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It's definitely bordering 24 territory, but if 24 was way better. I found it interesting with where they went with Quinn's character after having the stroke. I have a buddy who has gone thru the same thing and it was oddly similar in so many instances. I liked Quinn much better than Brody.

Speaking of 24. My god the scene between "Carter" and Jimmy Smits last week, lol. Total freakin hilarity! The kid that plays Carter is just a horrible actor. This was MSTK3K territory. Smits had to have been cringing..
quinn was an excellent character that they ruined and decided to abuse for too long. rupert friend did an amazing job though.

all i want from any seasons this show has left is carrie and saul doing spy shit. that's it. give me all that sweet behind closed doors espionage
Add Fargo to that - starting Wednesday. Solid TV period right now.
Didn't see anyone mention it but Homeland was decent again for a change this year.
I mentioned Homeland a few pages back. Figured everyone had threw in the towel on that one or something. I agree this season was the best in awhile. Still has its fair show of ludicrous moments but they don't bother me too much.

That trailer for the new season of Fargo didn't really do a lot for me. I'll check it out for sure though. S1 was spectacular. S2 was pretty good.
told you dude. it's incredible.

so many great performances. amazing how much i've come to love ole' stan
Yeah Stan is a great character. I cannot wait for the day he finds out lol. The Elizabeth character still kind of grates on me but not nearly as bad as those first couple seasons.
Yeah, i'm in the same boat as you regarding Elizabeth. she's always been way more dedicated to the "cause" and seems like a robot. at least with phillip you can physically see the toll the job takes on him and the creeping skepticism of the work.

but she does humanize a little bit more. still though, all of the most horrible things that have happened in this show were elizabeth's doing.

paige on the otherhand is dana brody 2.0... i mean she's a much more meaningful character but no-less grating onscreen
"All cartoon"??.. oh bs. A few bumpers serving as Greek Chorus for narrative's sake doesn't make it all cartoon. If those scenes were live action people would be complaining about tediousness, and they remain relevant because they were Dizzy's comic artwork. Of course I'm also a bit more biased because I watched 70's cartoons...
Just seemed like a way to cut out a lot of dope scenes that would of cost money to make
Ugh, Paige is unbearable. They should break her up and put her in a suitcase.
We were watching a few episodes last night and I literally turned to my wife and said "They should just kill Paige."

The whole "You don't tell me anything!" followed by her having complete meltdowns every time they do tell her something is annoying as hell. Also, loved how she had the nerve to say "Why don't you guys trust me?!?!" in regards to keeping her mouth shut with Matthew after the whole Pastor Tim debacle. Typical teenage girl type reactions I suppose but it's still annoying to watch.
Billions on starz and hulu is pretty dang good. After a couple of episodes giving background and character introductions I was sucked right into it.

The Last Kingdom is fantastic. The first season is on Netflix and was GOOD, I have been watching the second season that is only airing on BBC2 in the UK right now but it is GREAT and is 6 episodes into what will be a total of 10 episodes.
We started Hannibal over again now that we are up to date on The Americans. We watched the first season back when it first aired then got overwhelmed with other shows and it fell by the wayside. Shame it got canceled. But I guess folks like myself who liked it and still didn't keep up were a contributing factor.
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