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my peers shared it with me. besides after seeing Paul Fiegs house (director of Bridesmaids) i feel better about the whole ordeal. :)

Yeah because it's okay as long as you're stealing from a rich person. :rolleyes:

Besides, it goes way beyond just the director/producers when you illegally download.
my peers shared it with me. besides after seeing Paul Fiegs house (director of Bridesmaids) i feel better about the whole ordeal. :)

Your peers? Do you mean Mr. Ziffel, Mr Haney and Arnold the pig?
You do realize the director doesn't "own" the movie and he's not the one getting f'd over when you steal it. It's the set builders, gaffers, boom operators on down to the handicapped kid that works the popcorn machine down at the local theater that get screwed. Nice work Jesse, teach those kids how responsible adults act.
Don't bother arguing with the resident troll. Anyone who wants to think that downloading pirated anything isn't stealing isn't going to think otherwise.
the set builders have already been payed. me and my peers sharing movies hurts nobody.

The point is that if everyone illegally downloaded movies instead of paying at the cinema/rental/dvd-blu ray purchase then we would all lose out because movies would no longer be made.

I'm not going to be a hypocrite and deny that I don't download things.

However, movies that I really want to see I pay to see at the Cinema.
My favorite bands I support by buying their CD's and going to live concerts.

In Europe the European Union are planning to crack down on illegal downloading from peer to peer networks.

Software is available to provide ISP's with the ability to see what you've downloaded and cross check file titles with names in copy write databases.

Users won't be blocked from downloading. Instead they will get a bill for the downloaded content.

The governments are pushing for this so that they can take their cut in taxes.

If this is embraced world wide, the digital age will have addressed lost revenues via illegal downloading.

High quality media will likely be available to stream in the home much sooner with different subscription levels for how soon you want to view it after release.

Enjoy your illegal downloads while you can jesse, give it 2-3 years and peer2peer will be dead. :)
Theres always going to be enough people who the rest of us can keep sharing. Which side are you on? It all comes down to how you feel about the industry.
Theres always going to be enough people who the rest of us can keep sharing. Which side are you on? It all comes down to how you feel about the industry.

I'm on the side of what if I were an actor or a musician.

Seriously though......there's notjing to be gained by the ISP's or the authorities in stopping peer2peer file sharing.

If you get a bill for $250 for making your illegal downloads legal though I'm betting that you're going to stop downloading jesse.

You will soon be unable to share without paying for the privilege.
Theres always going to be enough people who the rest of us can keep sharing. Which side are you on? It all comes down to how you feel about the industry.

Please don't pretend that downloading tons of movies or whatever is anything more than you simply not wanting to pay for your content. It is not some statement on how you feel about the "industry".
Bottom line is it's a business. It's a service/product offered just like any other business out there. Just because you think they have enough money already doesn't make stealing any more right. A lot of hard work goes into making a movie. From the top all the way down to the lowly P.A.'s. Illegally downloading a movie that hundreds of people worked so hard on really isn't much different than walking into a carpenter's shop and walking out with a table while he isn't looking.

And like Cruds was getting at, box office receipts (and to a lesser extent home video sales) are the ultimate in how successful a movie is viewed as being. So when you're depriving a movie of a ticket sale you are ultimately depriving everyone who worked on the movie the proper prestige on their resume. A cast/crew member who just worked on a movie that made a ton of money is going to get hired faster than someone coming off of a movie that underperformed at the box office.
LA Confidential - 7.5/10

Wasn't really that impressed, honestly. Perhaps it was because I had to watch it on almost the lowest volume possible because my friend's mom wakes up from any noise. I was expecting much more. Good; not great. Overrated? Yep.

The great cast is probably the reason for such high praise.
You mean the industry that makes a product you love so much you are willing to steal it?

I'm not stealing, it's 1 person who gets a copy of a movie and shares the movie online then all of those people share it. i'm not the source. it's like you letting all your friends borrow your copy of Broke Back Mountain, would that be stealing? what if Ford said dont let anyone borrow your truck, make them buy a ford truck if they need one. sounds stupid right?

the industry is just mad cause the internet is a way to borrow digital things and they dont want people borrowing from each other.

If peers on the internet want to share things, there should be nothing anyone can do about it. there is no profit being made from torrent sites it's just a share site for people to share.

People who sell copies of these movies should be the ones busted, but just sharing is fine to me.
I'm not stealing, it's 1 person who gets a copy of a movie and shares the movie online then all of those people share it. i'm not the source. it's like you letting all your friends borrow your copy of Broke Back Mountain, would that be stealing? what if Ford said dont let anyone borrow your truck, make them buy a ford truck if they need one. sounds stupid right?

the industry is just mad cause the internet is a way to borrow digital things and they dont want people borrowing from each other.

If peers on the internet want to share things, there should be nothing anyone can do about it. there is no profit being made from torrent sites it's just a share site for people to share.

People who sell copies of these movies should be the ones busted, but just sharing is fine to me.

You often bring up (and that's putting it lightly - you clearly flaunt that you download things, as you make a point to say "I just downloaded" instead of saw) that you've downloaded new movies, far sooner than they're released on DVD. That indicates they are most likely pirated, even if it says it's a DVD rip. So you're wrong there - you are downloading content that was, in fact, stolen at some point.

Even when it's a person ripping a DVD he or she bought, it is not akin to a friend letting a friend burrow a copy of a movie he bought. It's akin to that friend making a copy of that movie a couple hundred times and giving it to people. Not...the same...thing - any rational minded individual would think that.

I used to download music a lot in high school until I really thought about what I was doing. I believe its even more crucial with movies. I'd much rather support artists and products that I enjoy, because I do it with everything else. If I see something I like or want in my daily life, I don't just instinctively think "Wow, I want that for free." The internet has made it far too easy to just take and take and take, with nothing going back. If you think that's acceptable, I guess we no longer have anything else to discuss.
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