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To me tanking is purposely losing to get the top pick...what I'm saying is if Tannehill continues to suck and hurt the team then give the 2 QB draft picks a chance... isn't that why we drafted them?
Any pick should be used on OL unless there is serious improvement. I think C should be a top priority.
never heard of tanking for OL.
If you watch some of the tape, it shows that tannehill was the problem. Tons of open receivers with plenty of separation, should have made it easy for him, Tannehill just didn't see them or chose to go another way because he got nervous. (click here if you'd like to see for yourself)

And while our OL are not world beaters they played pretty respectably:

I do agree though, that part of the problem is he's simply afraid to step into it now. Add it to the list of reasons why we need to move on.
Tammy will be fine. We play Willis or Levis there is zero shot at post season.
I think the suggestion of playing Willis or Levis is that the post season hopes are gone
Only thing is, they are not. It was one damn game. Buffalo should toss in the towel too I guess if that's the line of thinking. I never want to see the Squirrel ever again in a real game in a Titan uniform. I mean never! That guy can eat a bag as far as I am concerned, and until Levis is a 2, don't need to think about seeing him either.
Just wanted to comment correctly on this, are you saying that playoff hopes are already gone or are you saying when they are gone, to make the swap?
Hell, if Tammy is stinking it up, and we are out mathematically, I am all for playing a shelf stocker at QB then. Just not too keen on it 3/4 games in with the Squirrel sitting over there.
Hell, if Tammy is stinking it up, and we are out mathematically, I am all for playing a shelf stocker at QB then. Just not too keen on it 3/4 games in with the Squirrel sitting over there.
Too painful for me to watch the squirrel ever start for us again. I’m dead serious I won’t watch the f
Game if that happens.
Would anyone like the idea of Tanny going to the Jets? Inquiring minds want to know.
Only if the cap hit goes with him, but even then, it really doesn’t matter. This was already going to be his last year outside having a total monster of a year, no track record of that to speak of.
All a trade really does is force the other 2 to play unless there is some sort of pick in return, don’t see that happening.
For what kind of deal? The Jets don't have the money to pay him, and it would be dumb to swallow it all.
No idea on what kind of deal. Was just thinking that sometimes players need new scenery to kick start the career. If I were Tanny, I'm thinking I wouldn't be against it.
Hell, if Tammy is stinking it up, and we are out mathematically, I am all for playing a shelf stocker at QB then. Just not too keen on it 3/4 games in with the Squirrel sitting over there.
I wouldn’t necessarily wait for mathematically either. If the division is as good as it appears to be, Jax might have a 3-4 game lead at like 6-4 and that means titans are toast and it’s time to switch. So maybe a 2-5 start would be enough to pull the trigger.
His play would also make a difference in the decision.
No idea on what kind of deal. Was just thinking that sometimes players need new scenery to kick start the career. If I were Tanny, I'm thinking I wouldn't be against it.
Having the worst play caller in history over there would work for familiarity. That would be a reason to consider it, but I don't think the Jets could pull it off owing Rodgers 46 million. It just isn't there. Titans would have to eat 30 Million or something like that.
Having the worst play caller in history over there would work for familiarity. That would be a reason to consider it, but I don't think the Jets could pull it off owing Rodgers 46 million. It just isn't there. Titans would have to eat 30 Million or something like that.
There really isn’t any incentive for TN to push him either.
Freeing up any salary cap doesn’t do anything for this year and it was gonna clear anyway for next.
So assume TN actually continues to eat most of the contract this season, could be cheap for NYJ BUT the trade value increases. I don’t see anything higher than a 3-4 anyway. To me, just not really worth it.
Just wanted to comment correctly on this, are you saying that playoff hopes are already gone or are you saying when they are gone, to make the swap?
That's the same thing isn't it? What's the difference between already gone and when they are gone?
Personally I think Tannehill gets a chance to right the ship
That's the same thing isn't it? What's the difference between already gone and when they are gone?
Personally I think Tannehill gets a chance to right the ship
That is the difference. And I agree with you. I’m not certain that THill is going to repeat his worst performance, but I like his chances to keep the team competitive all year.

I wasn’t sure if you were saying to make the change now since “they’re already done” or literally saying to make a change at least closer to a mathematical elimination. There’s been some hyperbole about the season thrown around and it can get lost in just typed messages.
No idea on what kind of deal. Was just thinking that sometimes players need new scenery to kick start the career. If I were Tanny, I'm thinking I wouldn't be against it.
The jets wouldn't offer much of anything for Tannehill. They already have a mistake prone qb with a similar skill set. And if a team is willing to trade their starting qb in season, then that isn't speaking real high of that qb, so nobody is going to offer anything significant.
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