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finally got around to seeing this

honestly, yes there are some drab moments
but then there are some WTF! was that sh*t moments too

I find it to be an axcellent work of film


i thought I had seen "Luke" before in another film
turns out, Chiwetel Ejiofor, was the Alliance Opeartive (Assassin) in Serenity ..... good actor
Saw a few movies this weekend.


Gone baby, Gone - Give it 3.5 stars. Pretty good movie and the ending is messed up. Another movie the veered AWAY from the book.


Rendention - 5 out of 5. Great movie, one of those you watch and get pissed off, happy, and sad all at the same time.


Home of the brave - being a soldier I liked this, but damn its messed up.

Going to see American Gangster this weekend.
Dan in Real Life

saw this the other night and I had low expectations going into it, but I have to say I was quite surprised with Steve Carrell's acting chops... he definitely has some range and there were hardly any "bad" parts in it.. a movie you could watch with the kids in the room

since I'm talking about him I also recommend Little Miss Sunshine - a must see if you like off the wall movies that make you think, but not overly think
The Condemned-starring Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I watched this the other day expecting straight to DVD Van Damme type rubbish but it was actually a decent film. Austin has a certain something that makes him a likable character.

Not an oscar winner by any stretch 7/10 popcorn viewer.
:thumb: :thumb:
Childress79 said:
The Condemned-starring Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I watched this the other day expecting straight to DVD Van Damme type rubbish but it was actually a decent film. Austin has a certain something that makes him a likable character.

Not an oscar winner by any stretch 7/10 popcorn viewer.
:thumb: :thumb:

I saw this and expected the exact same thing. Big dumb fun. Was twice as good as the other movie I rented that same night - Wrong Turn 2...
New (to me) movies I watched this weekend.

Mr Brooks:
Take out about 5 total minutes of muy estupido action sequences and this is one helluva flick. Costner plays a Lawrence Talbot type rich-dude who gets his rocks off murdering people. The devil on his shoulder is always at war with his conscience. The relationship between Costner and that devil - played in the flesh by William Hurt is a real fresh twist to watch.. Even Dane Cook - who I have blasted here on these boards does a great job as the blackmailing "killer's apprentice". Rent this one tonight!

30 Days of Night:
I met Steve Niles two weeks ago and I wish I would have seen this movie before that encounter - I'da thanked him straight up for creating a very cool story. Fresh and interesting twists on the vampire genre are few and far between but this movie really delivers. Scary and visually stunning. This one really outdoes it's trailers. If you love horror don't waste your cash on anything else before seeing this...

This movie sucked, sucked, sucked. Did I say this movie sucked. Good lord did it suck. Didn't think I'd ever see a movie to top Ghost Rider in the lame dept. but this turd was just extra brown.
Creeping-Cruds said:
Wrong Turn 2...

Well the original movie was really cool at least.

This movie sucked, sucked, sucked. Did I say this movie sucked. Good lord did it suck. Didn't think I'd ever see a movie to top Ghost Rider in the lame dept. but this turd was just extra brown.

Worse than Ghost Rider? Come on.

Only movie I've seen recently was Apocalypto. Very good movie. It's brutal. It has a lot of heart pounding action. It has parts that make you grit your teeth in anger. And it's maybe a little light on plot. But who cares about the last little fault, it's a good flick :thumb:
I thought Mr Brooks was an excellent flick too. Costner is very good in it.

30 Days of Night was one of those movies that I liked but couldn't help thinking it could have been so much better. It was a cut above most of today's formula horror movies but it could have been special.

Didn't you feel like it was meant to be a longer movie that had been given a cut job by the studio?

Ben Foster's character just disappeared & then there was Billy who just popped up out of nowhere near the end.

BTW yes I'm way to critical of the movies that I watch.:ha:
Childress79 said:
I thought Mr Brooks was an excellent flick too. Costner is very good in it.

30 Days of Night was one of those movies that I liked but couldn't help thinking it could have been so much better. It was a cut above most of today's formula horror movies but it could have been special.

Didn't you feel like it was meant to be a longer movie that had been given a cut job by the studio?

Ben Foster's character just disappeared & then there was Billy who just popped up out of nowhere near the end.

BTW yes I'm way to critical of the movies that I watch.:ha:

Absolutely could have been better with a few adjustments. I wasn't convinced that Hartnet's character was so desperate that he would sacrifice his life to save the girl.. Not perfect, but still really good, especially for modern horror...
Bobo said:
Worse than Ghost Rider? Come on.
Only movie I've seen recently was Apocalypto. Very good movie. It's brutal. It has a lot of heart pounding action. It has parts that make you grit your teeth in anger. And it's maybe a little light on plot. But who cares about the last little fault, it's a good flick :thumb:

Transformers was one long brainless commercial for GM.
If not worse than Ghost Rider or Fantastic Four then right there with them. The common argument that it was an epic visual movie doesn't fly either. The indiscernible transformations were tiring to the eye right out of the gate. The first minute of 30 Days of Night was more visually epic than anything in Transformers.

Last weekend I saw a Bravo show about scary movies and they interviewed Guillermo Del Toro who had a classic quote about perfect-looking kid actors in Hollywood movies who's only dialog in movies is smart-*** one liners and catch phrases. Transformers was a perfect example..
Yeah it was Hollywooded up too much, but they could have done it much worse than they did. The visuals were great, and I'd figure enough for anyone to make the movie at least watchable. I've never seen anything like it. I'm also a long time Transformers fan, so maybe I'm biased a bit (and they should have concentrated the story more on the transformers). But I really did expect a disapointment, wasn't so for me.

That kid from TF was perfect looking? Well the lil chickie was :brow: ....but her role did suck. The boy was good I thought.

Haven't seen the new FF, but TF beat the 1st FF movie for me. Blew away Ghost Rider. Transformers is just one of those good popcorn flicks. If you're looking for typical Hollywood crap in the movie, it's there, but it wasn't too much to get over for me. You can't be too cynical, just let your brain rest a minute, and enjoy the movie :ha:
Bobo said:
Haven't seen the new FF, but TF beat the 1st FF movie for me. Blew away Ghost Rider. Transformers is just one of those good popcorn flicks. If you're looking for typical Hollywood crap in the movie, it's there, but it wasn't too much to get over for me. You can't be too cynical, just let your brain rest a minute, and enjoy the movie :ha:

Man I just don't see it.. This movie was the exact same Hollywood blow-nanza as those other films.
Bobo said:
Maybe you're just wired to hate every thing that's main stream Hollywood :ha:

If that was the case I wouldn't have even rented the movie. It does seem though that Hollywood these days is on cruise control - just follow the formula and crank out the mindless action hits..
I enjoyed TF, but I certainly understand CC's points about it.

Based on the teaser trailers, I was really hoping for a darker film. The teenage love story angle was a manipulative waste of film which made me think that I was too friggin' old to be in theater, and the chick made me feel like a lecherous old man. And while I understand the need for a moment of comic relief, the whole scene of trying to get the glasses out of the parents' house was pushing it---I just don't dig slapstick mayhem.
And while I hate all government agency types and want them all executed for treason, the mockery of them in this film was entirely too silly. The aloha underwear was the last push over the top.
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