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Transformers 2

The point of this movie is to entertain through action, not through comedy. It tried so hard to be funny throughout. It just wasn't happening. I think another reason why I didn't enjoy it is because I already saw huge robots fighting each other once before... in the first Transformers movie. I suppose the entertainment factor (coming from the robot fights) was just dead for me.

Transformers 2 was funny, the mom made me laugh a lot.

the car robot crying real tears was kinda over the top. it was better than what i thought it would be.

i'd give it a 8/10
Public Enemies - I'm a Michael Mann fan. A "I thought Miami Vice was great" kind of Michael Mann fan. I can understand why a lot of people don't like his films; deep character development is bare, exposition is usually non-existent, and the devil is in the meticulous details of men at work, mostly criminals and lawmen. This film is no different. You're thrown into the fray and just sort of expected to observe. I've read the source material so I at least had a good idea about the time period. Depp is great, but interestingly doesn't outshine Bale (which has been the rule rather than the exception lately); both are about equal here in terms of performance. The secondary performances are solid in the subtle Michael Mann way (I feel one of his best strengths is the performances he gets out of the secondary characters). I know a lot of people are talking about this film since it's entirely in digital; I think digital can be a fine medium, and this is a mixed bag. Some shots look fantastic, gritty and dust-ridden, and sometimes it looks like a made-for TV movies. If you like Mann, then you'll like this. If not, this film won't change your mind.

Public Enemies

i thought there was a great movie somewhere in there, but it just didn't come out. depp was great, bale was good. i thought stephen graham(baby face nelson) was great, although i really liked him in Snatch too.

it was longer than it needed to be. i thought it was a little hard to follow(although the girlfriend may have distracted me a couple times) and even though i went into it knowing it was not an action movie, i was hoping for a little more.

just got back from a transformers 2, public enemies double feature, dang that was a long night

transformers - 6/10
i agree with the above post that once you have seen robots fight, nothing is much different the second time around, but i liked seeing the relationship between optimus and shia's character develop and megan fox is as gorgeous as always. the plot was not the greatest and there were plenty of cheesy lines for attempted humor but most didnt work

public enemies - 8.5/10
i am a big depp fan and bale was also quite good in this one...i heard reviews going into it that it was a "snoozefest" and think that comment is completely ridiculous having now seen the movie...i thought the camera work was very good and there were many amazing shots, the movie is like a more modern version of butch cassidy and the sundance kid and overall i really enjoyed it and would recommend it
Public Enemies

I'm a Michael Mann fan to an extent. I love the diverse look you get with his movies, but I was not a fan of this one. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I was my dad's age. It had its moments, but overall, it just wasn't my kind of movie.

The Hangover

Really enjoyable, and funny. But sometimes it was too cliche. Like every funny scene reminded me of a scene from another movie. Almost identical in some scenes.
Some parts had me laughing, and others were just meh... But I liked it.

I just wonder where all the hype came from? Best comedy in years? Huh???!
I just saw the Ice Age in 3D. Cute flick. Not an award winning film... but a great family film. It was Pirates of the Car. meets Madagascar.
Do people think that Americans can't handle intelligent humor? Its as if the studios keep dumbing films down and making them emotionally shallow for no apparent reason. The Hangover was RIDICULOUSLY overrated and very boring.
I don't know if it's an intelligence thing. Run Fat Boy Run, Shaun of the Dead, etc is about the dumbest level of humor there is, and it's from our friends in the UK.


Land of the Lost:

Pretty funny. Typical Will Ferrell and Danny McBride with the cliche but funny moments you expect. Certain parts had me rolling. I liked it.
Now to see Year One.
I don't know if it's an intelligence thing. Run Fat Boy Run, Shaun of the Dead, etc is about the dumbest level of humor there is, and it's from our friends in the UK.

Dude, you have already admitted that you only watched 15 minutes of Shaun..

SotD is a mix of slapstick, tongue-in-cheek and (mostly) insider humor relative to Romero/Fulci/Argento etc. It's brilliantly paced and definitely the type of flick that you must watch multiple times to catch all the laughs..

Shaun was widely considered as THE best genre movie of the year.

The better bet is simply that you just missed the jokes - which doesn't necessarily mean you're not intelligent, just not privy to the references or that kind of humor.

That said, what is stupid is to make such comments after having essentially skipped the whole movie.
I know someone was talking about Oldboy here in one of these threads recently..
Anyway, I just read that Spielberg and Will Smith are working on the Hollywood remake..
Wonder how they'll address the ending of that one - hopefully not with a typical Hollywood ending!
Dude, you have already admitted that you only watched 15 minutes of Shaun..

SotD is a mix of slapstick, tongue-in-cheek and (mostly) insider humor relative to Romero/Fulci/Argento etc. It's brilliantly paced and definitely the type of flick that you must watch multiple times to catch all the laughs..

Shaun was widely considered as THE best genre movie of the year.

The better bet is simply that you just missed the jokes - which doesn't necessarily mean you're not intelligent, just not privy to the references or that kind of humor.

That said, what is stupid is to make such comments after having essentially skipped the whole movie.
How could I miss the jokes? Again it was the most watered down humor ever. When it's too cheesy for me to keep watching, it's just bad.

Again, it was like watching 7th graders improv a movie.

It's like Napolean Dynamite type bad. I can't see anyone doing anything but forcing themselves to laugh at this because they think they're supposed to.
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