than by actual free speech suppression in Berkeley.

That would because one suits their agenda and the other does not.
you picked a tiny part of what I was talking about

Where is the outrage at actual free speech suppression by leftist extremists?

Far more people are concerned with perceived free speech suppression by the president than by actual free speech suppression in Berkeley.
Because I don't give a shit what's happening in a West Coast college town. Nothing there is representative of anything except the most extreme of both sides. I'm not wasting any effort reading anything about it.
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