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I was about to check out the Plinkett Ghostbusters review. Good lord, who wants to spend an hour listening to someone ***** about a movie? And a movie that no one ever expected to be anything more than mediocre at that.
I’m going to do a two hour critique of Plinkett’s critique.
I was about to check out the Plinkett Ghostbusters review. Good lord, who wants to spend an hour listening to someone ***** about a movie? And a movie that no one ever expected to be anything more than mediocre at that.
Because it's entertaining.

Plus mocking certain culprits is great. He even goes off on Bill Murray. Pretty funny.
Because it's entertaining.

Plus mocking certain culprits is great. He even goes off on Bill Murray. Pretty funny.
Really this is a problem I have with a lot of "critics" these days. They seem to make their names shi**ing all over movies which were never meant to be taken super seriously in the first place. Ghostbusters 2016 shouldn't be critiqued as if it were Citizen Kane or something. It's a stupid comedy and nothing more. People just got all butthurt because it somehow raped their childhoods or some such nonsense.

On a serious note, this is actually something I've been thinking about a lot recently. It seems like in the internet age where everyone's a critic we've kind of lost our ability to just sit back and enjoy a movie for what it is. There's nothing wrong with a "shut off your brain" action flick or a "don't think about the plot too hard" comedy every once in awhile. It's almost as if some people enjoy shi**ing on movies more so than actually watching them.

I'm convinced there are a lot of movies, particularly from the 80s, which are considered "classics" that would've been ripped to shreds had they come out today.
Really this is a problem I have with a lot of "critics" these days. They seem to make their names shi**ing all over movies which were never meant to be taken super seriously in the first place. Ghostbusters 2016 shouldn't be critiqued as if it were Citizen Kane or something. It's a stupid comedy and nothing more. People just got all butthurt because it somehow raped their childhoods or some such nonsense.

On a serious note, this is actually something I've been thinking about a lot recently. It seems like in the internet age where everyone's a critic we've kind of lost our ability to just sit back and enjoy a movie for what it is. There's nothing wrong with a "shut off your brain" action flick or a "don't think about the plot too hard" comedy every once in awhile. It's almost as if some people enjoy shi**ing on movies more so than actually watching them.

I'm convinced there are a lot of movies, particularly from the 80s, which are considered "classics" that would've been ripped to shreds had they come out today.
I disagree... if a movie "forces itself on us" - like Ghostbusters did, (you remember that year?) - then it totally deserves it.

Same applies to a bigtime movie, in my opinion.

He even does Titanic, which I haven't watched... bigtime movie. But he does a few that are known bad movies and didn't do well, don't care about those.
I disagree... if a movie "forces itself on us" - like Ghostbusters did, (you remember that year?) - then it totally deserves it.

Same applies to a bigtime movie, in my opinion.

He even does Titanic, which I haven't watched... bigtime movie. But he does a few that are known bad movies and didn't do well, don't care about those.
What do you mean by "forces itself on us"?
What do you mean by "forces itself on us"?

She forced herself on you. #metoo
Do you remember 2016? The controversy created and push by Sony... most talked about movie that year, sadly. That controversy was forced upon us by Sony. It would've died out if not for them.
You talking about the whole "people only hate it because it's all female" thing? If so, I do think there is at least a little bit of truth to it. But I still don't see how any controversy makes it any better or worse of a movie.

It was definitely not a good movie but it got irrationally hated on imo. It was never going to be, or meant to be, '84 Ghostbusters 2.0.
You talking about the whole "people only hate it because it's all female" thing? If so, I do think there is at least a little bit of truth to it. But I still don't see how any controversy makes it any better or worse of a movie.

It was definitely not a good movie but it got irrationally hated on imo. It was never going to be, or meant to be, '84 Ghostbusters 2.0.
It was a controversy almost completely pushed by Sony. There were some complaining through sexist comments, but not a lot... Sony created this by deleting the more prevalent film criticisms and making only sexist comments the only ones there. Sony created approximately 85% of this controversy.

It was a fabrication... so, yes, it deserves such criticism when it comes to the film itself.
In spite of all the criticism, writers continue to abuse lazy tropes. I can only imagine how bad it would be if critics accepted everything without question.
On a serious note, this is actually something I've been thinking about a lot recently. It seems like in the internet age where everyone's a critic we've kind of lost our ability to just sit back and enjoy a movie for what it is. There's nothing wrong with a "shut off your brain" action flick or a "don't think about the plot too hard" comedy every once in awhile. It's almost as if some people enjoy shi**ing on movies more so than actually watching them.

100% this

I watched Cloverfield Lane, and loved it. I remember it was torn apart when it was first released. But the hype around the Cloverfield Paradox when it was suddenly released? Oh man! and that movie did let down. Tropic Thunder was another one. People hated it, but a few years later, its a cult classic and gets quoted all the time. I watched Jumanji the other day, loved it. Probably not getting good reviews, but with the Rock, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart, its gonna get some laughs from me.

These days, I look at the rotten tomatoes score, and that is it. I really do not value any random persons reviews any more. The world is becoming too cynical.
I think its fine of course to enjoy what you enjoy regardless of criticism. My taste in movies and tv is mostly dog squeeze, and I know it. I have spent a lot of time in ky life being serious, thoughtful and introspective, seeking out high caliber stuff...till I realised how fuggin miserable it made me. The last straw was when a friend had me over to watch "The Pianist". I decided that I would never watch another depressing man's-inhumanity-to-man film ever again. No nazis; no terrorists; no pajama kids living in dirt. I want stupid superhero crap and hot chicks with high powered weaponry. I'll still see every Star Turd that comes out for the next few years. I will still have no problem pointing out what sucks about all of them.
The Commuter: Got to watch this flick last night and it was pretty good. Liam Neeson delivering powerful performances continues. I'm still confused about a couple of things inside the plot but overall a good action movie.
100% this

I watched Cloverfield Lane, and loved it. I remember it was torn apart when it was first released. But the hype around the Cloverfield Paradox when it was suddenly released? Oh man! and that movie did let down. Tropic Thunder was another one. People hated it, but a few years later, its a cult classic and gets quoted all the time. I watched Jumanji the other day, loved it. Probably not getting good reviews, but with the Rock, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart, its gonna get some laughs from me.

These days, I look at the rotten tomatoes score, and that is it. I really do not value any random persons reviews any more. The world is becoming too cynical.
When I'm looking at choices when surveying On Demand, I always look at the rotten tomato score. If it has a good RT score but an average to bad popcorn rating I will still watch it.
In spite of all the criticism, writers continue to abuse lazy tropes. I can only imagine how bad it would be if critics accepted everything without question.
FTR, I have no problem with actual critics critiquing a movie. I was more talking about these internet/youtube guys who make their names/livings constantly bitching. Surely it is not the case across the board but I swear every I hear RLM or Mr. Plinkington or whatever's name mentioned, it's them ripping apart some movie that was never meant to be anything more than silly fun in the first place. So you spent 2 hours ripping Transformers to shreds. Good job I guess? Just strikes me as silly and unnecessary as it's flipping Transformers. Plot holes? Tropes? Say it ain't so!

Also, I'd argue tropes have always been abused. There's really only so many ways you can go with a story. And with hundreds of movies coming out each year there's bound to be a lot of that. That's what makes the truly great movies stand out.
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