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Star Trek
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Guess Wolverine wasn't a hit with the comic book legions here.. Not a word about it.

The early reviews are highly unfavorable.

I had 2 rents this week:

Frost/Nixon Nice true story of a sensationalist TV host who gets in way over his head by completely underestimating his opponent. Frank Langella's Nixon is quite mumbly, which is annoying, but otherwise an 7/10.

Quarantine thriller in the 'found footage' style ( a la Blair Witch, Cloverfield). Aspiring hot chick documentarist chooses life in a fire station as her subject, and rides with them to an emergency call which goes horribly wrong as their destination building gets sealed up the government without explanation and the bodies start piling up inside. Personally, I love the found footage style because it's so relentless... I'm giving it a 9/10.
Wow. 9/10 for Quarantine? That was probably the worst, most cornball/cheesy movie I've seen in the last 10 years.
Terrible acting, hilariously lame 'scary parts' when they hit people with the camera, the rat, etc.

And when the spoiler is given to you in the previews, you know they made a bad movie.
Wow. 9/10 for Quarantine? That was probably the worst, most cornball/cheesy movie I've seen in the last 10 years.
Terrible acting, hilariously lame 'scary parts' when they hit people with the camera, the rat, etc.

And when the spoiler is given to you in the previews, you know they made a bad movie.

The spanish version (which was made just a year prior), 'REC' is a great horror film. But you know how we Americans LOVE to ruin horror.
They show the final scene of the movie in all the commercials so if you're watching the film you know the girl's fate.. Thanks Hollywood..
I though Quarantine was OK but waiting for that scene and realizing it was gonna happen at the very end was a real pisser.
I watched My Bloody Valentine last night. awesome movie, better than i thought. Cool soundtrack during the whole movie. Theres one part where a hottie is fully nude running around for about 5 minutes. That alone is worth watching. Yalls wives prob wouldn't allow you to watch that though. lol
I watched My Bloody Valentine last night. awesome movie, better than i thought. Cool soundtrack during the whole movie. Theres one part where a hottie is fully nude running around for about 5 minutes. That alone is worth watching. Yalls wives prob wouldn't allow you to watch that though. lol

I don't think there is anything better than a naked woman in 3D. The movie was terrible, though.
Wolverine - 5/10 - Better than I expected, but still had many a cheesy part they could have done without. All the over animated posturing was driving me crazy.

Star Trek - 8/10 - Good work by JJ.
Went to see Star Trek last night...Meh.

Nice hype job to use JJ Abrams to reboot the franchise but overall nothing at all new or exciting about it.

New Spock was pathetic,new Kirk was likeable as were Uhura,Chekov,Scottie.Karl Urban stole every scene he was in as Bones IMO.

Eric Bana was completely wasted as the bad guy.Any unknown could have done the same with all that make up and lack of screen time.

A fun movie with a good cast but little content.

I don't think there is anything better than a naked woman in 3D. The movie was terrible, though.

no! if thats terrible then what do you rank Gili, Kazaam, Caddyshack 2, Blair Witch Project?

It was a cool movie, blood, boobies. it actually made me jump more than the more popular horror movies like Uninvited, Last House on the left etc...
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