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I thought that the hangover was the most over hyped movie of the year. Wow, was I dissapointed. I don't like my comedy watered down with emotionally shallow dialogue and a less than brilliant story.

I for one really liked Gran Torino.. Clint snapped off some of the greatest modern day jabs. Can't imagine how anyone would miss the purpose.. but then again there were no explosions or wall climbing wire-fu.

i fully understand the purpose, but the racism in the movie was so unrealistically over the top that it overshadowed the movie.

i mean, i thought it was funny for about the first 20-30 minutes, but at some point enough was enough. the parts with barber and the construction foreman were just ridiculous.

i thought the best part was easily the opening scene in church with walt's grand kids, but that was about it.
i fully understand the purpose, but the racism in the movie was so unrealistically over the top that it overshadowed the movie.
i mean, i thought it was funny for about the first 20-30 minutes, but at some point enough was enough. the parts with barber and the construction foreman were just ridiculous.

I don't supposed you've lived in the rustbelt/midwest then.. That's exactly how many of the old timers are in those towns. The movie was an interesting clash of generations and ethnic groups and Clint was the classic ornery ol' bast*rd..
I watched Advent Children Complete which is the blu-ray version of Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children.

For the first time in awhile Square Enix did something right. They added in more scenes and changed some of the dialogue and it just make a whole lot more sense and made it a lot better.
Gran Torino's ending sucked, but other than that it was a pretty good movie. Clint Eastwood over-did his role a bit, but it's Clint Eastwood. At least he wasn't near as terrible as he was in Million Dollar Baby.
I thought that the hangover was the most over hyped movie of the year. Wow, was I dissapointed. I don't like my comedy watered down with emotionally shallow dialogue and a less than brilliant story.


Wow....first person I heard say they didnt love it. Even Cowherd was giving it love this morning and he hates everything.
I watched Advent Children Complete which is the blu-ray version of Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children.

For the first time in awhile Square Enix did something right. They added in more scenes and changed some of the dialogue and it just make a whole lot more sense and made it a lot better.

but is it any good ?
i fully understand the purpose, but the racism in the movie was so unrealistically over the top that it overshadowed the movie.

i mean, i thought it was funny for about the first 20-30 minutes, but at some point enough was enough. the parts with barber and the construction foreman were just ridiculous.

i thought the best part was easily the opening scene in church with walt's grand kids, but that was about it.

you need to go live with some old men . it's not over the top.
I know a lot of older guys that talk a lot of racism but somehow it doesnt offend anyone like it would coming from a young guy. Dont ask me why.
I actually agree with Jesse on that, except it's not just old men really. There are large portions of this country (and not just in the country), where being prejudice that extreme is pretty common. In fact, while the cracks by Eastwood's character were sort of hammy, they were generally harmless, as he did treat the people he constantly insulted well. And that's what I sort of didn't like about the film; it went to all this trouble to make Eastwood this grizzled racist old vet, but his transformation didn't even seem as such; he ALWAYS seemed generally harmless. It was an okay movie, but I don't get the hype.
Revolutionary Road

A real film,a people drama.

I wanted to like this film.It looks cinematically great and the acting is very good but I was bored throughout.

It's a gritty story about an ordinary American couples troubled marriage.The central character being Kate Winlet's role but the story was missing the necessary ingredient for me to care about her.

Her huge black eyebrows contrasting with a bright blonde hair colour were distractingly annoying to me too.

DiCaprio's character was the one I empathised with and that wasn't what the director was aiming for.

Depressing movie.

can't wait for public enemies, it looks sick, johnny depp is the man

As a fan of the old Warren Oates' Dillinger movie and am looking forward to this one as well, but as the recent CNN "movies for adults" article points out, Public Enemies is a biographical crime drama being falsely portrayed in trailers as a "sick" non-stop action flick. Be forewarned.
Transformers 2........

Long....Great action, weird story, Long, hot chicks, cheesy lines, Long, but the crown clapped after it was over. I think it was cause they liked it, and not cause it was long. I will give it a 7/10 but I will buy it on blue ray. It was actually funny in quite a few places, and like I said, the action was second to none, but that is to be expected with Bay. Story was wayyyy to complicated for what it was I think.
Fireflies in The Garden

Dysfunctional family drama.

An amazing cast list and every actor in the film gives a great performance,especially Willem Dafoe and Ryan Reynolds. A moving beautifully shot film.

I really enjoyed the film and I'm surprised it wasn't oscar nominated.

Seven Pounds 9/10 - Great movie that'll jerk at your heart strings. Great acting all around

the Hangover - 6/10 - Without Zach the movie would have just been another coming of age movie.
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