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Why are we still talking about Deliverance?

You asked what would have made it better for me, not you.

Some like it; some don't. That's all there is to it.
i really liked taken. granted the acting wasnt amazing or anything like that. but i like the angle of dad going to the ends of the earth to save his daughter. you cant tell me that any dad wouldnt do something like that.

now a movie that is nuts is smother.
it has liv tyler, dax shepard, and diane keaton. this is a crazy :grrr::grrr::grrr: movie. if you dont see some shade of either your mother or mother in law in this movie your nuts. very very funny. i would say 8/10
I watched "Bully" the other night, from the same director as "Kids". Graphic barely legal nudity and sexual content extremely present for the first 40 minutes of the movie. As well as several scenes of drug use.

I'm sure the majority of people would be offended by the movie. I could somewhat relate to the movie because I'm sad to say I know some people that are about as bright as the kids in this movie.

Can't say I really enjoyed it, yet I couldn't stop watching. The fact it was based on a true story added a lot to the movie for me.

5/10, for my personal tastes.
I watched two movies last night. The titles are irrelevant because they sucked so bad.

This is what I get for letting a woman pick the movies.
Took BR, Jr. to see Up! yesterday afternoon. We had high hopes and we weren't disappointed. The story dealt with common human emotions, but in a unique setting. The characters were endearing and well thought out. We see a lot of kids movies and this, for me, is one of the best we've seen. BR, Jr. didn't understand this movie on every level and some younger kids may not get it all, but there is enough action and traditional kids movie elements to keep them interested.

Spoiler alert - A young boy in need of a father figure takes up with a curmudgeon and helps him achieve his dream of moving his house to Venezuela. While there, they run into... heck, I can't do it justice and I don't want to ruin it for anyone anyway. Just go see it.

Morals of the story.

1) Have faith in humanity. The harder a nut is to crack, the greater the reward.

2) Don't trust the feds. (Not 100% applicable to this movie, but just common sense).

Two index fingers as high as we can point from BR and BR, Jr.
I cannot for my life get into animated cartoons.

i try to watch them with my daughter but i get sleepy 15 minutes in.

I can watch porn all day though.
My sisters went to see Up last night. It was their first time at the movie theater, so they were pretty excited... especially because it was 3D.
so, I finally saw

not sure that I got that it "portrays the demise of the Maya"
hell, it didn't portray that at all
last I saw them they were a bustling metropolis - human bowling and all

I still didn't get who the original forest tribes were - they were not Maya
wtf ?

and is it just me, or did the end of the film hint at a sequel ?[/QUOTE

I think there could be a sequel. When the Spaniards came and enslaved the Mayans, plus also killing most of them from disease, that's probably the better story than Apocalypto.
Oh c'mon!! That's ridiculous! This modern one was crap, but gene hackman's absurdly campy and impotent Lex Luthor was just downright silly. Calling himself the greatest criminal mastermind in the world over and over ad nauseum....a fat bald guy to boot! He delivered the line as if he was thinking "I can't believe these dopes are actually paying me for this!".

But the biggest problem with Superman movies is....Superman. He has more power, strength and ability than any other superhero, but he can't vanquish a plain old bald human who's greatest supervillianous power is being greedy? On that alone, he couldn't even carry Spidey's or batman's jockstrap.

Oh, and poor Clark has girl trouble...GET OVER IT YOU WUSS! :irked: Guess who gets more poon: Superman or Tom Brady? I'll bet half of this forum scores more than Superman does. Sorry, but I got no time for a "superhero" who can pick up a train, a building, or an entire island made of kryptonite, but can't pick up a little action even if he showed up in the women's prison courtyard with a trunkload of governor's pardons.

This does not pertain to what you just posted, but I have seen re runs of the ( was it George Reeves) from the 50-60's. He would stand and let folks shoot him in the chest. When their gun was empty they would throw it at him. The funny thing was he would duck to keep the handgun from hitting him.

I guess in real life he knew that fake gun would hurt worse then fake bullets. LOL
Saw Deathproof. hhhmmm..... ok, it had some wit, some thrilling chase scenes, and a very realistic, gruesome crash scene. It was too drawn out though for me, I just didn't care too much for the drawn out "getting to know" scenes of some of the characters.

The blend of old and new was cool, but I think it too was a bit overdone. I liked the movie, just thought it didn't live up to the hype.

It did remind me of movies from the seventies. I had forgotten about the little music tune played just before the movie started. Also remember the tape breaking ( not sure if this was on the rental, but it was at the theatre. I thought the film break was a little long. I grinned when I saw a couple folks go out to complain.

The sound was a little crackle sounding at times. It made me remember things I had forgotten about the movies from years back. I do not miss them.

I was disappointed they seemed to lose the girl doing the lap dance because of the supposed splicing.
I was reading through some e-mails at work and I came across a cool industrial news letter I get daily on manufacturing (that's what I do) and it turns out for all you Star trek fans that the engine room of the Enterprise was actually filmed in a Budweiser plant. Just thought maybe some of you might care to know that.
I watched Gran Torino last night. Not expecting much from the thumbs downs everyone here gave it. I have to say I loved the flick. Clint as a cursing old bastid reminded me of a combination between Filo Beddo's grandma's character and ol' Filo Beddo himself...
I guess people expected Death Wish 5 or something - but this was much better than that could have ever been..
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