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So you just cemented your place as the most intelligent family member.

Yea, I don't feel so smart now. lol

But cheering for another team now just feels wrong.

Even saying I have a "second" team feels wrong.

Its more like which teams do I hate the least, because I hate them all.
New fans jump on the wagon every year after a draft. I think we have a new poster who signed up because of our 7th round pick. Complaining about getting new fans when we probably have the least in the league, maybe even all of sports, is a joke.

Well what if we start to suck? They leave, who cares.
I was an Oiler fan since around 1988. Offensively all other teams seemed boring to me and the run and shoot was so exciting to watch; that's what hooked me. Warren Moon was/is my all time favorite player and I'm sure many really old school Oiler fans would have considered ma a bandwagon fan back then. As was pointed out earlier we need all the fans we can get, I welcome anyone who wholeheartedly roots for the Titans.
I didn't start really getting into NFL football until 2006. Happy coincidence that the Titans were winning a lot of exciting games in those couple of years.

I wouldn't say VY was the reason I became a Titans' fan, but he was a big reason I got hooked I guess.
I became a fan when we got the Titans. Not when the Oilers moved, but in 99 when they really became Tennessee team. I went to the stadium 2 times that season.

I absolutely fell in love with McNair. To this day, one of my happiest moments as a fan was seeing McNairs face after the MCM. If I was an artist, I could draw it. We could be down by 3 tds with 6 minutes left, and I would be glued to the TV convinced that the game wasn't over. There will never be another McNair for me, but thats not necessarily a bad thing. Plus out defense would kick your ass back then lol.

I didn't watch the NFL before then.

I want so badly to be able to give a damn about another team, but I can't.
look i want a lot of titans fans too. but the thing is i want real titans fans. i dont want a bunch of losers acting like titans fans just cuz they mariota fans, then mariota leaves and they leave and its just dumb. ill be ok with any of em that stay and be titans fans after mariotas gone, but till then they just fanboys, not titans fans
I became a fan when we drafted Rusty Smith...

Seriously though, watched the Oilers when they drafted Eddie. Became an actual fan after the move to TN. Been down with the blue since the Liberty Bowl days. Attended my first game as a tyke against Jax during the inaugural Titans' season. I still remember being p*ssed because O'Donnell started that game.

Welcome new fans. Hold on tight 'cause the bandwagon regularly capsizes.
Been an oiler/titan fan since 1987 and will be happy to take on any new comers for as long as they want to get on board . . . just like I welcomed all you new comers when we moved to Tennessee. We are just talking about a football team people so if people want to cheer for your team with you and it helps your team in some way, why push them away or not accept them. And if they want to leave at some point, wish them well.
I mean, I jumped on the bandwagon during the McNair/George days, but been a diehard ever since.

Although I can see myself getting randomly pissed off and yelling "where the F were y'all when we were losing? I do this ish for real. the Titans are a lifestyle to me" LOL
I mean, I jumped on the bandwagon during the McNair/George days, but been a diehard ever since.

Although I can see myself getting randomly pissed off and yelling "where the F were y'all when we were losing? I do this ish for real. the Titans are a lifestyle to me" LOL

Remember back in 2005 when Billy Volek was gettin the start... I was at that Christmas game in the 200s section... straight grubbin on some buffet. :) while the Broncos made us look like garbage.... yeah... but Mariotta, Ya, I'll hop on the bandwagon again
As a kid I grew up a casual Oilers fans. My oldest brother (RIP) diehard Oilers fan, so I just pretty much liked everything he liked.

I watched maybe half of the games during the season, then next thing you know the team moved. I was still young and didn't have internet so I actually didn't get to watch many games, but my family in TN kept me updated and I'd watch playoff games and whenever they came on TV in my area.

Then they drafted VY, which I was a VY fanboy. Changed everything.

They actually would show Titans games over Texans games in south Texas it was awesome.

The Jake Locker period was pretty horrible, but still a fan non the less and will always be my team.
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