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I have no use for Russia but there is no good reason to fight them now.

Shhhhh though, the libtards like to pretend Trump is dangerous
This will be like WWII.....the Russians will be a necessary evil, but we need them to fight the ME. It will come down to that someday.
David Petraeus is still a candidate for Sec. of State. David Petraeus would need his probation officers permission to travel, lol, this cant be serious. And if anyone doesnt know, Petraeus was caught turning over classified info to his mistress, so protecting classified info apparently isnt as big a deal as it was when discussing Clinton.
unlike c4 DP is/was paying the price for his transgression

I would have zero issues with DP having a spot in Donny cabinet

and you are correct. I have a very low bar for Donny... Scalia-like Supremes and EO erase-O-matic

anything else is bonus time baby!
unlike c4 DP is/was paying the price for his transgression

I would have zero issues with DP having a spot in Donny cabinet

and you are correct. I have a very low bar for Donny... Scalia-like Supremes and EO erase-O-matic

anything else is bonus time baby!

Yes, obviously potentially being SOS is a huge punishment.

ANd what about Steve Mnuchin, a candidate for secretary of Treasury. A Goldman Sachs guy who helped bring on the housing crisis. But, you guys hate Clinton for her Wall St connections, but I take it you are cool with this one? The real kicker with Mnuchin though, is he also used to be a partner with George Soros. So Trump is draining the Swamp buy brining in Goldman Sachs/Soros people!

Mnuchin has some baggage, I personally dont care about him foreclosing on a bunch of hobos underwater on their stupid mortgage, but blaming him for the 'housing crisis' is a libtarded reach.

I hate c4 cause she makes it easy.

and I stated before my low bar for Donny.... this guy dont change that limited equation.

also Donny met Mnuchin when he sued Mnuchin - LOL

Mnuchin has some baggage, I personally dont care about him foreclosing on a bunch of hobos underwater on their stupid mortgage, but blaming him for the 'housing crisis' is a libtarded reach.

I hate c4 cause she makes it easy.

and I stated before my low bar for Donny.... this guy dont change that limited equation.

also Donny met Mnuchin when he sued Mnuchin - LOL

His bank was one that helped bring it on. I almost guarantee we will have another crash with Trump in power, or shortly after he leaves, because he is bringing in all of these wall street people who want to deregulate the markets just like before and pander to Wall st. Trump is changing absolutely nothing and isnt remotely draining any swamps.

And your bar might be low for him, but for many of his supporters the bar isnt low, and you know that.

His pick for Health and Human Services Secretary, Tom Price, wants to not only defund Obamacare and planned parenthood, but also seriously reduce medicare and medicaid, and Paul Ryan has been wanting to do that for years. So, basically anyone close to retirement age might want to make sure they are going to have access to insurance before they retire, because there is a good chance medicare isnt going to be available in its current form. He is also a member the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. The name sounds normal enough, but they are anti-vaxxers who believe Obama won elections by hypnotizing people among other ridiculous things. This is going to be a really absurd 4 years.
yeah well the last 8 years had a America hating moslum terrorism denier as PotUS

and what bank are you talking about????

Mnuchin was ownership partners on a California bank uncle barrys federalies shut down. Him and his billionaire buddies bought it on the cheap and foreclosed the hades on people. Not nice but I am betting it was all legal and stuff. Had zero to do with the 'housing crisis' other than making a few bucks off it.
yeah well the last 8 years had a America hating moslum terrorism denier as PotUS

and what bank are you talking about????

Mnuchin was ownership partners on a California bank uncle barrys federalies shut down. Him and his billionaire buddies bought it on the cheap and foreclosed the hades on people. Not nice but I am betting it was all legal and stuff. Had zero to do with the 'housing crisis' other than making a few bucks off it.

He worked for Goldman Sachs for 17 years before he went to the bank you are talking about. Goldman Sachs was sued for fraudulent mortgage bonds because they were one of the banks that packaged bad mortgages into bonds. And yes, the bank you are talking about was also sued over questionable foreclosures, so it wasnt all on the up and up.
He worked for Goldman Sachs for 17 years before he went to the bank you are talking about. Goldman Sachs was sued for fraudulent mortgage bonds because they were one of the banks that packaged bad mortgages into bonds.
and you think Mnuchin personally made that happen????

GS was not the only player involved. Lots of banks were involved. IMO PEOPLE are responsible for their own actions. No GS bankster forced anyone to overextend on a mortgage. No GS bankster forced anyone to purchase a bond in ignorance.

Peoples avarice was the culprit every single time.
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and you think Mnuchin personally made that happen????

Personally? No (though re-read my post I edited, he was also sued for questionable foreclosures at the bank you are referring to, and he did have something to personally do with that). He is also still on the board with CIT bank. But my ultimate point, is that there is no draining the swamp going on. The same types of people with the same interests are being put in their positions. Mnuchin is as Wall Street as anybody, so the criticisms of Clinton's Wall Street ties were obviously not serious critiques.

At this point the closest thing to draining the swamp would be Ben Carson as head of HUD, which he is supposedly on the short list for. But in saying that, how does it make sense to put a neurosurgeon as the head of housing when he has no experience with that.?
Personally? No (though re-read my post I edited, he was also sued for questionable foreclosures at the bank you are referring to, and he did have something to personally do with that). He is also still on the board with CIT bank. But my ultimate point, is that there is no draining the swamp going on. The same types of people with the same interests are being put in their positions. Mnuchin is as Wall Street as anybody, so the criticisms of Clinton's Wall Street ties were obviously not serious critiques.

At this point the closest thing to draining the swamp would be Ben Carson as head of HUD, which he is supposedly on the short list for. But in saying that, how does it make sense to put a neurosurgeon as the head of housing when he has no experience with that.?

anyone can sue anyone for anything so that is to be expected with something as volatile as losing a house.

Like it or not the people in these positions need to know what is happening around them. That requires some experience and expertise. Donny is gonna go with the devil he knows. I have zero problem with that at this time.

I think you are totally dismissing the fact that all of these people report to Donny. Donny will drain the swamp all by himself if necessary. Heck just keeping c4 from expanding the swamp is a W as far as I am concerned.
I have zero sympathy for Russia, but I dont want a WAR that c4 was without a doubt gonna start
We will always have a "ify" relationship with Russia...sort of like two guys that are equals on the playing field....but that said, we should ally with them in certain areas...particularly fighting crazed islamic terrorists.
Yes, obviously potentially being SOS is a huge punishment.

ANd what about Steve Mnuchin, a candidate for secretary of Treasury. A Goldman Sachs guy who helped bring on the housing crisis. But, you guys hate Clinton for her Wall St connections, but I take it you are cool with this one? The real kicker with Mnuchin though, is he also used to be a partner with George Soros. So Trump is draining the Swamp buy brining in Goldman Sachs/Soros people!
TRUMP...if it pisses LIBTARDS off...I'm good with it.....TRUMP
Sad that as bad as Petreaus is he would be an major improvement over Hillary Clinton when it comes to handling secure information.
Ha, yeah, because all it took for him to turn over classified info to a journalist was getting his little winky wet.

At least he did not have his maid printing it out and at least it did not end up on the laptop the spouse of staff member under investigation for sex crimes.
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