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I was a couple weeks behind on TWD so I avoided this thread

OK Glenn... I just dont know what to say.

And the Ricktators FINALLY found some walkie talkies and they are of course SUPER walkie talkies able to transmit 20 miles! ARUUUUGHHHH!!!!!

the walkie talkie thing has always bothered me. Those would be priceless

Morgan the Akido master....

I liked it a lot. Not as good as The Grove, but an excellent stand alone episode none the less.
Guy I worked with was the same with BoB. If we ever found ourselves standing around quietly... one of us would suddenly say, "I'm going to regiment" and walk off.
I was a couple weeks behind on TWD so I avoided this thread

OK Glenn... I just dont know what to say.

And the Ricktators FINALLY found some walkie talkies and they are of course SUPER walkie talkies able to transmit 20 miles! ARUUUUGHHHH!!!!!

the walkie talkie thing has always bothered me. Those would be priceless

Morgan the Akido master....

I liked it a lot. Not as good as The Grove, but an excellent stand alone episode none the less.
The Glenn thing is either going to turn out really really cool or really really bad. I hope they don't pull some lame "he somehow got away without getting bit" crap.

I really liked the Morgan episode. That said I do wonder why they needed a super-sized episode just to tell that story. I was actually hoping Morgan would kill that dude at the end despite the "all life is valuable" mantra.
Get over yourself.

You fail to grasp a concept that no one agrees with you about. You have another thread that 520 started that you don't use which, again, proves us right.
Get over yourself.

You fail to grasp a concept that no one agrees with you about. You have another thread that 520 started that you don't use which, again, proves us right.

LOL - you really only seem like the one whining here Gunny.
I said multiple times it wouldn't change - and it still won't. The change I suggested didn't happen and I really don't care.
You alternately sound like a child who got his toy taken away.
And it won't change because you are too busy complaining about what YOU think should be in a TV show thread. You know an all encompassing thread about, and this may shock your out of your own little world, TV SHOWS.

*gasp* omg, a thread about tv shows isn't restricted to what YOU want.

Don't like it. Start your own thread and let it die because you, and others, cannot generate discussion about it.
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