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I'm still confused by the complaint - note I haven't seen BP since it was at the cinemas - what's the issue?

You type more coherently than our Mexican friend, maybe you can explain it.
T'challa saw that it was Killmonger who rescued Klaw (via the ring on his necklace). And the fact that T "failed" to kill/bring back Klaw is the whole reason T's top guy/best friend (Get Out guy) turned on him and supported Killmonger. He was literally the only person in that room who wasn't like "get this fool (Killmonger) out of here!" It just seemed bizarre that T wouldn't have been like "Hey, this Killmonger guy is the whole reason I was unable to bring Klaw back. He literally stole him from our custody and now he's trying to come for my throne."

Like I said, T just seemed so well liked and respected there's no reason to think that would not have been good enough for his best friend. I get what you are saying that Killmonger had a "legit claim to the throne". But can anyone with royal blood just challenge the king at any time? I guess they can. But they sure made it seem like it needed to be done at that crowning ceremony earlier in the movie. Not to mention K is pretty much a total outsider who just showed up out of nowhere. Even his own father said he most likely would never be accepted in Wakanda.

But that aside, even if K's claim to the throne was justified I still feel like the way Get Out dude turned felt forced and T should've easily been able to explain the situation. And that whole dynamic was kind of crucial to that part of the story. Without him, Killmonger would've had no one of actual influence in Wakanda on his side.

IDK, maybe I'm being nitpicky. But just something that bugged me. Like I said, I did really enjoy the movie.
Saw the avengers

Idk wtf happened at the end but wtf kinda ending was that
It was a ballsy ending (even though we all know it will end up being reversed in the next movie). I loved it. People always crap on how formulaic comic book movies are but that ending certainly wasn't formulaic.
It was a ballsy ending (even though we all know it will end up being reversed in the next movie). I loved it. People always crap on how formulaic comic book movies are but that ending certainly wasn't formulaic.
I mean the entire concept of Super Hero flicks is insane so I guess the "ending" is suiting
Rounders: This is actually the 1st time I've seen this movie and damn Matt Damon in his early years nailed that shit. So did Edward Norton. I just watched Good Will Hunting the other night (damn I miss Robin Williams) and thought I'd follow it up with Rounders.
Rounders: This is actually the 1st time I've seen this movie and damn Matt Damon in his early years nailed that ****. So did Edward Norton. I just watched Good Will Hunting the other night (damn I miss Robin Williams) and thought I'd follow it up with Rounders.
Love that movie. I'm due a rewatch.
Watched Blade Runner 2049 and original in that order.. probably order bias but I really enjoyed 2049.

Original Blade Runner seemed like it ended way too early. It was good, but alot of plot seemed to be cut out or something. Deckard and Rachel play 100 questions, he hurts her feelings, she saves him, they kiss, then all the sudden they're in love and run away? Ok. I would've liked to have seen more on the whole running away part. The end chase between Deckard and that replicant leader was really good though, especially his monologue before he died

2049 seemed alot more fleshed out.. the K & Joi story was more compelling, K's inner conflict was interesting.. even Wallace more interesting than Tyrell to be honest.. just found 2049 really solid
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I love both but am slightly annoyed that the original BladeRunner was narrated like a gumshoe noir film....not Harrison Ford's strong suit.
While Wallace may have been "more interesting", he struck me as another case of Jared Leto being unnecessarily over the top. I can't see that guy as having the qualities to have become a great corporate leader.
I am fascinated with the BladeRunner universe and all related material (Ex Machina, BSG TNS, Terminator, Frankenstein (2015)....I probably won't live long enough to find out if AI evolves into a Frankenstein scenario., but I fully expect it.

I really need to see Westworld.
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Watched Blade Runner 2049 and original in that order.. probably order bias but I really enjoyed 2049.

Original Blade Runner seemed like it ended way too early. It was good, but alot of plot seemed to be cut out or something. Deckard and Rachel play 100 questions, he hurts her feelings, she saves him, they kiss, then all the sudden they're in love and run away? Ok. I would've liked to have seen more on the whole running away part. The end chase between Deckard and that replicant leader was really good though, especially his monologue before he died

2049 seemed alot more fleshed out.. the K & Joi story was more compelling, K's inner conflict was interesting.. even Wallace more interesting than Tyrell to be honest.. just found 2049 really solid
Which of the 17 versions did you watch..?
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