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Cutler head over heals baby!

Whoa nellie! That man can play!

Some interesting stats.
Jay cutler 9 ints in 2005.
Omar jacobs 11 ints in 3 seasons

Cutler 34.5 passes per int.
Omar jacobs 73.7 attempts per int.

Quick who holds the single season mac TD record?

Omar jacobs 41..

In that same season he threw 4 ints! An ncaa record!

This guy had a 41 td 4 int season and he can't carry cutler's jock? Get real!

Cutler is huge, massive hulk like at 6'4 225
Jacobs is 6'4 232

Cutler is lighting fast with a 4.77 40
Jacobs only ran a 4.77 40

During a pro day workout jacobs was disappointing addmitting that he missed 2 out of 60 passes. I'm a hard grader on my self he said.

Omar jacobs is a better value with the 20th pick than cutler would be with the 3rd pick. Tell me how i am wrong.

Correction edit: At the combine jacobs was measured at 637 232 lbs.
RollTide said:
When it suits your arguements.

Head over heals? You mean like lienart is head over heals over cutler? Cutler is kiper's third best QB and jacobs and croyle are 4th and 5th. So? Soxcat talks about cutler as if he is somehow equal to lienart which is the problem in the first place.

You guys have some homo erotic thing for cutler? And what the hell happened to vince young? Did he disappear somehow? Cutler! Cutler! The third best QB=third best player right?:sad2:

What difference does it make if a guy is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd? What matters is how good the guy is. Yes, I do think Cutler is EQUAL to Leinart. Put them both on the same team with the same OL, RBs, WRs and coaching and I think Cutler is every bit as good as Leinart. Leinart obvious gets more pub because he played on a super talented team that won a national championship but there have been a number of QBs that had successsfull college careers, won championships but couldn't transition to the NFL. I'm not putting Leinart down I'm just saying Cutler has the physical and mental skills to thrive equally with Leinart on an equal playing field.
Vince Young is more of a question mark because his NFL career could range from bust to super star more than any of the three. Having more question marks about his ability to transition (and nobody with any sense would not think his transition is more questionable) Young should be downgraded slightly. Sure, he could be better than any QB in the history of the game but he could also be a square peg trying to fit into a round hole in the NFL.

Also, just because Croyle or Jacobs are the #4 and #5 QBs doesn't in anyway mean they are anywhere close to the talent grade of the others. Alot of #4 and #5 QBs are lucky to be backups. If Young decided to not come out this year and Leinart had come out last year that would make Croyle the #2 QB in this draft. IMO he still would not be anywhere close to being worth more than a late second round pick. At the same time you could have three guys in one draft that are all worthy of top 5 status.
I like Leinhart and Young better than any of the other QB's. IMO, they are easily the top 2 QBs. Then Cutler is behind them. Croyle is avg. QB at best.
And there goes Roletide again with meaningless stats...

Look it's real simple, if the scouts believe Leinart, Young or Cutler are good enought to be franchise quarterbacks they will pick him at #3, unless they feel safe they can trade down and still get him.

Just because you're the 3rd rated quarterback doesn't mean you're bound to be the worst of the 3. A certain team in Pittsburgh seems pretty happy with their 3rd ranked QB...
WOW... homo erotic thing?? by reading your posts you could say the same thing for you and Bear Bryant???? Someone has a different opinion than you, Lord forbid. Which conference are we going to say spits out the best competition from year to year, MAC or SEC? Easy question there. I agree that Cutler hasn't earned to be considered the best QB in the draft but when you say he is no better than the career back-ups ranked behind him is kind of silly. Cutler easily put up better numbers than Omar last year in a tougher conference on a weaker team and if Cutler had the talent of Ken Darby and Receiving of Prothro (sp?) and the Defense 'Bama had who knows what kind of numbers he would have put up?!

Which conference are we going to say spits out the best competition from year to year, MAC or SEC?

And what the hell does that have to do with anything? Nothing but there are more top 10 QBs in the nfl today from the mac than there are from the sec. The only top sec QB is some guy called manning. Do you know any others?

And no i didn't say those so called career backups were better. Try reading a little.

I said i thought that jacobs was a better pick at 20th than cutler would be at 3rd. Did i say jacobs should be our third pick? According to you joe montana was just a career backup. :suspect:

I didn't realize that croyle was blessed with such talent on that bama offense. You are the first person i have ever heard say that and since prothro missed 7 games with a broken ankle i find it interesting that you mention him.
RollTide said:
How a guy performs on the field is meaningless. :sad2:

I never said that and you know it. Unfortunately you have to try and twist peoples words in hope of winning an argument you've lost several days ago.

Individual player statistics taken out of context has little to do with a players actual abilities. Now if this was tennis or another individual sport you could use those statistics as a reliable indicator, but football is a team sport and the statistics of every player on the field is impacted not only by his opponents, but also his teammates.

I have quarterbacks over here that have better stats than half of the quarterbacks in this draft. Does that make them good enough for the NFL? According to RollTide it does.

I'll wait with great anticipation for you deliver stats that are meaningful to this discussion. I won't be holding my breath.

How were my stats meaningless? So we can't look at what an omar jacobs did at bowling green in our evaluation of him? I don't have hundred of hours of film to judge him by. Why wouldn't the fact he threw 67 touchdowns and only 11 ints the last 2 years have some relevance? He has been a very productive player but he also takes care of the football.

My guess is that stats to you are meaningless only when they go against your opinion of the way things should be.

when you say he is no better than the career back-ups ranked behind him

Did i ever say this? Seems like i am the one who is having his words twisted.
Using your logic, is there anybody that has Jacobs rated as the #20 player in the draft? You cry like a baby if someone might suggest Cutler at #3 even though your idle might have him as the 15th rated player but then throw out this baloney about Jacobs being a better value at 20 when he might not even go in the 2nd round.
I'm not into putting another player down to build a guy I like up. I like the skill set Cutler brings to the table, size, arm strength, pro style compatability, toughness, having good enough feet to elude the pass rush and a real good head on his shoulders as well as the intangibles you look for in a QB. Right now in alot of "draft experts" mocks and ratings Young is the one who may drop like Rodgers dropped last year. That leaves Leinart and Cutler as our choices. Also, QB is the most important postion on the team and because of that importance you can't compare apples to oranges. Even though a Mario Williams might be ranked higher doesn't mean his positive effect on the team will be as high over the next decade as a franchise QB.
RollTide said:
when you say he is no better than the career back-ups ranked behind him

Did i ever say this? Seems like i am the one who is having his words twisted.

I never said any of that either, someone else did. Read before you post.

I'll go look for stats from our leagues ove here and post them.

Soxcat, i did flip, and i corrected my statement on that board. I jumped to conclusions. Part of the reason was mel kiper's comments.

Visteg, i never said you said that. What are we 12 years old? I just gave you an example of someone twisting my words. There is a difference between twisting words and drawing conclusions from what someone said.
Cutler rocks!

Where is all this support for cutler as to why we should draft him? Nobody wants to take up cutler's case but you guys sure get bent out of shape that i might suggest there are better players we can draft. Can any of you einsteins make a case why this guy is such a great prospect? Other than the superficial mantra that he's a QB? It's not like there have never been productive vandy QBs there have been many. Is cutler's 32% winning percentage that much better than any other vandy QB?

Thanx to gunny for his 10.000th smart assed post. Gunny never has an opinion on anything but those smart assed quips are sure welcome.
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