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Watchmen was a really decent adaptation. I enjoyed it. It is one I'd get on blu-ray. Dr. M could have used some undies at times. It was really hard to take dramatic moments seriously when there was a blue dong flopping around on screen. He would be saying something really deep and meaningful.... then the dong would appear. I was shocked to see a few children sitting in the theater with their parents.... Not one for the kids.
Glad you enjoyed it dude.

I'm crap at figuring out 'whodunnit' movies.I just like to sit back and enjoy the ride but as son as I saw the first few minutes I picked the killer out right away and thought that it was painfully obvious who the killer was.

Ultimately as great as it was to look at I felt nothing for any of the characters. For me a story like that needs to make you care or root for the characters and Watchmen didn't do that for me.

Honestly, if I hadn't read the novel, I probably would agree with you. But the characters were so close to their counterparts in the book, that I could realistically connect the two worlds. Ammo is right; even though the movie is a little over 2.5 hours, it simply isn't enough time to really flesh out the characters and follow the themes/plot.
Watchmen was a really decent adaptation. I enjoyed it. It is one I'd get on blu-ray. Dr. M could have used some undies at times. It was really hard to take dramatic moments seriously when there was a blue dong flopping around on screen. He would be saying something really deep and meaningful.... then the dong would appear. I was shocked to see a few children sitting in the theater with their parents.... Not one for the kids.

Yeah I never read the graphic novel either, but I thought it was a decent movie as well. Definitely a Blu-Ray grab, just like 300. Dr. Manhattan was very selective as far as wearing clothes, I was surprised he was wearing anything at all while he was trouncing through Vietnam, I half-expected a 20 ft. Dong to be stage center. That would have further shocked many of the Viet-Cong thus ending the war even quicker.
Because of the dong or because of the violence?

That damn blue dong.... Couldn't take my eyes of it... I saw it in IMAX and needless to say the dong.... was huge. The one scene I was pretty sure giant Dr. M was going to step out of the tree line just dangling for all of Vietnam to see. They would lay down their weapons out of fear of what the great blue serpent might do. No but really it was a pretty violent movie. Little girls leg getting torn apart by dogs.... the violence was intense. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie but for people to bring their children.... thats just wrong. Maybe they thought it was some kind of live action Incredibles. Incredibles with violence, gore, nudity, and sex scenes that would feel right at home on late night Cinemax. I know my girlfriend was shocked. She thought she was being taken to another lame superhero movie.
I find it funny no one has mentioned the sex scene being exceedingly long. That was what bothered me the most. The flopping blue phallic was just amusing, but the sex scene i thought was excessive. At least keep it to only one position. Could have cut some time out of that "long" movie by cutting down on the female nudity. LOL.

I, personally, can't wait to see the 4 hour version. I hear its showing in Chicago and I'm considering making the trip. All characters will have further time to develope. Not to mention (for those of you who read the novel) the whole pirate comic sequence that got cut.

Childress - I honestly think you should read the book. You might appriciate the movie a lot more. I, for one, am a HUGE fan of the comedian. He's twisted and seriously messed in the head but I pull for him every second of the way. Even with the opening scene and knowing his future I just want something good to happen to him. I can't help it. Its like my phantom obsession in the phantom of the opera. Murderer and all that I always want him to whip that patsy boy Rauel. But you know me... I'm a bit twisted myself. :)
Wow for all the wrong reasons.

I felt bored with it after 30 minutes.At points its unintentionally funny because it's so bad.Is Jackie Earle Haley the guy who does all those movie trailer voice overs?

I had never even heard of him before Watchmen. Yet aparantly he has had a pretty impressive carreer up until now. (I question that) He seriously NAILED his character though. My favorite performance out of the lot.
I find it funny no one has mentioned the sex scene being exceedingly long. That was what bothered me the most. The flopping blue phallic was just amusing, but the sex scene i thought was excessive. At least keep it to only one position. Could have cut some time out of that "long" movie by cutting down on the female nudity. LOL.

Actually today at work we were talking about this. Remember this is a bunch of military guys talking.....well there was this guy I know who was with his girl at the movies and walked out on Watchmen. I asked him if he saw the sex scene and he said no.....I told him he missed one of the best parts of the movie!!!! He was pissed...I bet he walked out like 5 minutes before it. I do agree that it started to make me feel a little uncomfortable. If I would have been there with my significant other, maybe it would have been a little better.....ummm...maybe not...maybe if I was alone in a room.....:ha:
I was bothered by the sex scene because of the horrendous music choice for that scene. Yeah, it was a little long, but the music made me absolutely cringe.
Watched "Chaplin" tonight.

We've been covering Charlie Chaplin extensively in one of my classes, so when I saw this movie on the rack at the video store, I decided to give it a shot. In all, I thought the film was too ambitious. You can't expect to cover a film legend whose career spanned over sixty years in a little over two hours. So basically what you get is a cliff notes version of his life that mostly hits the high points. Robert Downey Jr., however, is incredible as Chaplin. He nailed all of the mannerisms that made Chaplin so great.

Overall, I thought it was a nice enough biopic. But it's impossible to think you would be exposed to every aspect of his life given the runtime. Downey Jr. saves this movie from being a disappointment.


Wow...long movie...nearly 3 hours. It is a very emotional story that acually pissed me off. Mainly for the whole "lost generation" theme. I am not mad at the movie, I am pissed that the human race is so ignorant to have actually believed that one race is dominant than another. Perhaps this hits home a little to me for personal reasons, but damn.

Anyways, the story was good, action OK, acting was so so. This would have been a great movie to see in IMAX or Blu Ray. I recommend it if you have nothing to do for 3 hours. 7/10.
Don't mess with Dolemite..

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Watched "Chaplin" tonight.

We've been covering Charlie Chaplin extensively in one of my classes, so when I saw this movie on the rack at the video store, I decided to give it a shot. In all, I thought the film was too ambitious. You can't expect to cover a film legend whose career spanned over sixty years in a little over two hours. So basically what you get is a cliff notes version of his life that mostly hits the high points. Robert Downey Jr., however, is incredible as Chaplin. He nailed all of the mannerisms that made Chaplin so great.

Overall, I thought it was a nice enough biopic. But it's impossible to think you would be exposed to every aspect of his life given the runtime. Downey Jr. saves this movie from being a disappointment.


Downey Jr. could make "You got served" atleast SEMI interesting. no joke. the guy is THAT talented.
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