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I never saw "Dark Knight" in the theaters and just bought the blu-ray this week. I finally saw this movie last night and was disappointed.

Not that this movie was bad. It wasn't. But I don't see how most felt it was better than "Begins" which I thought had a much better storyline. I don't think it was nearly as good as "Iron Man".

Might get some neg on this but I wasn't even really impressed with the job Ledger did. Parts of this movie moved sloooooowly. And Gyllenhaal looked to be old enough to be Batman's mom.

The movie had its moments. There were some outstanding action scenes but the ending looked like an afterthought. I do want to watch it again to see if I feel differently about it after another viewing but I would only give this a solid B.
I found it to be too long originally, and continue that ideal
it's almost like he was trying to through to much into it

in theaters, I would have to agree ,I was more impressed with Iron Man

but I still like Dark Knight more than Begins
must be Liam Neeson, he's becoming my new Gene Hackman
I find them much more tolerable as voice-overs
I thoroughly enjoyed Iron Man, despite some of the completely overlooked details, such as- when did Stark find time to build and install all the robotics in the floor that help to put his suit on? It presents a chicken/egg problem.
I never saw "Dark Knight" in the theaters and just bought the blu-ray this week. I finally saw this movie last night and was disappointed.

Not that this movie was bad. It wasn't. But I don't see how most felt it was better than "Begins" which I thought had a much better storyline. I don't think it was nearly as good as "Iron Man".

Might get some neg on this but I wasn't even really impressed with the job Ledger did. Parts of this movie moved sloooooowly. And Gyllenhaal looked to be old enough to be Batman's mom.

The movie had its moments. There were some outstanding action scenes but the ending looked like an afterthought. I do want to watch it again to see if I feel differently about it after another viewing but I would only give this a solid B.

watch it 5 more times and you'll get it
watch it 5 more times and you'll get it

There's nothing more to get. Jeff's description is pretty dead on. Dark Knight can't live up to its immense hype.. That said, its miles above 99% of the mediocrity that makes up the modern Hollywood superhero genre.
Heath fleshes out The Joker but you'd think the way people go on that he was another Bobby D as Travis Bickle or Rupert Pupkin - not even close..
There's nothing more to get. Jeff's description is pretty dead on. Dark Knight can't live up to its immense hype.. That said, its miles above 99% of the mediocrity that makes up the modern Hollywood superhero genre.
Heath fleshes out The Joker but you'd think the way people go on that he was another Bobby D as Travis Bickle or Rupert Pupkin - not even close..

Can't live up to it's immense hype? I think 2nd highest grossing film of all time is living up to the hype and the reviews it got as well.
I thoroughly enjoyed Iron Man, despite some of the completely overlooked details, such as- when did Stark find time to build and install all the robotics in the floor that help to put his suit on? It presents a chicken/egg problem.

South Korean subs connected to his CAD program. He probably designs the stuff while on the toilet.

I loved Iron Man comics as a kid. Iron Man, Captain America and Nova (1970s Nova that is), and Tarzan DC. I think I read somewhere that Nova is getting redone.

anyways that's my useless 0.02
I really liked the Dark Knight, but had some problems with it myself. Most of them already talked about here.

Can't live up to it's immense hype? I think 2nd highest grossing film of all time is living up to the hype and the reviews it got as well.

That's like saying pop music must be great because it's the most popular.
So if money doesnt make the greatest movie....what is the measuring stick? Everything else is subjective. I mean, unless you have a way to have people VOTE on what is the greatest movie ever, there is really no way to base its greatness besides personal opinion. I think it an OUTSTANDING story, with great acting. It was not perfect by any means, but it stands out as one of the best all around movies I have seen.
Why does there need to be a measuring stick? Opinions about stuff like this are not something I'd care about measuring. Sales may make something great to someone, but it certainly doesn't to me. There simply is no answer to "what is the greatest?". Well that's my answer at least :ha:
The test of time is what measures greatness... how the film is referred to by both film buffs and film producers. The Phantom Menace made a lot of money, but there are very few who had anything nice to say about JarJar Binks or the film that was floating around him.
Box office money AND reviews is my point.
Yeah, but it wasn't my point and I made the original comment..

The movie lived up to the hype. It had critical and financial success. That's all there is to it.

Gunny, the hype around Dark Knight was that it was practically the greatest movie ever made, which it was not.. Your comment and "proof" only confirms that it was a good, successful movie..
Cruds...again...that is your opinion. It met the box office success. It met the DVD success. Everything else is subjective. I think it is an amazing movie...and I am sure millions of others do as well. Just as many probably feel just the opposite. This is one of those questions that there is no one right response.
Cruds...again...that is your opinion. It met the box office success. It met the DVD success. Everything else is subjective. I think it is an amazing movie...and I am sure millions of others do as well. Just as many probably feel just the opposite. This is one of those questions that there is no one right response.

Are you done? I never said it wasn't a subjective thing.
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