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So I picked up Last Jedi against my better judgement. I hate when I feel like I have to buy a movie JUST to have my collection current.
Yep. I went into the store and picked it up and then put it back down. It wasn't worth the price of admission when I first went to see it. Not going to pay 30 bucks for it now even though I had planned to add it to the collection. Price will have to drop drastically first.
Yep. I went into the store and picked it up and then put it back down. It wasn't worth the price of admission when I first went to see it. Not going to pay 30 bucks for it now even though I had planned to add it to the collection. Price will have to drop drastically first.
What a feminist piece of shit movie. They might as well cut Luke's balls off.
I don't think obliviousness has much to do with it. People are just selfish assholes with no manners.

I recently went to a movie with a childhood friend of mine who I hadn't seen in awhile. He talked, loudly, pretty much the entire movie. Not only did it get my nerves, but I was embarrassed as hell to even be associated with this dude as I knew he was ruining the movie for everyone around us. I shushed him a few times to no avail. Then I started just ignoring him but he kept right on talking anyway. Finally a woman behind us broke bad on him and that got him to shut up at last.

Never again.

Great read, this is why I always give new movies a couple of weeks to play so the kids and teenagers get their fill. Yet, I still seem have this experience happen to some degree every time I go. He is right, we have become a very narcissistic society and I blame social media and **** head parents.
The sad thing is it's not just kids anymore. In my experience it's frequently folks in their 30's, 40's, evens 50s+. These days it's pretty much impossible to look at the demographic of the theater and be able to determine whether or not you're going to be able to watch the movie in peace. It's not just that group of annoying teenagers anymore.
Seven Psychopaths

Wow, I had totally misjudged this movie based on the synopsis and cover art. Don't recall hearing much about it when it was released so I just assumed it was some stupid gangster comedy. I mean, it kinda is that. But it's so much more. Lots of twists and turns. And some really great performances. Sam Rockwell once again proves why he's one of the best in the business.

I saw one review that said it's like if Tarantino and the Coen Brothers made a movie together. And that seems fairly accurate. Haven't had this much fun watching a movie in awhile tbh.
Downsized: The only entertaining part of the movie was when he went through the miniaturization process. After the movie was over with I was still searching for a bigger plot beyond him downsizing so he could afford a bigger house. I liked the idea of him helping the needy, but it was too subtle if that is what they were going for. R&E said that this movie showed that even when downsized you still have societal classes and racism.
Andre the Giant doc on HBO is pretty solid. Really made me feel bad for the guy. I never considered how difficult it must be going through life being that massive.
Andre the Giant doc on HBO is pretty solid. Really made me feel bad for the guy. I never considered how difficult it must be going through life being that massive.
I just watched that on Friday. Dude was amazing. I too never thought about life through his eyes and how difficult even riding in a car was.
Downsized: The only entertaining part of the movie was when he went through the miniaturization process. After the movie was over with I was still searching for a bigger plot beyond him downsizing so he could afford a bigger house. I liked the idea of him helping the needy, but it was too subtle if that is what they were going for. R&E said that this movie showed that even when downsized you still have societal classes and racism.
I caught that on the plane

I liked it a little
SW: The Last Jedi

It wasn't bad. It wasn't great. It was just another Star Wars movie. I think I'm at a point where I just don't care about this franchise anymore. Force Awakens didn't live up to the hype for me. I still haven't even seen Rogue One. And if I'm being honest, the original trilogy is very overrated outside of Empire.
Oblivion: I have started this movie probably 5 to 10 times but never stayed still to watch all of it. I did so last night and I have to say it was an enjoyable movie. It didn't get great scores from RT but I felt that it was better. Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman did a great job, but the person who stole the show was Andrea Riseborough...Jesus, I busted a nut when she was in that see through gown. My God, British redheads are amazing. So back on track, the movie was well written and the CGI was wonderful simply from the fact that it wasn't to much. I will definitely watch this movie in its entirety again.

Let me ask you; are you an effective team? (weird little niche to the movie)
SW: The Last Jedi

It wasn't bad. It wasn't great. It was just another Star Wars movie. I think I'm at a point where I just don't care about this franchise anymore. Force Awakens didn't live up to the hype for me. I still haven't even seen Rogue One. And if I'm being honest, the original trilogy is very overrated outside of Empire.
They lost me at the Leia "Mary Poppins" scene.
They lost me at the Leia "Mary Poppins" scene.
Yeah that was pretty stupid.

A big problem I have with these new movies is I just don't find Finn or Rey interesting in the slightest. Even Kylo Ren is only mildly interesting. I wish they had taken their time more with this series. And I get Disney is trying to milk it for all its worth and get their money's worth. But it would've been cooler if they weren't pumping these films out at such an absurd rate. Star Wars should be a rare spectacle, not a yearly event. It's kinda killing the prestige of the whole deal imo.
Yeah that was pretty stupid.

A big problem I have with these new movies is I just don't find Finn or Rey interesting in the slightest. Even Kylo Ren is only mildly interesting. I wish they had taken their time more with this series. And I get Disney is trying to milk it for all its worth and get their money's worth. But it would've been cooler if they weren't pumping these films out at such an absurd rate. Star Wars should be a rare spectacle, not a yearly event. It's kinda killing the prestige of the whole deal imo.
I haven’t seen the new one yet. Rogue One was much better than TFA but these Disney ones just aren’t all that great.

I honestly haven’t been that impressed with the series as a whole. Empire was great and I actually really enjoyed The Phantom Menace but I think that was because of my age and the excitement of another trilogy. I literally fell asleep in the theater watching episode 2 though.

These new ones feel like they are just too obvious of a cash grab for Disney.
Yeah that was pretty stupid.

A big problem I have with these new movies is I just don't find Finn or Rey interesting in the slightest. Even Kylo Ren is only mildly interesting. I wish they had taken their time more with this series. And I get Disney is trying to milk it for all its worth and get their money's worth. But it would've been cooler if they weren't pumping these films out at such an absurd rate. Star Wars should be a rare spectacle, not a yearly event. It's kinda killing the prestige of the whole deal imo.
I agree, the Star Wars universe has become kind of a circus event instead of a great story. I am also with you about Rey and Finn, they are aren't very enjoyable to watch. The new Star Wars other than Rogue One has been a complete shit show.
I haven’t seen the new one yet. Rogue One was much better than TFA but these Disney ones just aren’t all that great.

I honestly haven’t been that impressed with the series as a whole. Empire was great and I actually really enjoyed The Phantom Menace but I think that was because of my age and the excitement of another trilogy. I literally fell asleep in the theater watching episode 2 though.

These new ones feel like they are just too obvious of a cash grab for Disney.
People make fun of the 1-3 because of Jar Jar Binks and Christian Haydensen's crying and over acting. I loved them though because the story is really good.
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