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Does anyone else imagine GoT as having an English accent and using sophisticated words?

not really


not England


southern accent, but not as 'thick' as it used to be.

But I sometimes call all of these the same...




they are all 'flahurs'
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Trump says that flag burners should be fined, jailed or lose their citizenship.


I guess Trump has finally found common ground with Clinton on something.
But it didn't pass.

United States[edit]

A protester burning a New Hampshire state flag.
The flag of the United States is sometimes symbolically burned, often in protest of the policies of the American government, both within the country and abroad. The United States Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson, 491U.S. 397 (1989), and reaffirmed in U.S. v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990), has ruled that due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to its status as "symbolic speech." However, content-neutral restrictions may still be imposed to regulate the time, place, and manner of such expression.
Michigan has certified Trump as their victor.

They can still recount, no biggie, it will not change anything.

Ron Fournier thinks this is all just a plan for Hillary to remain relevant and undermine Trump legitimacy, laying the groundwork for a 2020 run:

While there is no evidence the idea is certainly not out of the questions. Hillary has recently staged some "Chance encounters" with "Regular people" who took a selfie with her and posted it to social media. For those unaware it turns out the "Regular people" either work for or with her campaign.

We also know how badly she wants to be president and that does not just go away overnight. And she will undoubtedly be encouraged by the fact she won the popular vote and by the way her supporters have reacted to the election.
They can still recount, no biggie, it will not change anything.

Ron Fournier thinks this is all just a plan for Hillary to remain relevant and undermine Trump legitimacy, laying the groundwork for a 2020 run:

While there is no evidence the idea is certainly not out of the questions. Hillary has recently staged some "Chance encounters" with "Regular people" who took a selfie with her and posted it to social media. For those unaware it turns out the "Regular people" either work for or with her campaign.

We also know how badly she wants to be president and that does not just go away overnight. And she will undoubtedly be encouraged by the fact she won the popular vote and by the way her supporters have reacted to the election.

She's going to need to find a hobby over the next 4 years.
They can still recount, no biggie, it will not change anything.

Ron Fournier thinks this is all just a plan for Hillary to remain relevant and undermine Trump legitimacy, laying the groundwork for a 2020 run:

While there is no evidence the idea is certainly not out of the questions. Hillary has recently staged some "Chance encounters" with "Regular people" who took a selfie with her and posted it to social media. For those unaware it turns out the "Regular people" either work for or with her campaign.

We also know how badly she wants to be president and that does not just go away overnight. And she will undoubtedly be encouraged by the fact she won the popular vote and by the way her supporters have reacted to the election.

This is great news.... I get to beat Hillary and the sportsbook again in 2020.

Irish bookmaker Paddy Power says it lost about 5 million euros ($5.5 million) in what the Dublin-based
business called its "biggest political payout ever."

Company spokesman Feilim Mac An Iomaire said Wednesday: "We're in the business of making predictions and decided to put our neck on the line by paying out early on Hillary Clinton, but boy did we get it wrong. We've been well and truly thumped by Trump."

Online betting sites lose millions after Trump wins presidency | WFTV

Do you ever get tired of winning?

I don't
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This is great news.... I get to beat Hillary and the sportsbook again in 2020.

Online betting sites lose millions after Trump wins presidency | WFTV

Do you ever get tired of winning?

I don't

Hurry, before this gets yanked offline. A story in the Guardian from someone who says the "Alt right" of Sam Harris and Milo Yiannapolis turned him into a racist.

Except it was all BS made up crap by Godfrey Elfwick, a goofball fake SJW account used to mock SJWs.

Check out @GodfreyElfwick's Tweet:
How did The Guardian even fall for this? When I first saw it on a blog the blogger commented "Is this satire?"
So I went back and listened to Sargon's video "Death of Social Justice Special" again, this time all the way to the end. My goodness, the subtle logic he presents hits so hard, especially when he talked about the fear mongering of Russia. We, the U.S, under Democratic control, have essentially been the villain in this story because we have hurt them so bad economically that they are reacting like a wounded animal in a sense. We should not fear Russia, but feel for them, and Trump will help them and not push war on Russia.
So I went back and listened to Sargon's video "Death of Social Justice Special" again, this time all the way to the end. My goodness, the subtle logic he presents hits so hard, especially when he talked about the fear mongering of Russia. We, the U.S, under Democratic control, have essentially been the villain in this story because we have hurt them so bad economically that they are reacting like a wounded animal in a sense. We should not fear Russia, but feel for them, and Trump will help them and not push war on Russia.

It's was brilliant
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