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Fermat's Room

Another Spanish thriller. Think Saw plus Math. Nothing truly amazing about this movie, but the concept is somewhat original and the tension is gripping. If you have ever taken anything past Calculus II, you'll be disappointed by the math in this film - especially since the whole premise is built upon higher math. But, what it lacks in complicated problems it makes up for in the actors' performances, good writing, and did I mention tension?

I'm becoming aware of the fact that if I want to watch good modern movies, I'm going to have to start getting comfortable with subtitles.

7 out of 10
Danny Elfman did the music to Spiderman as well. I would have to say he does his best work with Burton. No one can seem to capture the dark moods and gloomy effects of Burton films with music as well as he does. I can't wait for Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"...with Johnny Depp as the mad hatter. Its going to be amazing.
Pretty sure Burton, Depp, and Maybeline have a contract together. When is the last movie Depp was in that he didn't wear heavy makeup in? I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to play a basic character.
Pretty sure Burton, Depp, and Maybeline have a contract together. When is the last movie Depp was in that he didn't wear heavy makeup in? I'm starting to wonder if he knows how to play a basic character.

Michael Mann's "Public Enemy" comes out this year...Depp plays John'll see then, I guess
Two movies to watch if you're feeling really good about yourself (and if you have a lot of extra time).

Synecdoche New York - This is Charlie Kaufman's (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation) directorial debut and it is some debut. This movie is genius, but I'm not sure I really liked it. The story follows theatre director Caden Cotard (Phillip Seymore Hoffman) as he tries to find himself, not sure I can tell you much more. To say this movie is surreal and hard to follow would be an understatement. By the end, I was drained mentally, emotionally, and even physically. I'm sure watching it a second time would help me understand more, but I don't want to put myself through the anguish again.

5 out of 10

Three Monkeys - I didn't even know they made movies in Turkey, but this Turkish film is definitely worth the watch. Don't worry about having to read subtitles, because there is very little dialogue. In fact, there is very little action. What makes this film so great is the cinematography. It doesn't just add to the film, it drives the plot. Beautiful film about guilt and suffering.

9 out of 10
Yeah, I can see why a lot of people love SNY. At first, I thought I loved it. But, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was just saying I loved it because it is so abstract and pretentious. When you get down to it, the story is just too convoluted to portray anything real to the viewer. What you get is a glimpse into the genius mind of Kaufman without a guidebook. A lot of stuff going on, with little of it making sense.
Yeah, I can see why a lot of people love SNY. At first, I thought I loved it. But, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was just saying I loved it because it is so abstract and pretentious. When you get down to it, the story is just too convoluted to portray anything real to the viewer. What you get is a glimpse into the genius mind of Kaufman without a guidebook. A lot of stuff going on, with little of it making sense.

I'll paraphrase Jackson Pollack here: "when you look at a beautiful flower bed, do you have to see what goes into making it? Why can't you just appreciate the beauty"

I understand that plot and character development is extremely important in film. Kaufman has always been of a different breed, commercially and artistically. Not everyone understands "Being John Malkovich" or "Adaptation", but upon further watching, whatever meaning there may be, you'll most likely find it. Art is all about interpretation. Its a personal thing. But i'm glad that you're atleast thinking about things, whereas, some people just wonder into a movie like that or aimlessly bash it or praise it without fully understanding its meaning.

to each his own, my friend.
I'll paraphrase Jackson Pollack here: "when you look at a beautiful flower bed, do you have to see what goes into making it? Why can't you just appreciate the beauty"

That's a great quote and it's definitely true when it comes to a Pollack painting or art in general. However, Kaufman's films aren't Pollack's paintings and they don't pretend to be. The beauty of his films are in understanding his view of the meaning. If SNY were a Baraka type film, then, yes I could just watch and be mesmerized by the simple beauty of it. But, the whole point of using the film medium as art is to tell a story. Kaufman usually shines in his complex and symbolistic storytelling. But I think he gets in his own way by trying to be too clever when it comes to SNY. I'm not sure he even knows what he's trying to say.
That's a great quote and it's definitely true when it comes to a Pollack painting or art in general. However, Kaufman's films aren't Pollack's paintings and they don't pretend to be. The beauty of his films are in understanding his view of the meaning. If SNY were a Baraka type film, then, yes I could just watch and be mesmerized by the simple beauty of it. But, the whole point of using the film medium as art is to tell a story. Kaufman usually shines in his complex and symbolistic storytelling. But I think he gets in his own way by trying to be too clever when it comes to SNY. I'm not sure he even knows what he's trying to say.

I don't want to give away the story to those who haven't seen it, but I agree to some extent. I feel like a genius like Kaufman wouldn't make a film unless he knew exactly what he was doing. The film was almost dream-like and PSH did a FANTASTIC job acting in it. My main critique of the film was, as you stated earlier, that he was trying to be too complex and symbolistic in his storytelling. But, when it comes to Kaufman being "too clever", I don't think there is any limits to what he can do and what he will do not only as a writer, but as a director, also. I can't really argue a point with you because I felt as though I understood when I left the theatre. Everyone takes home their own perspectives on the film, which was filled with metaphors and clever dialogue. I definately want to see it again.

Also, kudus about what you said about Baraka. Great, surreal movie.
I don't want to give away the story to those who haven't seen it, but I agree to some extent. I feel like a genius like Kaufman wouldn't make a film unless he knew exactly what he was doing. The film was almost dream-like and PSH did a FANTASTIC job acting in it. My main critique of the film was, as you stated earlier, that he was trying to be too complex and symbolistic in his storytelling. But, when it comes to Kaufman being "too clever", I don't think there is any limits to what he can do and what he will do not only as a writer, but as a director, also. I can't really argue a point with you because I felt as though I understood when I left the theatre. Everyone takes home their own perspectives on the film, which was filled with metaphors and clever dialogue. I definately want to see it again.

Also, kudus about what you said about Baraka. Great, surreal movie.

Like you said, to each his own. I'm really not as down on this movie as I sound. Honestly, I just want to spark some interest in some of the members here to watch movies like this. I, kind of, view SNY like the Passion. An amazing feat of movie-making, but once is enough for me.

BTW, Hoffman was FANTASTIC as Caden. Also, what in your opinion did the character of Hazel actually represent?
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