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People make fun of the 1-3 because of Jar Jar Binks and Christian Haydensen's crying and over acting. I loved them though because the story is really good.
I thought it was because of the lousy directing; convoluted storyline; hamfisted dialogue delivery; and excessive and sometimes laughable CGI?
People make fun of the 1-3 because of Jar Jar Binks and Christian Haydensen's crying and over acting. I loved them though because the story is really good.
TBH I think the prequels were actually more fun than TFA and TLJ. Perhaps not necessarily better movies, but more fun anyway. That counts for a lot in my book.

I think the prequel trilogy is one of those pop culture things that it just became cool to shit on over the years. Like Michael Bay and Nickelback.
SW: The Last Jedi

It wasn't bad. It wasn't great. It was just another Star Wars movie. I think I'm at a point where I just don't care about this franchise anymore. Force Awakens didn't live up to the hype for me. I still haven't even seen Rogue One. And if I'm being honest, the original trilogy is very overrated outside of Empire.
I thought it was because of the lousy directing; convoluted storyline; hamfisted dialogue delivery; and excessive and sometimes laughable CGI?
If you haven't yet... watch Mr Plinkett's review of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.

He destroys them and tells EXACTLY why they are terrible. Lazy movies.
TBH I think the prequels were actually more fun than TFA and TLJ. Perhaps not necessarily better movies, but more fun anyway. That counts for a lot in my book.

I think the prequel trilogy is one of those pop culture things that it just became cool to **** on over the years. Like Michael Bay and Nickelback.
I definitely liked TFA better than any of the prequels, but TLJ may very well be the worst ever made.
I think the prequel trilogy is one of those pop culture things that it just became cool to **** on over the years. Like Michael Bay and Nickelback.

Naw dude, they were legitimately bad films...bad enough that the franchise had to be taken away from Lucas.
But here's the thing: Star Wars was great because of the time in which it appeared. None of it is special now, and will not create a nostalgia for the younger audience like it did for us olde phartz who were young teens in 1977. We try to pass it off as a great cultural touchstone to kids who see better special.effects in toothbrush commercials now. While it can he argued that Disney is just cashgrabbing with it, that's irrelevant because the franchise itself is irrelevant now.
Naw dude, they were legitimately bad films...bad enough that the franchise had to be taken away from Lucas.
But here's the thing: Star Wars was great because of the time in which it appeared. None of it is special now, and will not create a nostalgia for the younger audience like it did for us olde phartz who were young teens in 1977. We try to pass it off as a great cultural touchstone to kids who see better special.effects in toothbrush commercials now. While it can he argued that Disney is just cashgrabbing with it, that's irrelevant because the franchise itself is irrelevant now.
Lucas never used it as a cash grab.


Whoa... sorry about that...
I originally watched the Last Jedi at the theatre and left hating it. I rented it from redbox today to rewatch it without the anticipation and yep... still hating it. It is such a clown show. So many parts are just ridiculously silly.
Naw dude, they were legitimately bad films...bad enough that the franchise had to be taken away from Lucas.
But here's the thing: Star Wars was great because of the time in which it appeared. None of it is special now, and will not create a nostalgia for the younger audience like it did for us olde phartz who were young teens in 1977. We try to pass it off as a great cultural touchstone to kids who see better special.effects in toothbrush commercials now. While it can he argued that Disney is just cashgrabbing with it, that's irrelevant because the franchise itself is irrelevant now.
That's all fair and I agree. FWIW I wasn't saying the prequels were great films. It's just when it comes to certain genres I feel a movie can be "bad" from a filmmaking standpoint while also being entertaining/fun. Granted I haven't watched the prequels in many years. But from what I remember they weren't a complete waste of time. And Episode 3 in particular was a lot of fun.
That's all fair and I agree. FWIW I wasn't saying the prequels were great films. It's just when it comes to certain genres I feel a movie can be "bad" from a filmmaking standpoint while also being entertaining/fun. Granted I haven't watched the prequels in many years. But from what I remember they weren't a complete waste of time. And Episode 3 in particular was a lot of fun.
The characters and dialogue were atrocious. Not a filmmaking issue... there was little redeeming value to those films.

Awful... seriously, Mr Plinkett's review of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy is spot on - and entertaining.
The characters and dialogue were atrocious. Not a filmmaking issue... there was little redeeming value to those films.
I meant filmmaking the most broad sense. Writing falls under that.

I get it though, you really hated the movies and so did this Mr. Plinkett fella.
I definitely liked TFA better than any of the prequels, but TLJ may very well be the worst ever made.

TFA still felt like Star Wars, TLJ was a wanna be Marvel movie with Star Wars characters. Rogue One should have been the best new generation Star Wars movie, but problem was you didn't give a sh*t about any of the characters. The Han Solo movie looks very promising though.
I liked The Force Awakens, thought Rogue One was forgettable except the ending and I like The Last Jedi, however it has massive issues with what TFA set up and TLJ said "fuck that, here's my own story"
But from what I remember they weren't a complete waste of time. And Episode 3 in particular was a lot of fun.
I was actually offended by the inconsistencies and laziness in the writing. For example, Obi-Wan sees that the clone factory planet doesn't appear in any of the star charts. He goes to a damn padawan class (led by Yoda, IIRC) and is stunned when the padawan pull a Captain Obvious and tell him the planet has been deleted from the star charts. The super sleuth Jedi who found the planet in the first place- the only one to defeat not one but two Sith apprentices- can't conceive of a tampered star chart. This same guy who shuns Anakin's reckless self-endangerment goes chasing him into a volcano.
Christopher Lee made Dooku into a downright comical cartoon villain with his "yes, you have great skill in controlling the Force, master Yoda! let's see who is the greatest Jedi...with our LIGHT SABERS!!..... " Giving Grievous (really, George??...) an emphasemic cough without any explanation for those who didn't watch cartoons just made him annoying. And George named Admiral Akbar's race of squid creatures the Calamari.
But the biggest offense was breaking the first rule of everything: more of something is not better.
I was actually offended by the inconsistencies and laziness in the writing. For example, Obi-Wan sees that the clone factory planet doesn't appear in any of the star charts. He goes to a damn padawan class (led by Yoda, IIRC) and is stunned when the padawan pull a Captain Obvious and tell him the planet has been deleted from the star charts. The super sleuth Jedi who found the planet in the first place- the only one to defeat not one but two Sith apprentices- can't conceive of a tampered star chart. This same guy who shuns Anakin's reckless self-endangerment goes chasing him into a volcano.
Christopher Lee made Dooku into a downright comical cartoon villain with his "yes, you have great skill in controlling the Force, master Yoda! let's see who is the greatest Jedi...with our LIGHT SABERS!!..... "

TFA still felt like Star Wars, TLJ was a wanna be Marvel movie with Star Wars characters. Rogue One should have been the best new generation Star Wars movie, but problem was you didn't give a sh*t about any of the characters. The Han Solo movie looks very promising though.
I agree with basically everything you have said. A big problem I had with Rogue One is I basically knew it was going to end poorly with just about everyone dying. Hard to get attached to a character when you know they would end up dying.
@RTH yep, that RLM takedown is great....I watched it a fews years ago and he hits a lot of things that I didn't consider because I was so annoyed at the obvious garbage. When I saw these films I left the theater pissed...each time I went in thinking that they would've learned from the mistakes of the past, but Nooooo...
@RTH yep, that RLM takedown is great....I watched it a fews years ago and he hits a lot of things that I didn't consider because I was so annoyed at the obvious garbage. When I saw these films I left the theater pissed...each time I went in thinking that they would've learned from the mistakes of the past, but Nooooo...
Nostalgia... my college friends and I are Star Wars fans so we were really looking forward to Episode 1. I saw it opening night at my home theater and this particular friend at his. Almost immediately after getting home from watching, I called him. He had just gotten home, as well. For about 10-15 mins we were praising it and such... then we started digging into it - shallow dig, which is sad - and started complaining about parts. After a bit, the dread began to sink in... this was not a good movie. Got worse from there...

RLM's critique of it brought to light things I didn't notice OR was always bothered about but couldn't put my finger on it...

Plinkett's review of Ghostbusters is fantastic as well.
RLM's critique of it brought to light things I didn't notice OR was always bothered about but couldn't put my finger on it...

Plinkett's review of Ghostbusters is fantastic as well.
I was about to check out the Plinkett Ghostbusters review. Good lord, who wants to spend an hour listening to someone bitch about a movie? And a movie that no one ever expected to be anything more than mediocre at that.
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