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I remember reading the The Count of Monte Cristo when I was younger and liking it a lot. Just saw the movie (2002), and it was very good. It seems like I liked the book better, but it's been ages since I read it. Anyone else seen the movie and have a comparison to the book?
Bobo said:
I remember reading the The Count of Monte Cristo when I was younger and liking it a lot. Just saw the movie (2002), and it was very good. It seems like I liked the book better, but it's been ages since I read it. Anyone else seen the movie and have a comparison to the book?

read the book in french class... thus making the movie (done in english) MUCH BETTER :) hahaha.

You should watch the older version of the movie as well. Gives a good comparison base.
I actually thought I had seen part of the older movie long ago, but couldn't remember for sure. Did a search on the net and it didn't come up with anything.
Bobo said:
I actually thought I had seen part of the older movie long ago, but couldn't remember for sure. Did a search on the net and it didn't come up with anything.

V for Vendetta has parts of it in the movie. It's V's favourite movie.
Gunny said:
V for Vendetta has parts of it in the movie. It's V's favourite movie.

Ah yes forgot all about that. These vengeance movies rock. Count of Monte Cristo, V for Vendetta, A Princess Bride....A Princess Bride? Well it did have a pirate ship called Revenge :grrr:
Watched Hitman over the weekend and I'll give it two thumbs down and the middle finger.. Total turkey.. What were you thinking Olyphant?
I watched Hitman a few weeks back,..... might've enjoyed the subway fight scene a tiny bit ..... other than that, I was a little bored
Brothers Solomon (Will Arnette, some SNL guy)

thought it would be humorous, but it was far from it... so many missed opportunities for humor
Creeping-Cruds said:
Watched Hitman over the weekend and I'll give it two thumbs down and the middle finger.. Total turkey.. What were you thinking Olyphant?

Knew it was going to suck the moment I saw him cast as Hitman, does not look the part whatsoever.
no he didn't look like an 'agent'
had too much of a boyish face for the part

thought Jason Statham may have made a better 47

man I didn't realize Olyphant was Seth Bullock on Deadwood :doh:
Statham would have been good, but I'm still not sure why they didnt go with David Bateson, the guy that was actually Agent 47 from the get-go.


Based on the true story of Domino Harvey, daughter of film actor Laurence Harveya, who decides to abandon her life as an actress / model to become a bounty hunter

man, I'm not sure what people use as a gauge to review movies anymore, but alot of folks did not like this movie ...... I, on the other hand, did ... quite a bit actually

Keira Knightly
Micky Rourke
Christopher Walken
Jerry Springer
Lucy Liu

maybe it was one of those Saturday Morning surprise flicks that catch the first 5 minutes of your attention and your weekend-lazed state just gives in to it ...I don't know

I'd say rent it

I'm gonna give it an 8/10
I want to check out Domino. Thanks Puck.

I always wanted to see The 9th Gate (I know, I'm a bit late). I thought I'd heard it was a flop and I see why. I was luke warm to the movie and hoped the ending would make it worth while, but the ending sucked.

Next on my list : I Am Lengend and 3:10 to Yuma.
Watched the 1958 Sinbad today. The princess is a bit of a hottie in that movie. And I gotta respect Bing Crosby for tapping that at 30 years her senior. The acting was pretty over the top at times, but it was a good enough story to follow it through and see if the hottie lives.

like I said about Domino, I'm not sure what people use for measuring movie goodness ..... I only found this to be mildly humorous and some times I was just bored out of my mind

maybe a 6/10
catch it on HBO right now
I thought Domino was the equal to an out of control MTV video - all style no substance. I liked that Jason Statham one better where he was shot up with the crank and couldn't go to sleep, whatever that was called..
Puck said:
man I didn't realize Olyphant was Seth Bullock on Deadwood :doh:

The weirdest role was when he played Mark Walberg's guitar player in Rock Star. He was all posed out with the 80's bangs and pointy guitars etc. Even weirder was when Mark joined the big band and "Mcnulty" from The Wire (Dominic West) was his new hairband guitar player..
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