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Zach Snyder actually made a 4 hour directors cut that is virtually the entire comic with no cuts, but it was only released in major cities or something like that. I haven't seen it yet and i'm so hesitant to go.

I read 300 before the movie came out, and it dissapointed me, so we'll see. I just fell in love with the graphic novel. I'm sure it will be a great film, however, I doubt it will do true justice to the novel, which sucks
One Flew is a masterpiece. Brad Douriff is genius as Billy... 10 out of 10? This one goes to 11

I was typecasted as Billy. Unfortunately, the play cuts out a lot of where Dourif shines in the movie, because I don't think he becomes as lovable in the stage production.
Been getting a good bit of praise so far from rehearsals, but I'm afraid I'll just end up being a really good clone of the character Dourif created. Sometimes, that's good though. All depending on the audience.
I was typecasted as Billy. Unfortunately, the play cuts out a lot of where Dourif shines in the movie, because I don't think he becomes as lovable in the stage production.
Been getting a good bit of praise so far from rehearsals, but I'm afraid I'll just end up being a really good clone of the character Dourif created. Sometimes, that's good though. All depending on the audience.

Where can one catch this play?
Yeah, it's public. If you want to go, just let me know. It'll only be on 2 nights- March 28th and April 4th, and we usually sell out, or have the last 4 productions and they're usually 4 nights.
I can hold 2 seats a night though, so if it's a last minute decision I usually have at least 1 spot open.

I'm going to start off this review, firstly, by declaring this: I never was "for" this movie because I never thought it would be possible to capture the spirit of the graphic novel. Watchmen is not, as many people will tell you, above criticism even though many call it the Bible of graphic novels/comics. It's created a genre-defining change, and is still to this day a fantastic read, but I'm not ready yet to put it up there with a classic like Moby Dick or Blood Meridian.

The bad news? I was right; this simply does not WORK as a movie. Snyder, who apparently was seen almost always with a copy of the novel on set tucked under his arm, should be given kudos for faithfully re-creating it. I mean, litterally whole panels are recreated angle for angle at parts in this movie, and the dialouge. The problem is that this is a character study, and well, not of the characters are really given any life. That's not to say the characters are poorly acted;Jackie Earl Haley give perhaps a career-defining performance as Rorshache, while Jeffrey Morgan (Comedian), Patrick Wilson (Nite Owl II), and Billy Cudrip (Doc Manhatton) are all pitch perfect in some vital roles. No, the problem is that it's nearly impossible to get the whole character that has been carefully and complexly built in a 2.5 hour film, and there are at least six (I'd argue more to understand the meaning of the material) that are all the stars of this story. Snyder gives us a beautiful, artsy, glossy direction that is entirely missing the dread and social unrest that is dripping from the novel, and absolutely vital.

In closing, the movie is not a total failure. It is not a disgrace as many fan boys worried about, it simply losses a lot in translation. Some people will treat it as a standard comic movie, and will probably enjoy it -- it's very violent, and although it's not full of action, the action scenes are some of the best low-scale action sequences I've seen in a while. If you've read the comic, then you'll probably enjoy the movie more than someone who didn't, because you can simply treat it as a companion piece. Others might leave the theatre and think, "so what?"

Grade: 7/10

I'm going to start off this review, firstly, by declaring this: I never was "for" this movie because I never thought it would be possible to capture the spirit of the graphic novel. Watchmen is not, as many people will tell you, above criticism even though many call it the Bible of graphic novels/comics. It's created a genre-defining change, and is still to this day a fantastic read, but I'm not ready yet to put it up there with a classic like Moby Dick or Blood Meridian.

The bad news? I was right; this simply does not WORK as a movie. Snyder, who apparently was seen almost always with a copy of the novel on set tucked under his arm, should be given kudos for faithfully re-creating it. I mean, litterally whole panels are recreated angle for angle at parts in this movie, and the dialouge. The problem is that this is a character study, and well, not of the characters are really given any life. That's not to say the characters are poorly acted;Jackie Earl Haley give perhaps a career-defining performance as Rorshache, while Jeffrey Morgan (Comedian), Patrick Wilson (Nite Owl II), and Billy Cudrip (Doc Manhatton) are all pitch perfect in some vital roles. No, the problem is that it's nearly impossible to get the whole character that has been carefully and complexly built in a 2.5 hour film, and there are at least six (I'd argue more to understand the meaning of the material) that are all the stars of this story. Snyder gives us a beautiful, artsy, glossy direction that is entirely missing the dread and social unrest that is dripping from the novel, and absolutely vital.

In closing, the movie is not a total failure. It is not a disgrace as many fan boys worried about, it simply losses a lot in translation. Some people will treat it as a standard comic movie, and will probably enjoy it -- it's very violent, and although it's not full of action, the action scenes are some of the best low-scale action sequences I've seen in a while. If you've read the comic, then you'll probably enjoy the movie more than someone who didn't, because you can simply treat it as a companion piece. Others might leave the theatre and think, "so what?"

Grade: 7/10

Fair sumation there K ... though I'll argue the "classic" point. It is a classic, and like all books not above criticism. I for one would argue the brilliance of Blood Miridian. Just saying; what use is a book if its liked by everyone? No books are without their faults. Nor are movies.

My brother has never read the novel and didn't like the movie. Though he was not disapointed at spending money to see it with me. There really are some amazing shots. In the same boat my best friend hasn't read the novel and LOVED the movie. She missed a lot fo the subleties of the novel, but was able to enjoy the movie without them.

In the end I'd say its worth watching no matter what.
Yeah, it's public. If you want to go, just let me know. It'll only be on 2 nights- March 28th and April 4th, and we usually sell out, or have the last 4 productions and they're usually 4 nights.
I can hold 2 seats a night though, so if it's a last minute decision I usually have at least 1 spot open.

Both dates are gig nights.. Sucks because I know I'd dig this no doubt. What's the deal with the "4 night" thing?
Well, we usually open on a thursday, then follow with a friday and saturday. Then the following week we wrap up with a friday/saturday then a sunday afternoon show.
So, I guess it's typically 6 performances. But sometimes we don't have the Sunday or Thursday. All depends.

But dramas typically don't do well in community theater here. Comedies are the big sellers, but shows like To Kill a Mockingbird and the like seem to be harder to sell tickets for.
So this one's a bit of an experiment with a new director.
I saw Watchmen on Friday.

I would have to give it a 6.5/10. I didn't enjoy it much. It was more or less a porno throughout (blue weiners, boobs, you name it ;)). The acting was quite cheesy. The music never fit. The special effects were great, and for that I'll give the movie props. Other than that, it fell short of all my expectations.

Movies I would recommend:

1)Slumdog Millionaire
2)Gran Torino
3)The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Those are the best movies (in theaters) I've seen in recent months.
The Alphabet Killer

Loosely based on a true story.

I really enjoyed this film but I think it's a love it or hate it kind of film.It plays like a horror movie but it isn't one.It's a serial killer movie with a twist.The lead character is a schizophrenic and is seeing things that aren't real.

As such it could be viewed as a horror movie.I thought it was interesting how schizophrenic was portrayed but if you don't get it I can see how it might be irritating.

I absolutely hated Watchmen! I never read the book and knew nothing about it so maybe that's my downfall. It seemed like it would be entertaining and exciting judging by the trailers but fell very short. It felt like a superhero soap opera and was painfully to watch. The opening credits revealed it had promise but by the middle I was ready to walk (never walked out of a movie before).

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