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That would because one suits their agenda and the other does not.

"Trump was so offensive, how dare he say that" the same people "It is just a stupid song, how dare you be offended by people kneeling for it"


Trump says the NFL should fire players who protest the anthem (which I agree is inappropriate): "First amendment under attack!"

Free speech week at a major university is canceled and

Because I don't give a **** what's happening in a West Coast college town. Nothing there is representative of anything except the most extreme of both sides. I'm not wasting any effort reading anything about it.

In other words, you care about free speech when it suits you
"Free Speech Week" is not a Constitutionally protected thing. It's just a thing put together to get people pissed off at each other.
The left are excited because they see they see NFL players "Sticking it to Trump"

Trump haters are all excited and loving the players

Trump lovers are angry at the players

Everyone else is upset with both

And most of these people do not give a rats ass about "Free speech" until it is politically convenient for them. Just another excuse to hate on Trump and celebrate Trump looking like a fool.

Trump is the one who brought this up unprovoked at a speech on Friday. This started happening last season, before Trump was elected, and the reality is that there were only a handful of players even doing it anymore (Peter King said 10-12). So, I am not sure how you are making this about Trump haters when it is more than clear that Trump was the one who brought it up and instigated it to begin with. I mean, I get it, his supporters wont hold him accountable for anything he says, but that doesn't change the reality that Trump is the one who instigated this, not the other way around. And the players are more than free to respond to unprovoked personal attacks by the president.
We don't need a week to express free speech. That's how the Constitution works.

They have that week because free speech is under attack there, for real. People are being violently prevented from exercising their right, repeatedly. And authorities are failing in protecting those rights.

Actual rights are being violated and nothing is happening.

To date, no NFL player has had those rights violated.

Yet, you only care about the NFL athletes, not regular citizens in California.
Trump is the one who brought this up unprovoked at a speech on Friday. This started happening last season, before Trump was elected, and the reality is that there were only a handful of players even doing it anymore (Peter King said 10-12). So, I am not sure how you are making this about Trump haters when it is more than clear that Trump was the one who brought it up and instigated it to begin with. I mean, I get it, his supporters wont hold him accountable for anything he says, but that doesn't change the reality that Trump is the one who instigated this, not the other way around. And the players are more than free to respond to unprovoked personal attacks by the president.

Trump doesn't force the NFL or entire teams to protest during the anthem, idiot.

That's the problem, when it was a few I could disagree with it and mostly ignore the (too constant) talk about it. But once the NFL and entire teams choose to take an anti American stance that is against customers viewpoints, it's more likely to see larger ramifications. The NFL f-d this up. Jerry Jones knows it.
Trump is the one who brought this up unprovoked at a speech on Friday. This started happening last season, before Trump was elected, and the reality is that there were only a handful of players even doing it anymore (Peter King said 10-12). So, I am not sure how you are making this about Trump haters when it is more than clear that Trump was the one who brought it up and instigated it to begin with. I mean, I get it, his supporters wont hold him accountable for anything he says, but that doesn't change the reality that Trump is the one who instigated this, not the other way around. And the players are more than free to respond to unprovoked personal attacks by the president.

Trump didn't instigate it but he did exacerbated it. And the media and NFL owners/players are sensationalizing it by misrepresenting what he said. He called people protesting during the anthem SOB's who should be fired, not ALL NFL players or owners.

Personally, IDGAF what player wants to protest. But if they choose to protest during the time reserved to honor our country and our veterans, then they fully deserve and criticism they receive. If you're man enough to criticize, then be man enough to accept the criticism many citizens of the country bring your way.
Trump didn't instigate it but he did exacerbated it. And the media and NFL owners/players are sensationalizing it by misrepresenting what he said. He called people protesting during the anthem SOB's who should be fired, not ALL NFL players or owners.

Personally, IDGAF what player wants to protest. But if they choose to protest during the time reserved to honor our country and our veterans, then they fully deserve and criticism they receive. If you're man enough to criticize, then be man enough to accept the criticism many citizens of the country bring your way.
Criticism isn't the same as telling their bosses they should fire them and calling their mothers bitches because they exercised Constitutionally protected action.
Trump doesn't force the NFL or entire teams to protest during the anthem, idiot.

That's the problem, when it was a few I could disagree with it and mostly ignore the (too constant) talk about it. But once the NFL and entire teams choose to take an anti American stance that is against customers viewpoints, it's more likely to see larger ramifications. The NFL f-d this up. Jerry Jones knows it.

I didn't say he forced them too, I said he instigated it, and he did. If he didn't bring it up for no reason on Friday, it wouldn't have happened this weekend, other than a handful of guys.
"Free Speech Week" is not a Constitutionally protected thing. It's just a thing put together to get people pissed off at each other.

You are rationalizing

They also prevented a group called Patriot Prayer Group from holding a peaceful assembly.

Somehow I doubt you would be as dismissive if a right wing group used violence to stop a leftist group from holding an event.
Trump didn't instigate it but he did exacerbated it. And the media and NFL owners/players are sensationalizing it by misrepresenting what he said. He called people protesting during the anthem SOB's who should be fired, not ALL NFL players or owners.

Personally, IDGAF what player wants to protest. But if they choose to protest during the time reserved to honor our country and our veterans, then they fully deserve and criticism they receive. If you're man enough to criticize, then be man enough to accept the criticism many citizens of the country bring your way.

How are people misrepresenting what he said? He said he wished the owners would fire the SOB's who kneeled. He also basically encouraged more head injuries too, which people aren't really talking about. Regardless, it was pointless for him to bring it up, especially since it wasn't really even that big a deal anymore.

I haven't seen them not accept the criticism, am I missing something? I am sure they know it doesn't sit well with everyone, and I assume they feel it is worth it.
You are rationalizing

They also prevented a group called Patriot Prayer Group from holding a peaceful assembly.

Somehow I doubt you would be as dismissive if a right wing group used violence to stop a leftist group from holding an event.
Well, you forced me into doing some reading and here is what I found:

Other promised speakers included author David Horowitz, activist Lisa De Pasquale and Breitbart contributor Ariana Rowlands. Several announced speakers, among them Ann Coulter and former White House strategist Steve Bannon, have said they never planned to appear or had no knowledge of an invitation.

“I never planned to speak,” Coulter said in an email to the Los Angeles Times on Friday. “My speakers bureau never booked me to speak at Berkeley. No contract for me to speak existed.”

There was no event. Just a victimhood photo op moment.
Which is really the issue. When the government starts pushing for people to be fired due to their opinion, which Trump has now done twice in the last few weeks with the NFL and Jemele Hill, then there is a fine line being toed with regards to the first amendment. Fans can obviously have whatever opinion they wish with this stuff, but the president needs to stay out of it.
Tasteless, sure. Trump still an a-hole, ya.

But let's not make this something it's not. For starters, its not "government pushing for people to be fired due to their opinion" it's one guy (although there were already in agreeance) voicing his opinion. Zero legislation or even backing from "government".

i think he can have an opinion and probably carry himself better (which is said about almost everything he says) but he doesn't speak for anyone that wasn't already in agreement.
I didn't say he forced them too, I said he instigated it, and he did. If he didn't bring it up for no reason on Friday, it wouldn't have happened this weekend, other than a handful of guys.

Why is everything trumps fault? Why can't we focus on the reaction by the NFL and players? They made the choice to respond the way they did. Why is personal responsibility such a difficult concept for liberals like you?
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