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Went to see Star Trek last night...Meh.

Nice hype job to use JJ Abrams to reboot the franchise but overall nothing at all new or exciting about it.

New Spock was pathetic,new Kirk was likeable as were Uhura,Chekov,Scottie.Karl Urban stole every scene he was in as Bones IMO.

Eric Bana was completely wasted as the bad guy.Any unknown could have done the same with all that make up and lack of screen time.

A fun movie with a good cast but little content.


Bones was the best by far !
but who did you expect Spock to be ? he did what the role asks, as a matter of fact, they showed us an aggressive side to Spock we never gotto see alot of

I thought it was an exceptional reboot
better than any previous ST movie

8.5 / 10
Bones was the best by far !
but who did you expect Spock to be ? he did what the role asks, as a matter of fact, they showed us an aggressive side to Spock we never gotto see alot of

I thought it was an exceptional reboot
better than any previous ST movie

8.5 / 10

Wrath of Kahn was better.

For a reboot they paved the way for Spock to be emotional in future movies.Seemed a little odd to me. Quinto looked the part but he didn't act it.I thought he was a weak link.He just played himself (Sylar 2.0) with pointy ears.

Wrath of Kahn was better.

that is an opinion
WoK was a good movie by 1982 standards
and is a good movie in its own right
but if I had to choose one or the other I choose the reboot
i wil give you this.... once the flash of the IMAX presentation began to wear off a little, I started picking the movie apart ... yet another time travel backbone (which was not very convincing or made much sense), Romulans!!! but are they really romulans ?....... if one drop of that stuff was enough to create a singularity inside a planet core ... why didn't the whole glob of it do much more ?

the 2 movies are pretty similar in that the premise of the films are both based on revenge .... which is kinda lame
I guess the Star Trek that we know is done what happens now depends on how big a cash cow it turns out to be.

I wonder how many films the acctors signed up for?It's doing very well at the box office so it aleady looks like we'll see another one.

I loved TNG and DS9.Hated Voyager and against the critics I really enjoyed Enterprise.

Plot was full of holes but it was a fun ride.I guess all reboots dumb things down a bit to target a larger audience.
I can't believe there are football fans that know anything about star trek. Makes me want to find a new team to follow just so I'm not associated with this behavior lol.

The Hangover should be great. Zach Galifianakis is always good. Good cast.
I can't believe there are football fans that know anything about star trek. Makes me want to find a new team to follow just so I'm not associated with this behavior lol.

The Hangover should be great. Zach Galifianakis is always good. Good cast.

Your admission of your boy-crush on Justin Timberlake trumps any Sci/Horror/nerd revelation that could ever be posted here..
That takes absolute top spot on the totem pole of shame...
I can't believe there are football fans that know anything about star trek. Makes me want to find a new team to follow just so I'm not associated with this behavior lol.

You really are a sucker for the jock/nerd high school stereotype aren't you?

Do you even live in reality or just your own fantasy?
Watched Martyrs last night.. GOOD GOD MAN!
The French are some sick basturds...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Watched Martyrs last night.. GOOD GOD MAN!
The French are some sick basturds...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I heard it was borderline snuff. Really want to check it out.
Not quite as heartbreaking as Ketchum's Girl Next Door but just as hard to take for the torture stuff. Strange twists and turns and pretty slick production...
Star Trek: First off, I'm not a fan of the series, but I love Sci-Fi as a genre. I thought this movie was mediocre as science fiction, but entertaining as an action-oriented summer flick. I liked the castings, especially Kirk and McCoy ("Bones"). The action was very well-done, and I thought the pacing was well-done. I didn't like some of the event-horizon/alternate universe things, but that's just me.

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