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I finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire" and thought it was one of the most interesting and unique movies I'd seen in years. I can clearly understand why it won.

No, it's because his demographic is 12-year-old girls. Should we be giving props to Barbie dolls too?

Well I do admire the twins.

I finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire" and thought it was one of the most interesting and unique movies I'd seen in years. I can clearly understand why it won.


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I finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire" and thought it was one of the most interesting and unique movies I'd seen in years. I can clearly understand why it won.


I have seen it twice and love it. I just cant seem to get my wife to watch it! I got her to watch Taken and she liked it, now if I can win her over on this.....
Angels & Demons - 8/10

I really liked it. It seemed to take a while to develop, but it was twisted and very interesting to me. I knew some back history to some of the material. That made it all the more interesting (for me). Some of the clues Tom Hanks picks up on get a little ridiculous at times, but I still got past that.

The ending looked like it was going to blow at first, but the last few minutes changed things.
I watched an older "Spike Lee" joint the other night. "Summer of Sam". I thought it was an accurate portrayal of the late 70's in New York City. Disco, sex, drugs, alcohol, violcnce, etc...

The only part I didn't like was the horrible connections Lee makes with punk rock. People were not wearing mo-hawks in 1977, that did not come around for another 2 to 3 years. Most punks were just long haired, poor kids that hung around and wanted to vent frustration. In this film, they were the stereotypical hot topic punk rock kids. LAME.

(note to readers, i'm pretty sure the only person that will even care about the last paragraph is Cruds, but thats okay)

The only part I didn't like was the horrible connections Lee makes with punk rock. People were not wearing mo-hawks in 1977, that did not come around for another 2 to 3 years. Most punks were just long haired, poor kids that hung around and wanted to vent frustration. In this film, they were the stereotypical hot topic punk rock kids. LAME.

Yeah the mohawks came around the time of The Exploited which was much later than CBGB. Funny thing is if you see CBGB around 77 in vids etc. the fans look like a bunch of hippies and Billy Joel clones.. Lots of mustaches etc..

Movies change the details alot. In Fear and Loathing Hunter and Gonzo drive the 15 between Baker and Vegas and they show it loaded with saguaro cacti. Anyone who's driven to LA from Vegas knows there isn't a single saguaro on the entire trip. Tons of Joshua trees but no cacti.
So I'm going to go see Terminator Salvation at midnight tonight. Expect either a rant or a short concise post, depending on how I feel about it.
Yeah but I don't trust critics for science-fiction/horror/action films. Ever. Like ever, ever. Some of my most beloved films, especially cult films, were trashed by conventional film critics. And many of the films they love are pretty average in my opinion (see Star Trek).

Never take the word of another when you can use your own.

Movies like Predator and Phantasm would be getting 35%-type ratings on Rotten Tomatoes if they had them back then.
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