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Didn't she say later she wanted Sara to kill her? In the hospital?
I thiiiiink. Honestly don't remember. But if that were the case then why run/struggle at all? Just let the chick kill you.

She must've not wanted to die too bad or she wouldn't have sliced Sara's face with that piece of glass and ran away.
And deuce you've made not a single post in this thread in 2 months aside from complaining about the thread content. I don't get why some of the people who complain the most are also the ones who are contributing the least. You can't claim your discussion is being "drowned out" by superhero talk if you aren't even trying to get any discussion off the ground if the first place.
23 posts about super hero shows since I mentioned it...

Apparently, watching bad TV has an affect on one's ability to count.

It's literally about 1:1... every other post being about Super Hero shows.

Point is- I check this thread for suggestions on shows... and it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Be defensive about it if you want, but it is what it is.

You need your own forum.

And saying the thread would "die" without superhero talk is absolutely stupid and pointless.
Lol no one is being defensive. We are merely saying this is a TV SHOW thread and just because you and a very small handful of other members do not like these shows or think they get too much play doesn't mean we should have to use a separate thread/s for different types of shows.

I watch plenty of other shows. I try talking about them sometimes and 9 times out of 10 it's crickets. And sorry but I refuse to buy this idea that it's too hard to skim a few pages every couple of days and ignore the content you don't care for.

Also this isn't meant to be "Deuce Wayne's personal TV show recommendation thread". It's meant for members to discuss TV shows they watch and that's precisely how it is being used. If you want TV show recs there's literally about a million other ways to get them via the internet.

One last point, 520 created the "non super hero tv show" thread a few days back. Now it may not have the title you'd prefer but it's a separate thread for ALL TV TALK EXCEPT SUPERHERO SHOWS! Your prayers have basically been answered.

Run. Discuss. Flourish.
annnnd the point is, there's a large number of you that are in to a specific subgenre of TV shows...

thus the reason you need your own thread.

520 making a "non super hero" thread is opposite of the way it should be.

That'd be like making a "Non Jaguars Talk" sub-forum here...
Here's how I use an internet forum. Perhaps I done goofed and have been doing it wrong all these years.

1. go to forum
2. click on thread that interests me

now this part is key.....
3. start reading at the LAST UNREAD POST in said thread.
4. read up to current.
(optional) 5. post comment/s

Now, let's use the past 50 pages of this thread to get an average. 50 pages ago it was September 25th. Exactly 6 weeks ago. 6 x 7 = 42 days. So 50 pages in 42 days. That's an average of 1.19 pages of content per day. So even if you only check this thread twice a week it still shouldn't be anything close to a daunting or time-consuming task to get caught up. Also worth noting that without all this lame arguing over "what tv shows belong in the tv show thread" that average would be much lower.

My question is, how badly do you guys really want to discuss other television shows? Because it's obviously not enough to sift through about a single page of content per day.
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Here's how I use an internet forum. Perhaps I done goofed and have been doing it wrong all these years.

1. go to forum
2. click on thread that interests me

now this part is key.....
3. start reading at the LAST UNREAD POST in said thread.
4. read up to current.
(optional) 5. post comment/s

Now, let's use the past 50 pages of this thread to get an average. 50 pages ago it was September 25th. Exactly 6 weeks ago. 6 x 7 = 42 days. So 50 pages in 42 days. That's an average of 1.19 pages of content per day. So even if you only check this thread twice a week it still shouldn't be anything close to a daunting or time-consuming task to get caught up. Also worth noting that without all this lame arguing over "what tv shows belong in the tv show thread" that average would be much lower.

My question is, how badly do you guys really want to discuss other television shows? Because it's obviously not enough to sift through about a single page of content per day.

You clearly have FAR more free time than I do.

It is daunting.

Take your "I'm good at forums" garbage to reddit or somewhere you could get upvotes and feel successful.
You clearly have FAR more free time than I do.

It is daunting.

Take your "I'm good at forums" garbage to reddit or somewhere you could get upvotes and feel successful.
Don't give me that "don't have the free time" crap. You weren't too busy to go back and count and categorize the past several pages of posts in an attempt to prop up your position.

If a page a day is too daunting for you then you're either lazy as hell or not very smart. I don't think it's the latter with you guys. I think it's a bit of the former mixed in with just a bit of good old fashioned butthurt.
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Again if you can't/won't keep up with a page a day then maybe you just don't want to discuss TV shows too awfully bad.

Bottom line, this boils down to 3 (best as I can tell) members who don't like the thread content and are telling everyone else they should pack it up and go elsewhere. Cruds I'm somewhat sympathetic too because he was always pretty active in this thread and I enjoy discussing stuff with him. You on the other hand have done nothing but b****ed while contributing nothing.

Also just found this gem from you only a few months back....
So uh... why do we have a TV show thread when everyone keeps making separate threads for TV shows?

Face it DW, you just like to piss and moan.
Nope. Just think it's a bit much to have to sift through mostly SH talk to find a couple posts about anything else.

And anyone that isn't into SH shows will likely agree... Isn't coincidence.
So when people were creating separate threads for shows you were interested in you were all "Hey guys, we have a TV show thread for that."

But now that people are discussing shows you don't care about more than you'd like you're all "Hey guys, why don't you take it to another thread."

lol. My suggestion is stop complaining or at the very least attempt to steer the conversation in other directions. I'm pretty sure we ALL watch other shows and would be willing to talk about them.
These are the shows I currently keep up with on a weekly basis:
American Horror Story
Walking Dead
Brooklyn Nine Nine

and of course

I'm willing to discuss any/all. I would actually LOVE to see some discussion on the first 3. And I KNOW people here watch them.
@Deuce Wayne is correct on this.
If there was single Soop show thread - which should be no sweat off anyone's back (but apparently is for some reason) and a leave this thread to no-Soops, this thread would more easily navigable for non-Soop content.

The problem is solely that the Soop folks don't want to do it. That is it in a nutshell entirely.
Would it make a hill of beans difference to @SawdustMan which thread he posted Soop content in?
OF COURSE NOT. The discussion remains intact and the Soop folks remain happy.
So why then make a stand about it?
Answer: because with the numbers as is it's just a hoot 'n a holler to not cooperate.

So when people were creating separate threads for shows you were interested in you were all "Hey guys, we have a TV show thread for that."

But now that people are discussing shows you don't care about more than you'd like you're all "Hey guys, why don't you take it to another thread."

lol. My suggestion is stop complaining or at the very least attempt to steer the conversation in other directions. I'm pretty sure we ALL watch other shows and would be willing to talk about them.
These are the shows I currently keep up with on a weekly basis:
American Horror Story
Walking Dead
Brooklyn Nine Nine

and of course

I'm willing to discuss any/all. I would actually LOVE to see some discussion on the first 3. And I KNOW people here watch them.

And the point is - put those last three in a separate thread and even if this (as a non-Soop) thread moves slower the discussion about the other shows will breathe.
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