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Indiana Jones - 4/10

cheesy, pathetic, pass

only watch it if have to complete the series due to OCD

Totally agree.

I don't know if it was because I was so much younger when the others came out, but I don't remember the previous Indy movies being so cheezy!

I typically like Shia LeBuff but I didn't even like him this go around and I know Ford is pretty old for action movies but for Christ's sake, if EVERY action sequence is going to be shot from a hella distance away... maybe you shouldn't do any more action movies. Just my opinion.
I don't know if this one was done yet or not but here goes...

Pineapple Express

If you like stoner movies you'll enjoy this one, just take it for what it is.

James Franco played the part to the tee (I used to work with a guy just like that). It had a lot more action than I was expecting and it wasn't as funny as I'd hoped.

Overall I'd say it was good, not great maybe a 6 out of 10.
The Happening

Not very good. I liked the concept of the movie and some cool death scenes but overall it didn't come together good enough. It's worth a rent, but don't expect a big twist that M. Night Shamaylan (sp?) has tried to reproduce since The Sixth Sense.

I would say about a 6.5/10 IMO.

I'm always supportive of movies that get kids to read... even if the books are better the movie (like harry potter) has had kids running in and out of my library all week. It wasn't half bad all considering.

I'll give it an 8
Eagle Eye - Over the top/action packed/hot lady/good story.....all the things that make me like it. It was a full 2 hours, but I enjoyed it. 8.5/10

Tropic Thunder - Cheesy, but had a few parts that made me laugh. Tom Cruise is HILARIOUS! 5/10
^ Never heard of it.

Twilight is the first in the Stephanie Meyer Twilight Saga. Teen fiction about a young girl who falls in love with a vampire. The series is HUGE in high schools across America. The movie is the biggest teenie bopper craze. Bigger than high school musical. All showing that played on thursday at midnight were sold out in Indiana. I'm not suprised you haven't heard of it seeing as your not a high schooler and your not a girl.. or are you?
Twilight is the first in the Stephanie Meyer Twilight Saga. Teen fiction about a young girl who falls in love with a vampire. The series is HUGE in high schools across America. The movie is the biggest teenie bopper craze. Bigger than high school musical. All showing that played on thursday at midnight were sold out in Indiana. I'm not suprised you haven't heard of it seeing as your not a high schooler and your not a girl.. or are you?

I can live with ONE teen vampire movie.. They did Lost Boys back in the day.
No more necessary...
Twilight is the first in the Stephanie Meyer Twilight Saga. Teen fiction about a young girl who falls in love with a vampire. The series is HUGE in high schools across America. The movie is the biggest teenie bopper craze. Bigger than high school musical. All showing that played on thursday at midnight were sold out in Indiana. I'm not suprised you haven't heard of it seeing as your not a high schooler and your not a girl.. or are you?

Part of my mysteriousness.

By the way your present is waiting for me at the Post Office.

As for the book, I might have seen it yesterday passing by the bookstore. Didn't take much notice of it though.
Tropic Thunder had potential but just ended up being one of those hey you remember that part when.. what was that movie called?

Quantum of Solace sucked.
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